OpenTLD copied to clipboard
matrix.cpp:1483: error
I'm running Windows 7 (x64), MATLAB R2012b (x64), OpenCV 2.4.3 (x64), and VS 2010.
I managed to compile OpenTLD successfully, but I got the following error why I tried run_TLD. Obviously this is a problem in the opencv matrix.cpp file. I usually run opencv on visual studio and there is no problem, so this shouldn't be my opencv installation problem.
Unexpected Standard exception from MEX file. What() is:......\src\opencv\modules\core\src\matrix.cpp:1483: error: (-27) create() called for the missing output array
Error in tldTracking (line 30) xFJ = lk(2,tld.img{I}.input,tld.img{J}.input,xFI,xFI); % track all points by Lucas-Kanade tracker from frame I to frame J, estimate Forward-Backward error, and NCC for each point
Error in tldProcessFrame (line 25) [tBB tConf tValid tld] = tldTracking(tld,,I-1),I-1,I); % frame-to-frame tracking (MedianFlow)
Error in tldExample (line 41) tld = tldProcessFrame(tld,i); % process frame i
Error in run_TLD (line 42) [bb,conf] = tldExample(opt);
i met the same problem,is anybody can solve?
This fixed it for me: