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Add TLS logs in results when using the banner module with the `--tls` flag

Open marc-etienne opened this issue 2 years ago • 0 comments

This patch adds the result of the TLS handshake when using the banner module with the --tls option.

How to Test

echo | zgrab2 banner --tls -p 443 shows the certificates of the TLS connection if it succeeded.

Notes & Caveats

Hopefully that won't break modules that could be subclassing the Banner module, but the changes are minimal to avoid breaking anything.

I based the patch on existing code that was done for SMTP with STARTTLS, HTTPS, etc.

Something to note: results are returned even if no data is received in the underlying TLS connection. This means that if the banner module is used without --tls and no data is received data.banner.result in the JSON will be an empty object ({}) instead of being omitted. I'm not sure if that's a problem or not, but we'd need to add some additional if statements if result must not be {}.

Issue Tracking

I don't think there is an issue regarding this.

marc-etienne avatar Nov 29 '21 20:11 marc-etienne