Currently changing profile parameters using brouter-web causes a new custom profile to be uploaded to BRouter. Because custom profiles are only cached and not stored persistently the brouter-web URL doesn't...
Replace custom format with GeoJSON Features which are already used for layer configuration. This allows storing also MVT or GeoJSON layers. Currently custom layers are stored in localStorage in a...
Currently it's only possible to add TMS or Overpass queries as custom layers. Some map tiles are only available as vector tiles (MVT) which brouter-web supports, but not for custom...
Instead of manually specifying the version we can use the git tag information using `com.palantir.git-version`. This gives us sensible version information in branches without manually increasing version numbers. For android...
BRouter currently has four elevation sources * `ConvertSrtmTile` supports `_1arc_v3_bil.zip` which seem to support files in 1 deg tiles "Band Interleaved by Line" (BIL) format which is used by [USGS](https://www.usgs.gov/centers/eros/science/usgs-eros-archive-digital-elevation-shuttle-radar-topography-mission-srtm-1?qt-science_center_objects=0#qt-science_center_objects)...