magic-latex-buffer copied to clipboard
Disable subscript for verbatim environments
In a minted
or verbatim
environment, sub and superscripts are visualized, although in there the _
and ^
has no effect. Variable names like lol_variable
end up to be fontified wrongly.
Thanks for reporting.
Hmm, it seems working on my environment...
Is the buffer is in latex-mode
? This behavior depends on the latex-mode
implementation, thus if you are writing documents in other major modes for editing latex, magic-latex-buffer
may do wrong sometimes.
The buffer is in LaTeX-mode from spacemacs:
Enabled minor modes: Adaptive-Wrap-Prefix Anzu Async-Bytecomp-Package
Auto-Composition Auto-Compression Auto-Encryption Clean-Aindent
Column-Number Company Company-Quickhelp Company-Quickhelp-Local
Company-Statistics Cua Delete-Selection Diff-Auto-Refine Display-Battery
Editorconfig Electric-Indent Eval-Sexp-Fu-Flash Evil Evil-Escape Evil-Lion
Evil-Local Evil-Matchit Evil-Search-Highlight-Persist Evil-Surround
Eyebrowse File-Name-Shadow Flx-Ido Flycheck-Pos-Tip Font-Lock Git-Gutter+
Global-Anzu Global-Auto-Revert Global-Eldoc
Global-Evil-Search-Highlight-Persist Global-Evil-Surround Global-Font-Lock
Global-Git-Commit Global-Git-Gutter+ Global-Hl-Line Global-Page-Break-Lines
Global-Spacemacs-Leader-Override Global-Undo-Tree Global-Vi-Tilde-Fringe
Global-Whitespace Helm Helm-Descbinds Helm-Flx Hl-Todo Hybrid Icomplete
Ido-Vertical Info-Breadcrumbs-In-Mode-Line Latex-Math Line-Number
Magic-Latex-Buffer Mouse-Wheel Nlinum Override-Global Persp Projectile Pupo
Purpose Recentf Reftex Save-Place Savehist Shell-Dirtrack Spaceline-Helm
Spaceline-Info Spacemacs-Leader-Override Tex-Pdf Tex-Source-Correlate
Transient-Mark Undo-Tree Vi-Tilde-Fringe Visual-Line Volatile-Highlights
Which-Key Winner Winum Xterm-Mouse Yas Yas-Global
LaTeX/MPS mode defined in ‘tex-mode.el’:
:override advice: ‘TeX-latex-mode’
And here a picture of my problem:
My spacemacs activation is:
(latex :variables
latex-enable-auto-fill nil
latex-enable-magic t
latex-enable-folding nil)
auctex is active as i get the command and preview menus.