flutter_math copied to clipboard
Failed to run on flutter 2.0.3
I got this error when trying to run flutter on andoird simulator. /flutter_math-0.2.1/lib/src/widgets/selection/overlay.dart:302:46: Too few positional arguments: 8 required, 7 given. child: selectionControls.buildToolbar ...
The same happens for me with flutter 2.0.2 on the iphone simulator.
I got this error when trying to run flutter on andoird simulator. /flutter_math-0.2.1/lib/src/widgets/selection/overlay.dart:302:46: Too few positional arguments: 8 required, 7 given. child: selectionControls.buildToolbar ...
I am also experiencing the same problem. Please, give it a higher priority to debug it. - Developer.
flutter_math has not been maintained. Someone already fixed this on the fork flutter_math_fork, and it's on pub.dev until this project is maintained again. https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_math_fork
flutter_math has not been maintained. Someone already fixed this on the fork flutter_math_fork, and it's on pub.dev until this project is maintained again. https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_math_fork
Thank you, any idea whether this package is gonna be maintained again or not?
flutter_math has not been maintained. Someone already fixed this on the fork flutter_math_fork, and it's on pub.dev until this project is maintained again. https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_math_fork
Awesome, thanks, buddy. It is working fine.
Yes,i too feaced the same issue today when building my old flutter web app.
The issue is in thie lib/src/widgets/selection/overlay.dart file whete the selection.buildToolbar
is expecting 8 arguments instead of 7,
The last argument that's missiing is for the offset.So i solved this issue by passing the offset as the last argument there.
child: selectionControls.buildToolbar( context, editingRegion, manager.preferredLineHeight, midpoint, [ TextSelectionPoint(endpoint1, TextDirection.ltr), TextSelectionPoint(endpoint2, TextDirection.ltr), ], manager, clipboardStatus, midpoint,//This right here is the missing argument that was not passed before ),