react-native-push-notification copied to clipboard
play the notification sound simultaneously on android and bluetooth device
I want to play the notification sound simultaneously on android phone and bluetooth device
my code is below
messaging().setBackgroundMessageHandler(async (remoteMessage) => { const { android } = remoteMessage; const { body, title, android_channel_id } = remoteMessage?.data; const notificationOptions = { message: body, title, vibrate: true, importance: Importance.HIGH, vibrationPattern: [400, 400], playSound: true, }; let channels = { newservice: 'notnew.mp3', }; if (android?.channelId === "cnclservice" || android_channel_id === "cnclservice") { channels = { cnclservice: 'notcncl.mp3' }
} else if (android?.channelId === "notify" || android_channel_id === "notify") { channels = { notify: 'notalert.mp3', } } Object.entries(channels).forEach(([channelId, soundName]) => { const options = { ...notificationOptions, soundName, channelId, }; PushNotification.localNotification(options); }); });