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Wikitten and MDwiki merged Markdown Wiki system
title: Wikitten and MDwiki merged Markdown Wiki system author: Uranus Zhou
Wikitten and MDwiki merged Markdown Wiki system
This Wikitten and MDwiki merged Wiki system is based on PHP Wiki Wikitten and pure static JavaScript Wiki MDwiki.
You can deploy this merged Wiki system on your PHP web server (via Wikitten) or static web server, also you can view your Wiki locally (via MDwiki).
I made some modifications to MDwiki and Wikitten, so they can share the same Wiki document directory and show similar Wiki interface.
Changes to MDwiki
- Put all Markdown document to a new
directory, which is the same to Wikitten; - Support YAML front matter at the beginning of Markdown file;
YAML front matter support is already in MDwiki develop version, it should comes to final user in further release. YAML front matter in Markdown document should begin and end with three back-ticks (
) instead of three dashes (-).
- I write an auto generate index files script
for MDwikilibrary
directory, run this in Bash shell:
./ library
will generate
for all sub-directories (only if one directory doesn't contain valid
Once you add new Markdown document or delete/rename document in library
directory, you should run this
to generate new index files.
- Support full content searching Markdown document by modified version lunr.js, I write an auto generate search index file node.js program
, MDwiki and Wikitten use search_index.json index file in Wiki program directory.
node search.js library search_index.json
If you need full content searching support, you should run this search.js
after making any changes to Wiki library.
Changes to Wikitten
- Support YAML front matter which begin and end with both three back-ticks (
) and three dashes (-); - Show
document if switch to on directory (instead of tell user to select in Wiki library tree); - Set Markdown table width to 100%;
- Support full content searching Markdown document, use
node.js program to generate search_index.json search index file.
Note: Wikitten and MDwiki share the same library
Markdown document directory.
Deploy Wikitten
Please refer to Wikitten website, you need at least PHP 5.3 and php_fileinfo module, and your web server should support rewrite.
Wikitten config file is config.php
in root directory.
You need to change Apache or Nginx rule for search_index.json if you need full content searching support, or it will be served by Wikitten PHP by default.
Nginx rule may like this:
location ~* ^/search_index.json$ { access_log off; expires max; }
Deploy MDwiki
Please refer to MDwiki website.
MDwiki config file is config.json
in root directory, I add a new parseHeader
config in config.json
file (this is already in MDwiki develop version).
Any problems? Feel free to add new issue or contact me at