UITestUtils copied to clipboard
Take screenshots in Xcode UI Tests (Swift)
UITestUtils extend Xcode 7 UI Testing framework (XCTest).
func testExample() {
let app = XCUIApplication()
//uiTestServerAddress = "http://localhost:5000" // device IP address or localhost for Simulator
overrideStatusBar() // Set 9:41 AM, 100% battery
app.textFields["Enter text"].typeText("Alert text")
waitForDuration(2) // Wait 2 seconds
orientation = .LandscapeLeft // Rotate the simulator
restoreStatusBar() // Restore original status bar
- Automate screenshot capture for AppStore submission
- Rotate the simulator programmatically
- Delay test execution for a specified number of seconds
- Override statusbar to show 9:41 AM, 100% battery like on Apple product photos
System requirements
Xcode 7.2+, Swift 2.0+, iOS 9+
Tested only on Simulators, but should work with devices as well.
Xcode 7 introduced UI testing as a new major feature of XCTest framework.
Currently, it has some limitations. UI elements can be accessed using various selectors such as app.buttons["My Button"]
, but there is no direct access to app's classes. It's not possible to call an arbitrary function in the app.
Also, it's not yet possible to capture screenshots in a controlled manner while running the test. It would be very handy to group them by device or screen size for AppStore submission.
This library adds a set of helper functions to solve these issues.
How it works
The library consists of two subprojects:
UITestUtils is to be used in UI tests. It contains extensions to XCTestCase. Some functions use sockets to communicate with the app being tested if something needs to be done on the app side.
UITestServer is to be be linked with the app being tested to serve UITestUtils requests. It uses private APIs for screenshot capture and screen rotation, but they're commented out in non-Debug builds.
- If you need help, found a bug or have a feature request, please open an issue.
- If you want to contribute, submit a pull request.
Add UITestUtils to your project:
cd MyProject
mkdir ThirdParty
cd ThirdParty
git clone --recursive https://github.com/zmeyc/UITestUtils.git
Open your project in Xcode.
From Finder, drag ThirdParty/UITestUtils/UITestServer/UITestServer.xcodeproj
into your project in Xcode.
Put it into any location in the tree below the project root.
Drag ThirdParty/UITestUtils/UITestUtils/UITestUtils.xcodeproj
into your project in Xcode.
I recommend putting it into "MyProject UI Tests" folder.
In Xcode, click the project name at the top of the project tree.
On the left sidebar, choose Target: MyProject
On General
tab, scroll to Embedded Binaries
Add TestServer.framework
as Embedded Binary.
This will automatically add it to Link Binary with Libraries
section on Build Phases
On the left sidebar, choose Target: MyProject UI Tests
On Build Phases
tab, add TestUtils.framework
to Link Binary With Libraries
If you're stuck with any of the steps above, please check the example project:
Section below describes the next steps.
On application start, run the server. This is usually done in AppDelegate.swift, application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions
import UITestServer
func application(application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> Bool {
let server = UITestServer.sharedInstance
In UI Tests import UITestUtils:
import UITestUtils
If imports are highlighted in red color, clean Xcode build folder by pressing Option+Shift+Command+K
then try building the project again.
The following functions will be available:
func waitForDuration(seconds: NSTimeInterval)
Pauses execution of the test for a specified number of seconds. Example:
func saveScreenshot(filename: String, createDirectory: Bool = true)
Captures screenshot and saves it as filename on local disk. Requires UITestServer to be running on the app side.
If createDirectory is true (default), tries to create all parent directories specified in filename.
var uiTestServerAddress: String = "http://localhost:5000"
Override UITestServer address and/or port by setting this property. When running the app on device, this property should be set to device's IP address.
let realHomeDirectory: String
NSHomeDirectory returns Simulator's sandbox directory such as:
(lldb) p NSHomeDirectory()
(String) $R0 = "/Users/user/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/666C2BE9-D22D-4261-9A45-F5EE577FF797/data/Containers/Data/Application/C3F3A59F-DA7D-4B3C-9EA2-BC9DD94934F0"
realHomeDirectory drops everything after "/Library/Developer" including that string itself and returns "/Users/user".
Example: save a screenshot to "~/MyAppScreenshots":
let screenResolution: String
Screen resolution in the format "640x960". Rotation is taken into account. Local UIScreen object returns incorrect resolution, so the resolution is retrieved from the app. Requires UITestServer to be running on the app side.
let deviceType: String
Returns 'pad' or 'phone'. Requires UITestServer to be running on the app side.
var orientation: UIInterfaceOrientation
Assign this property to rotate the simulator. Read the property to determine current orientation. Requires UITestServer to be running on the app side.
orientation = .LandscapeLeft
Use Scripts/reset_simulators.sh
to reset all simulators to their original state.
Sample code
Sample code is located in ExampleApp/ExampleAppUITests/ExampleAppUITests.swift
Check the testExample()
UITestUtils (except third party components) is available under the MIT license. Please see LICENSE file for details.
UITestUtils uses:
- Swifter HTTP server engine. License: UITestServer/ThirdParty/swifter/LICENSE
- SimulatorStatusMagic. MIT License: UITestUtils/ThirdParty/SimulatorStatusMagic/LICENSE