sublimity copied to clipboard
Smooth-scrolling and minimap like sublime editor
- sublimity.el
sublime 風のスムーススクロール、ミニマップ、集中モード
smooth-scrolling, minimap and distraction-free mode (inspired by the sublime editor)
** Screencast
** Installation
Require this script and some of =sublimity-scroll=, =sublimity-map= and =sublimity-attractive=.
: (require 'sublimity) : ;; (require 'sublimity-scroll) : ;; (require 'sublimity-map) ;; experimental : ;; (require 'sublimity-attractive)
then call command =M-x sublimity-mode= (or put the following expression in your init file).
: (sublimity-mode 1)
** Notes
When you turn =sublimity-mode= on, =auto-hscroll-mode= is automatically disabled, and =sublimity-auto-hscroll-mode= will work instead. Thus, to disable horizontal scrolling, set =sublimity-auto-hscroll-mode= but not =auto-hscroll-mode= while =sublimity-mode= is turned on.
=sublimity-scroll= currently requires an unset/zero =scroll-margin=.
** Customization *** sublimity-scroll (smooth scrolling)
You may configure the speed of smooth-scroll by setting two variables.
: (setq sublimity-scroll-weight 10 : sublimity-scroll-drift-length 5)
Scroll is basically divided into (weight + drift-length) steps. for example, with the configuration above, 100 lines of scrolling is divided into 15 (= 10 + 5) steps
: (17 15 14 12 11 8 7 5 4 2 1 1 1 1 1)
and it looks smoother than 1 step scroll. Note that last 5 steps are all 1 line scrolls, because drift-length is set 5. So you may make scroll more smooth by setting drift-length greater. try :
: (setq sublimity-scroll-weight 5 : sublimity-scroll-drift-length 10)
With the configuration above, scroll is divided into 15 steps again,
: (30 24 18 12 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1)
but the last 10 steps are all 1 line scrolls. this looks smoother but perhaps more annoying for some users.
For fast computers where the smooth scrolling effect happens too quickly, you can configure a small delay (in seconds) that occurs between scroll steps:
: (setq sublimity-scroll-vertical-frame-delay 0.01)
*** sublimity-map (minimap, experimental) **** sublimity-map-size, fraction, text-scale
: (setq sublimity-map-size 20) : (setq sublimity-map-fraction 0.3) : (setq sublimity-map-text-scale -7)
=sublimity-map-fraction= defines the maximum fraction of width that minimap can get. =sublimity-map-text-scale= is passed to =text-scale-set= on minimap setup.
**** sublimity-map-setup-hook
: (add-hook 'sublimity-map-setup-hook : (lambda () : (setq buffer-face-mode-face '(:family "Monospace")) : (buffer-face-mode)))
=sublimity-map-setup-hook= will run when minimap is created.
**** sublimity-map-set-delay
: (sublimity-map-set-delay 5)
With the setting above, minimap is displayed after 5 seconds of idle time. When =sublimity-map-set-delay= is called with =nil=, then minimap is shown with no delay. This defers from setting delay to 0, especially when used with sublimity-scroll, in the sense that minimap looks not deleted at all but gets worse performance.
*** sublimity-attractive (distraction-free mode) **** sublimity-attractive-centering-width
: (setq sublimity-attractive-centering-width 110)
When a positive integer is set, buffer width is truncated to this value and drawn centered. To cancel this feature, set this value nil.
**** sublimity-attractive-hide-xxxx
Following functions are available to hide some UI parts.
: (sublimity-attractive-hide-bars) : (sublimity-attractive-hide-vertical-border) : (sublimity-attractive-hide-fringes) : (sublimity-attractive-hide-modelines)