Zach Jullion
Zach Jullion
Thanks for replying - it seems to affect all key combinations, not just combinations that include `alt`. I tried with both `a+s+d+f` and `shift+k` - both work fine when no...
For anyone else that needs this to work, here's a solution in jest: ``` ... jest.mock('child_process', () => ({ ...jest.requireActual('child_process'), spawn: jest.fn() })) let spawnMock ... describe('myTest', () => {...
Thanks for the update! This is just a background error for us now, so we aren't in a huge hurry to make any changes, but we will update our rollbar...
Just want to confirm that I am also seeing this behaviour - had an application with duplicate entries in the crontab. Re-deploying didn't fix this issue - the multiple entries...
One way to fix this issue for re-deploys would be to modify such that multiple 'identifier blocks' can be found in the crontab and all removed together.
After a little more fooling around, I've realized our team doesn't need this feature. I suppose it may be useful for others, but we no longer need this.