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PHP Implementation of the VS Code Language Server Protocol 🆚↔🖥
Type: Bug if i try to delete a file I'm getting : Running File Delete Participants.... and it take so much time Extension version: 1.1.3 VS Code version: Code 1.78.2...
Sorry, I know this answer should be obvious, but I've spent way too much time on this without success. I'm just trying to install this branch with Composer running PHP8.1.12....
I'm working on a Laravel project and the PHP language server's output window automatically reopens after a while. This is so much annoying as my suggestion popup is opened and...
Following code produces errors while it shouldn't: ```php class Integer { public function a(): Integer // 'ReturnType' expected // '{' expected { // '}' expected return $this; } } ```
How well files outside of workspace are supported in php-ls? Is this a server problem or the client should append to workspaceFolders for every file opened outside of rootPath? Please...
Maybe it's on my side. I simply installed the VSCode extension, it indexes and works well. But when I close and relaunch VSCode, my project is entirely indexed again. Is...
Hi, thanks for maintaining this beautiful project, this is more of a feature request than a bug, as this was not implemented in the original version from @felixfbecker and the...
Hi and thx (first of all), I'm switching from Eclipse because PDT seams dead... Intelephense is not fully Open Source so here I'm. I'm dealing with lots of PHP versions,...
I have this problem that I have no idea what am doing wrong. I have this editor (closed source) that works fine with Serenata, but only symbols (`textDocument/documentSymbol`) works with...