vscode-php-intellisense copied to clipboard
What's the difference between this one and bmewburn/vscode-intelephense
Hi, I am new to php, I use vscode a lot. When I start to learn PHP recently, I found two PHP IntelliSense extension on the market.
- PHP IntelliSense, https://github.com/zobo/vscode-php-intellisense
- PHP Intelephense, https://github.com/bmewburn/vscode-intelephense
Both of them provided PHP code intelligence for Visual Studio Code.
And PHP Extension Pack includes PHP IntelliSense, while PHP Pack includes PHP Intelephense.
What's the difference between them?
They both provide "PHP language services" to VS Code. IntelliSense is an old extension that I try to maintain and extend when possible. Intelephense is from a different author. It has a free/commercial model. There is also DEVSENSE - but that one conflicts with PHP Debug extension. There is also https://github.com/phpactor/vscode-phpactor but that is not yet on the marketplace (but will be in a few days)
See https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=phpactor.vscode-phpactor