GlideWebpDecoder icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
GlideWebpDecoder copied to clipboard

A Glide WebpDecoder Intergration Library for decoding and displaying webp images

Results 19 GlideWebpDecoder issues
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newest added : entryRemoved 回调里 mBitmapProvider.release(oldValue); 最终会调用bitmap.recycle() prepareCanvasWithBlending 方法里 Bitmap bitmap = mFrameBitmapCache.get(index); if (bitmap != null && !bitmap.isRecycled()) { canvas.drawBitmap(bitmap, 0, 0, null); } canvas.drawBitmap 的 bitmap 可能在判断isRecycled后 被另一个线程立刻调用bitmap.recycle() 实际调用drawBitmap时被recycled的bitmap最终将导致崩溃:Error,...


播放 animated webp 在三星 Galaxy J3 pro (手机并不差)上帧率明显下降,本来一秒30帧的 webp, we用 chrome 播放很自然,播放起来感觉只有 10 帧

help wanted

Hi all, I used this library to show animated webp images in our app . I got broken images. Here is the screencast: ![image]( Full video: I found this...


Recommendation: Would be a good idea if you submitted your library as a "pull request" to the official glide library. So it gets fully integrated into glide.


加载一个大图,缩小之后会出现失真的情况 如果需要,我可以提供一个webp


Glide.with(holder.getContext()).load(data.getCover_gif()) .optionalTransform(WebpDrawable.class,new WebpDrawableTransformation(new MultiTransformation(new CenterCrop(),roundedCorners))) .into(iv); 在recyclerview里用,100% oom

help wanted

i want to get all bitmap frame from animate webp ,then i can convert each bitmap to nine patch drawable ,thus i can implement animate nine patch chat bubble。just like...

列表同时加载6个webp动图卡顿,native内存急速增加,缓存完一遍后webp动图播放正常。 有优化空间吗? ` CustomGlideCornerTrans crop = new CustomGlideCornerTrans(radius,radius,0,0); Glide.with(viewBinding.ivShow.getContext()) .load(imgUrl) .addListener(webpListener) .optionalTransform(crop) .optionalTransform(WebpDrawable.class,new WebpDrawableTransformation(crop)) .apply(options) .set(WebpFrameLoader.FRAME_CACHE_STRATEGY, WebpFrameCacheStrategy.ALL) .set(WebpDownsampler.USE_SYSTEM_DECODER,false) .into(viewBinding.ivShow); `