zio-schema copied to clipboard
Error decoding empty object with optional fields
I believe there is currently a bug when trying to decode an empty object {}
when the schema is for a case class with all Optional
fields resulting in a expected '"' got '}'
Upgrading zio-openai
from 0.4.0
to 0.4.1
resulted in a json decoding error for responses which decoded fine in the prior version (giving Encountered openai error: Unknown(zio.schema.codec.DecodeError$ReadError: .choices[0].delta(expected '"' got '}'))
error on the final event of a chat response SSE stream). The json it was trying to decode was:
With relevant part of schema:
final case class ChoicesItem(delta: ChatCompletionStreamResponseDelta, logprobs: Optional[CreateChatCompletionStreamResponse.ChoicesItem.Logprobs] = ???, finishReason: Optional[FinishReason], index: Int)
final case class ChatCompletionStreamResponseDelta(content: Optional[String] = ???, functionCall: Optional[ChatCompletionStreamResponseDelta.FunctionCall] = ???, toolCalls: Optional[Chunk[ChatCompletionMessageToolCallChunk]] = ???, role: Optional[ChatCompletionStreamResponseDelta.Role] = ???)
Further investigation determined that pinning dev.zio::zio-schema-json:0.4.17
to dev.zio::zio-schema-json:0.4.16
fixed the decoding issue. The commits going from 0.4.16 -> 0.4.17 can be found here.
Looking at those commits, I think the issue come from this line in #619.
Possible solution:
Current code in unsafeDecodeFields
def loop(index: Int, in: RetractReader): Unit = {
val fieldRaw = Lexer.field(trace, in, new StringMatrix(aliasesMatrix))
if (index == discriminator) {
Lexer.skipValue(trace, in)
} else {
fieldRaw match {
case -1 if index == discriminator => Lexer.skipValue(trace, in)
case -1 if rejectExtraFields => throw UnsafeJson(JsonError.Message("extra field") :: trace)
case -1 => Lexer.skipValue(trace, in)
case idx =>
val field = fieldAliases.getOrElse(aliasesMatrix(idx), -1)
if (buffer(field) != null)
throw UnsafeJson(JsonError.Message("duplicate") :: trace)
buffer(field) = schemaDecoder(schemas(field)).unsafeDecode(spans(field) :: trace, in)
if (Lexer.nextField(trace, in)) loop(index + 1, in)
if (discriminator == -1) {
Lexer.char(trace, in, '{')
loop(0, in)
} else if (discriminator == -2) {
if (Lexer.nextField(trace, in)) loop(0, in)
} else {
val rr = RecordingReader(in)
if (Lexer.firstField(trace, rr)) loop(0, rr)
If the discriminator is -1 (meaning no discriminator), then the Lexer reads in the { and immediately starts the loop. The loop calls Lexer.field(trace, in, new StringMatrix(aliasesMatrix)) which immediately tries reading in a field (starting with " ) and throws an error if it doesnt see it. I think what we need to do is change the code to:
if (discriminator == -1) {
Lexer.char(trace, in, '{')
if(Lexer.firstField(trace, in)) loop(0, in)