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CT package should use zcrypto/x509

Open dadrian opened this issue 7 years ago • 2 comments

The CT package currently contains it's own fork of crypto/x509 and crypto/asn1. It's not entirely clear why these are needed. At the very least, we should make sure whatever changes in the ct/x509 module are in zcrypto/x509, and try to remove that dependency. However, this will create a circular dependency between zcrypto/x509 and zcrypto/ct. So we'll then have to figure how what the ct module needs any form of x509 anyway, and possible extract that to a separate package.

Another possible solution might be to make it ct subpackage of zcrypto/x509.

dadrian avatar Mar 10 '17 16:03 dadrian

I took a crack at this the other day. This is non-trivial. The zcrypto/ct code from Google is poorly organized, and tightly coupled to it's use of zcrypto/ct/x509, and there's not a clear division between what goes in a CT log, and what CT info goes in a certificate. I started splitting it up by moving all SCT-related code into our x509 library, so that we could get rid of the CT x509 library. This is also annoying because of the massive serialization.go, which defines a bunch of interrelated serialization functions that make it difficult to cut the package down the middle.

So in summary:

  • It's entirely possible to remove zcrypto/ct/x509
  • There will have to be some split between zcrypto/ct and zcrypto/x509/ct in order to avoid circular dependencies.
  • Splitting zcrypto/ct in two is non-trivial.
  • Whoever works on this will have to spend a decent amount of time getting familiar with the implementation of zcrypto/ct in order to do this cleanly. My first attempt to do this was largely copy-paste based, and got complicated fast. It needs a bit more methodology to do cleanly than copy paste, change names, fix compile errors. Some functions will need to be split, changed, defined on different objects, etc.

dadrian avatar Mar 19 '17 14:03 dadrian

I'm not sure this is worth it. We need to just scrap our entire CT client implementation and write a fresh one. As part of this, we should probably just write a clean client. We need to introduce new, fundamental pieces of functionality (e.g., verifying log entries), their threading model doesn't make a lot of sense, and so I'm a bit doubtful we'd want to use the existing Google one anyway.

zakird avatar Mar 19 '17 17:03 zakird