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This project is No Longer Maintained. React implementation of AdminLTE themed dashboard

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React.js components for AdminLTE themed dashboard.

Based off of AdminLTE. Static hosted demo on GitHub Pages.

Todo (Path to 1.0.0)

  • [ ] Universal/Isomorphic component
  • [ ] Right sidebar
  • [x] Footer
  • [x] Content formatting
  • [ ] Generic Navbar dropdowns
  • [ ] Messaging Navbar dropdown
  • [ ] Notifications Navbar dropdown
  • [ ] Tasks Navbar dropdown
  • [ ] Top-nav formatting option
  • [ ] Boxed formatting option


npm install --save react-adminlte-dash


This module is in development, usage is subject to change. Not all components are fully functional.

This module uses Styled Components, so all CSS styling is included when the module is called. However, in order for the dashboard to use the entire available screen height, the parent container components must be set to height: 100%. This component sets the html & body styles, the user must set the app container.


#app {
  min-height: 100vh;

In ES6:

import { Dashboard, Header, Sidebar } from 'react-adminlte-dash';

const nav = () => ([
  <Header.Item href="/some/link" key="1" />

const sb = () => ([
  <Sidebar.Menu header="NAVIGATION" key="1">
    <Sidebar.Menu.Item title="Home" href="/" />

const App = ({ children }) => (

In order to create themed child components (not wrapped in navbarChildren, sidebarChildren, or footerChildren), use the withTheme wrapper provided by styled-components. This will provide the theme object to the child component. See src/styles/variables.js for the available variables. Documentation for these variables is TBD.

Included Components


Main component for theme. Handles theming, layout options, and tracks state. Provides a default empty header and sidebar.

Property Type Description Default
children node Any React child components to be rendered in content fields n/a
navbarChildren node Any React child components to be rendered in the Header's navbar n/a
sidebarChildren node Any React child components to be rendered in the Sidebar n/a
footerChildren node Any React child components to be rendered in the Footer n/a
theme string Choice of AdminLTE skin themes: skin-blue, skin-black, skin-purple, skin-green, skin-red, skin-yellow, skin-blue-light, skin-black-light, skin-purple-light, skin-green-light, skin-red-light, skin-yellow-light skin-blue
initialCollapse bool Determines initial state of sidebar: collapsed (true) or expanded (false) false
sidebarMini bool Determines whether sidebar collapses to mini size (true) or off-screen (false) true
fixed bool Determines whether the Header is fixed false
logoOnClick func Function to be called on logo click, overrides logoHref n/a
logoHref string Link target for Logo, overridden by logoOnClick '/'
logoLg element A single React component to be rendered when logo is in large state <span><b>Admin</b>LTE</span>
logoSm element A single React component to be rendered when logo is in small state <span><b>A</b>LT</span>


Header component which can be used independently of Dashboard (TBD). Wrapper for any top-based navigation components. Provides the following subcomponents:

  • Header.Item
  • Header.User
Property Type Description Default
children node Any React child components to be rendered n/a
fixed bool Determines whether the Header is fixed false
logoOnClick func Function to be called on logo click, overrides logoHref n/a
logoHref string Link target for Logo, overridden by logoOnClick '/'
logoLg element A single React component to be rendered when logo is in large state <span><b>Admin</b>LTE</span>
logoSm element A single React component to be rendered when logo is in small state <span><b>A</b>LT</span>
sidebarMini bool Determines whether sidebar collapses to mini size (true) or off-screen (false) false
sidebarCollapse bool Determines whether sidebar is in a collapsed state false
sidebarToggle func (Required) function passed to sidebar toggle component to handle sidebar collapse state n/a


Header navbar menu item component. Renders links with images in header.

Property Type Description Default
title string Item title to be displayed n/a
onClick func Function to be called on item click n/a
link string Link target for logo component, overridden by onClick n/a
image string Path to image object, overrides iconClass n/a
iconClass string Class names to use for icon (libraries not included), n/a


Header user menu component. Renders user menu dropdown component in header bar.

Property Type Description Default
name string User Name n/a
image string Path to user image object n/a
profileAction func Function to perform on selection of Profile button, button only displayed if action provided n/a
signOutAction func Function to perform on selection of Sign Out button, button only displayed if action provided n/a


Sidebar component which can be used independently of Dashboard (TBD). Wrapper for any sidebar navigation components. Provides the following subcomponents:

  • Sidebar.Menu
  • Sidebar.UserPanel
  • Sidebar.Search
Property Type Description Default
children node Any React child components to be rendered n/a
fixed bool Determines whether the Header is fixed false
sidebarMini bool Determines whether sidebar collapses to mini size (true) or off-screen (false) false
sidebarCollapse bool Determines whether sidebar is in a collapsed state false


Sidebar navigation menu component. Wrapper for SidebarMenuItem components, which are provided as subcomponent:

  • Sidebar.Menu.Item
Property Type Description Default
children node Any React child components to be rendered n/a
header string Header title for navigation component none


Sidebar navigation menu item component. Renders as link or dropdown menu. Can be nested in itself to provided nested dropdown menus.

<Sidebar.Menu.Item title="Level 1">
  <Sidebar.Menu.Item title="Level 2">
    <Sidebar.Menu.Item title="Level 3" />
Property Type Description Default
children node Any React child components to be rendered n/a
title string Title for component none
active bool Determines if item is considered active false
href string Link target for component, unused if onClick or children provided null
onClick func Action for component, unused if children provided, overrides href null
icon object Expects a className key which accepts a string describing any font-awesome icon (i.e. fa-th) and/or a color key which accepts any Bootstrap style type (i.e. danger) or CSS color string (hex, name, or rgb) { className: 'fa-circle-o' }
labels [objects] Array of objects, each requires a React key string, a type key which accepts a string describing any Bootstrap style type (i.e. danger) and a text key of any string to display n/a


Sidebar search component.

Property Type Description Default
name string Initial value displayed in search field ''
placeholder string Initial value displayed in search field 'Search...'
onClick func Function to call on search submit, provided with value prop v => alert(Searching for ${v})


Sidebar user component.

Property Type Description Default
name string User name n/a
image string String providing source path for user image n/a
online bool User status: online = true, offline = false false
href string Target for user status link n/a


react-adminlte-dash is available under MIT. See LICENSE for more details.