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Encoding/decoding library for Protobuf with schema-versioning and runtime-decoding capabilities.


Protein Status Build Status Coverage Status GoDoc

Protein is an encoding/decoding library for Protobuf that comes with schema-versioning and runtime-decoding capabilities.

It has multiple use-cases, including but not limited to:

  • setting up schema registries
  • decoding Protobuf payloads without the need to know their schema at compile-time (all the while keeping strong-typing around!)
  • identifying & preventing applicative bugs and data corruption issues
  • creating custom-made container formats for on-disk storage
  • ...and more!

Protein is divided into 3 sub-components that all play a critical role in its operation:

  • The protoscan API walks through the symbols of the running executable to find every instanciated protobuf schemas, collect them, build the dependency trees that link them together and finally compute the deterministic versioning hashes that ultimately define them.
  • The protostruct API is capable of creating structure definitions at runtime using the dependency trees of protobuf schemas that were previously computed by the protoscan API.
  • The Transcoder class implements the high-level, user-facing encoding/decoding API that ties all of this together and offers the tools to cover the various use-cases cited above.

An upcoming blog post detailing the inner workings of these components is in the works and shall be available soon.

Have a look at the Quickstart section to get started.


Protein makes use of Go's linkname feature in order to be able to sniff protobuf schemas off of memory.

The go:linkname directive instructs the compiler to declare a local symbol as an alias for an external one, whether it is public or private. This allows Protein to bind to some of the private methods of the official protobuf package for various reasons (see here and there for more information).

Unfortunately, vendoring modifies symbol names due to the way mangling works; e.g. a symbol called*Generator).goTag actually becomes*Generator).goTag once the gogo/protobuf package gets vendored inside the myname/myproject package.

These modifications to the symbol names result in the dreaded relocation target <symbol-name> not defined error at compile time.

The good news is that Protein provides all that's necessary to fix those errors automatically, you just have to follow these commands:

$ go get -u
$ go generate ./vendor/

And voila, it compiles again!

Table of Contents:

  • Usage
    • Building
    • Quickstart
    • Error handling
    • Logging
    • Monitoring
  • Performance
  • Contributing
    • Running tests
    • Running benchmarks
  • Authors
  • See also
  • License



Install dependencies:

$ make deps

Build Protein:

$ go build ./...


This quickstart demonstrates the use of the Protein package in order to:

  • initialize a Transcoder
  • sniff the local protobuf schemas from memory
  • synchronize the local schema-database with a remote datastore (redis in this example)
  • use a Transcoder to encode & decode protobuf payloads using an already known schema
  • use a Transcoder to decode protobuf payloads without any prior knowledge of their schema

The complete code for the following quickstart can be found here.


First, we need to set up a local redis server that will be used as a schema registry later on:

$ docker run -p 6379:6379 --name schema-reg --rm redis:3.2 redis-server

Then we open up a pool of connections to this server using garyburd/redigo:

p := &redis.Pool{
  Dial: func() (redis.Conn, error) {
    return redis.DialURL("redis://localhost:6379/0")
defer p.Close()

Initializing a Transcoder

// initialize a `Transcoder` that is transparently kept in-sync with
// a `redis` datatore.
trc, err := NewTranscoder(
  // this context defines the timeout & deadline policies when pushing
  // schemas to the local `redis`; i.e. it is forwarded to the
  // `TranscoderSetter` function that is passed below
  // the schemas found in memory will be versioned using a MD5 hash
  // algorithm, prefixed by the 'PROT-' string
  protoscan.MD5, "PROT-",
  // configure the `Transcoder` to push every protobuf schema it can find
  // in memory into the specified `redis` connection pool
  // configure the `Transcoder` to query the given `redis` connection pool
  // when it cannot find a specific protobuf schema in its local cache

Now that the Transcoder has been initialized, the local redis datastore should contain all the protobuf schemas that were sniffed from memory, as defined by their respective versioning hashes:

$ docker run -it --link schema-reg:redis --rm redis:3.2 redis-cli -h redis -p 6379 -c KEYS '*'

  1) "PROT-31c64ad1c6476720f3afee6881e6f257"
  2) "PROT-56b347c6c212d3176392ab9bf5bb21ee"
  3) "PROT-c2dbc910081a372f31594db2dc2adf72"
  4) "PROT-09595a7e58d28b081d967b69cb00e722"
  5) "PROT-05dc5bd440d980600ecc3f1c4a8e315d"
  6) "PROT-8cbb4e79fdeadd5f0ff0971bbf7de31e"
     ... etc ...

Encoding stuff

We'll create a simple object for testing encoding & decoding functions, using the TestSchemaXXX protobuf schema defined here:

obj := &test.TestSchemaXXX{
  Ids: map[int32]string{
    42:  "the-answer",
    666: "the-devil",

Encoding is nothing spectacular, the Transcoder will hide the "hard" work of bundling the versioning metadata within the payload:

// wrap the object and its versioning metadata within a `ProtobufPayload` object,
// then serialize the bundle as a protobuf binary blob
payload, err := trc.Encode(obj)
if err != nil {

Decoding stuff

We'll try to decode the previous payload into the following object:

var myObj test.TestSchemaXXX

Trying to decode the payload using the standard proto.Unmarshal method will fail in quite cryptic ways since vanilla protobuf is unaware of how Protein bundles the versioning metadata within the payload... Don't do this!

_ = proto.Unmarshal(payload, &myObj) // NOPE NOPE NOPE!

Using the Transcoder, on the other hand, will allow to properly unbundle the data from the metadata before unmarshalling the payload:

err = trc.DecodeAs(payload, &myObj)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println(myObj.Ids[42]) // prints the answer!

Decoding stuff dynamically (!)

Runtime-decoding does not require any more effort on the part of the end-user than simple decoding does, although a lot of stuff is actually happening behind-the-scenes:

  1. the versioning metadata is extracted from the payload
  2. the corresponding schema as well as its dependencies are lazily fetched from the redis datastore if they're not already available in the local cache (using the TranscoderGetter that was passed to the constructor)
  3. a structure-type definition is created from these schemas using Go's reflection APIs, with the right protobuf tags & hints for the protobuf deserializer to do its thing
  4. an instance of this structure is created, then the payload is unmarshalled into it
myRuntimeObj, err := trc.Decode(context.Background(), payload)
if err != nil {
myRuntimeIDs := myRuntimeObj.Elem().FieldByName("IDs")
fmt.Println(myRuntimeIDs.MapIndex(reflect.ValueOf(int32(666)))) // prints the devil!

Error handling

Protein uses the pkg/errors package to handle error propagation throughout the call stack; please take a look at the related documentation for more information on how to properly handle these errors.


Protein rarely logs, but when it does, it uses the global logger from Uber's Zap package.
You can thus control the behavior of Protein's logger however you like by calling zap.ReplaceGlobals at your convenience.

For more information, see Zap's documentation.


Protein does not offer any kind of monitoring hooks, yet.



MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2015)
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4870HQ CPU @ 2.50GHz


## gogo/protobuf ##

BenchmarkTranscoder_Encode/gogo/protobuf        300000    4287 ns/op
BenchmarkTranscoder_Encode/gogo/protobuf-2     1000000    2195 ns/op
BenchmarkTranscoder_Encode/gogo/protobuf-4     1000000    1268 ns/op
BenchmarkTranscoder_Encode/gogo/protobuf-8     1000000    1258 ns/op
BenchmarkTranscoder_Encode/gogo/protobuf-24    1000000    1536 ns/op

## znly/protein ##

BenchmarkTranscoder_Encode/znly/protein         300000    5556 ns/op
BenchmarkTranscoder_Encode/znly/protein-2       500000    2680 ns/op
BenchmarkTranscoder_Encode/znly/protein-4      1000000    1638 ns/op
BenchmarkTranscoder_Encode/znly/protein-8      1000000    1798 ns/op
BenchmarkTranscoder_Encode/znly/protein-24     1000000    2288 ns/op


## gogo/protobuf ##

BenchmarkTranscoder_DecodeAs/gogo/protobuf      300000    5970 ns/op
BenchmarkTranscoder_DecodeAs/gogo/protobuf-2    500000    3226 ns/op
BenchmarkTranscoder_DecodeAs/gogo/protobuf-4   1000000    2125 ns/op
BenchmarkTranscoder_DecodeAs/gogo/protobuf-8   1000000    2015 ns/op
BenchmarkTranscoder_DecodeAs/gogo/protobuf-24  1000000    2380 ns/op

## znly/protein ##

BenchmarkTranscoder_Decode/znly/protein        200000     6777 ns/op
BenchmarkTranscoder_Decode/znly/protein-2      500000     3986 ns/op
BenchmarkTranscoder_Decode/znly/protein-4      500000     2630 ns/op
BenchmarkTranscoder_Decode/znly/protein-8      500000     2973 ns/op
BenchmarkTranscoder_Decode/znly/protein-24     500000     3037 ns/op

See transcoder_test.go for the actual benchmarking code.


Contributions of any kind are welcome; whether it is to fix a bug, clarify some documentation/comments or simply correct english mistakes and typos: do feel free to send us a pull request.

Protein is pretty-much frozen in terms of features; if you still find it to be lacking something, please file an issue to discuss it first.
Also, do not hesitate to open an issue if some piece of documentation looks either unclear or incomplete to you, nay is just missing entirely.

Code contributions must be thoroughly tested and documented.

Running tests

$ docker-compose -f test/docker-compose.yml up
$ ## wait for the datastores to be up & running, then
$ make test

Running benchmarks

$ make bench


See AUTHORS for the list of contributors.

See also

License License

The Apache License version 2.0 (Apache2) - see LICENSE for more details.

Copyright (c) 2017 Zenly [email protected] @zenlyapp