zmk copied to clipboard
Macros freeze/hangs keyboard on stm32
Pressing key assigned to a macros doesn't do anything After that keyboard stops responding Macros complexity doesn't matter, default one from documentation behaves the same Key position/layer anything else doesn't change situation.
This is reproducing using on both github actions build and local west build Both builds are successful and don't fail
Any other behaviour works as expected (hold-tap, mod-tap, etc),
Board: STM32 f411ce black pill
Keymap configuration:
#include <behaviors.dtsi>
#include <dt-bindings/zmk/keys.h>
macros {
zed_em_kay: zed_em_kay {
compatible = "zmk,behavior-macro";
#binding-cells = <0>;
= <¯o_press &kp LSHFT>
, <¯o_tap &kp Z &kp M &kp K>
, <¯o_release &kp LSHFT>
keymap {
compatible = "zmk,keymap";
default_layer {
bindings = <
&zed_em_kay &none &none &none
&none &none &none &none
&none &none &none &none
label = "Default layer";
Here is overlay
/ {
chosen {
zmk,kscan = &default_kscan;
default_kscan: kscan {
compatible = "zmk,kscan-gpio-matrix";
label = "default_kscan";
diode-direction = "col2row";
= <&blackpill 14 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>
, <&blackpill 15 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>
, <&blackpill 16 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>
, <&blackpill 17 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>
= <&blackpill 18 (GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH | GPIO_PULL_DOWN)>
, <&blackpill 19 (GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH | GPIO_PULL_DOWN)>
, <&blackpill 20 (GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH | GPIO_PULL_DOWN)>