zio-quill copied to clipboard
`Query.update(T => (Any, Any), (T => (Any, Any))*)` does not support `Seq()*` style notation.
Scala: 3.3.1
Sbt: 1.9.6
Quill Version: 4.8.0
Module: quill-jdbc-zio
Database: postgres
Expected behavior
The Query.update
has the signature: def update(f: (T => (Any, Any)), f2: (T => (Any, Any))*): Update[T]
in Model.scala
line 90. Based on that signature, the expectation is that both, a varargs invocation as well as a "deconstructed" sequence using the *
operator would behave the same.
Actual behavior
An Exception is thrown by the macro processor when the syntax Seq(x1, x2, x3)*
is used and no simple error message given. For the example below (in the Steps to Reproduce, the following is the result in two error messages in the sbt output: (with -Dquill.macro.log.pretty=true
First Error
[error] 28 | query
[error] 29 | .filter(_.id == lift(value.id))
[error] 30 | .update(
[error] | ^
[error] |
[error] |s"==== Tree cannot be parsed to 'Ast' ====
[error] | (Unquote.apply[EntityQuery[Record]](((Quoted.apply[EntityQuery[Record]](Entity.Opinionated.apply("records", Nil, io.getquill.quat.Quat.Product.WithRenamesCompact.apply("Record", io.getquill.quat.Quat.Product.Type.Concrete)("id", "a", "b", "c")(io.getquill.quat.Quat.Value, io.getquill.quat.Quat.Value, io.getquill.quat.Quat.Value, io.getquill.quat.Quat.Value)()(), Renameable.Fixed).asInstanceOf[Ast], Nil, Nil): Quoted[EntityQuery[Record]]): Quoted[EntityQuery[Record]]), "169adb70-5650-4377-ac15-bd6a08321d35").unquote: EntityQuery[Record]).filter(((_$5: Record) => _$5.id.==({
[error] | val Context_this: quill.type = quill
[error] |
[error] | (EagerPlanter.apply[Long, PrepareRow, Session](value.id, quill.longEncoder, "6804fb7d-4dcb-41d5-bedd-63c6110088f9").unquote: Long)
[error] |}))).update(((_$6: Record) => ArrowAssoc[String](_$6.a).->[String]({
[error] | val `Context_this₂`: quill.type = quill
[error] |
[error] | (EagerPlanter.apply[String, PrepareRow, Session](value.a, quill.stringEncoder, "2fd449fb-8b87-49b8-961d-0b1613c7f521").unquote: String)
[error] |})), Seq.apply[Function1[Record, Tuple2[Any, Any]]](List.apply[Any](((_$7: Record) => ArrowAssoc[String](_$7.b).->[String]({
[error] | val `Context_this₃`: quill.type = quill
[error] |
[error] | (EagerPlanter.apply[String, PrepareRow, Session](value.b, quill.stringEncoder, "450c9f4c-dfe0-458e-90bd-2f49394a5174").unquote: String)
[error] |})), ((_$8: Record) => ArrowAssoc[String](_$8.c).->[String]({
[error] | val `Context_this₄`: quill.type = quill
[error] |
[error] | (EagerPlanter.apply[String, PrepareRow, Session](value.c, quill.stringEncoder, "7f3eea14-6f58-4a37-9151-0de8e0c94fd6").unquote: String)
[error] |}))).asInstanceOf[_]): _)
[error] |==== Extractors ===
[error] | Apply(
[error] | Select(
[error] | Apply(
[error] | Select(
[error] | Typed(
[error] | Select(
[error] | Apply(
[error] | TypeApply(Select(Ident("Unquote"), "apply"), List(Inferred())),
[error] | List(
[error] | Typed(
[error] | Typed(
[error] | Apply(
[error] | TypeApply(
[error] | Select(Ident("Quoted"), "apply"),
[error] | List(Inferred())
[error] | ),
[error] | List(
[error] | Inlined(
[error] | Some(TypeIdent("DeserializeAstInstances$")),
[error] | Nil,
[error] | TypeApply(
[error] | Select(
[error] | Inlined(
[error] | None,
[error] | Nil,
[error] | Inlined(
[error] | Some(TypeIdent("Lifter")),
[error] | Nil,
[error] | Apply(
[error] | Select(
[error] | Select(Ident("Entity"), "Opinionated"),
[error] | "apply"
[error] | ),
[error] | List(
[error] | Inlined(
[error] | None,
[error] | Nil,
[error] | Literal(StringConstant("records"))
[error] | ),
[error] | Inlined(
[error] | None,
[error] | Nil,
[error] | Inlined(
[error] | Some(TypeIdent("ToExpr$")),
[error] | Nil,
[error] | Ident("Nil")
[error] | )
[error] | ),
[error] | Inlined(
[error] | None,
[error] | Nil,
[error] | Inlined(
[error] | Some(TypeIdent("Lifter")),
[error] | Nil,
[error] | Apply(
[error] | Apply(
[error] | Apply(
[error] | Apply(
[error] | Apply(
[error] | Select(
[error] | Select(
[error] | Select(
[error] | Select(
[error] | Select(
[error] | Select(
[error] | Ident("io"),
[error] | "getquill"
[error] | ),
[error] | "quat"
[error] | ),
[error] | "Quat"
[error] | ),
[error] | "Product"
[error] | ),
[error] | "WithRenamesCompact"
[error] | ),
[error] | "apply"
[error] | ),
[error] | List(
[error] | Inlined(
[error] | None,
[error] | Nil,
[error] | Literal(
[error] | StringConstant(
[error] | "Record"
[error] | )
[error] | )
[error] | ),
[error] | Inlined(
[error] | None,
[error] | Nil,
[error] | Inlined(
[error] | Some(
[error] | TypeIdent(
[error] | "Lifter"
[error] | )
[error] | ),
[error] | Nil,
[error] | Select(
[error] | Select(
[error] | Select(
[error] | Select(
[error] | Select(
[error] | Select(
[error] | Ident(
[error] | "io"
[error] | ),
[error] | "getquill"
[error] | ),
[error] | "quat"
[error] | ),
[error] | "Quat"
[error] | ),
[error] | "Product"
[error] | ),
[error] | "Type"
[error] | ),
[error] | "Concrete"
[error] | )
[error] | )
[error] | )
[error] | )
[error] | ),
[error] | List(
[error] | Typed(
[error] | Inlined(
[error] | None,
[error] | Nil,
[error] | Repeated(
[error] | List(
[error] | Literal(
[error] | StringConstant(
[error] | "id"
[error] | )
[error] | ),
[error] | Literal(
[error] | StringConstant(
[error] | "a"
[error] | )
[error] | ),
[error] | Literal(
[error] | StringConstant(
[error] | "b"
[error] | )
[error] | ),
[error] | Literal(
[error] | StringConstant(
[error] | "c"
[error] | )
[error] | )
[error] | ),
[error] | Inferred()
[error] | )
[error] | ),
[error] | Inferred()
[error] | )
[error] | )
[error] | ),
[error] | List(
[error] | Typed(
[error] | Inlined(
[error] | None,
[error] | Nil,
[error] | Repeated(
[error] | List(
[error] | Inlined(
[error] | Some(
[error] | TypeIdent(
[error] | "Lifter"
[error] | )
[error] | ),
[error] | Nil,
[error] | Select(
[error] | Select(
[error] | Select(
[error] | Select(
[error] | Ident(
[error] | "io"
[error] | ),
[error] | "getquill"
[error] | ),
[error] | "quat"
[error] | ),
[error] | "Quat"
[error] | ),
[error] | "Value"
[error] | )
[error] | ),
[error] | Inlined(
[error] | Some(
[error] | TypeIdent(
[error] | "Lifter"
[error] | )
[error] | ),
[error] | Nil,
[error] | Select(
[error] | Select(
[error] | Select(
[error] | Select(
[error] | Ident(
[error] | "io"
[error] | ),
[error] | "getquill"
[error] | ),
[error] | "quat"
[error] | ),
[error] | "Quat"
[error] | ),
[error] | "Value"
[error] | )
[error] | ),
[error] | Inlined(
[error] | Some(
[error] | TypeIdent(
[error] | "Lifter"
[error] | )
[error] | ),
[error] | Nil,
[error] | Select(
[error] | Select(
[error] | Select(
[error] | Select(
[error] | Ident(
[error] | "io"
[error] | ),
[error] | "getquill"
[error] | ),
[error] | "quat"
[error] | ),
[error] | "Quat"
[error] | ),
[error] | "Value"
[error] | )
[error] | ),
[error] | Inlined(
[error] | Some(
[error] | TypeIdent(
[error] | "Lifter"
[error] | )
[error] | ),
[error] | Nil,
[error] | Select(
[error] | Select(
[error] | Select(
[error] | Select(
[error] | Ident(
[error] | "io"
[error] | ),
[error] | "getquill"
[error] | ),
[error] | "quat"
[error] | ),
[error] | "Quat"
[error] | ),
[error] | "Value"
[error] | )
[error] | )
[error] | ),
[error] | Inferred()
[error] | )
[error] | ),
[error] | Inferred()
[error] | )
[error] | )
[error] | ),
[error] | List(
[error] | Typed(
[error] | Inlined(
[error] | None,
[error] | Nil,
[error] | Repeated(Nil, Inferred())
[error] | ),
[error] | Inferred()
[error] | )
[error] | )
[error] | ),
[error] | List(
[error] | Typed(
[error] | Inlined(
[error] | None,
[error] | Nil,
[error] | Repeated(Nil, Inferred())
[error] | ),
[error] | Inferred()
[error] | )
[error] | )
[error] | )
[error] | )
[error] | ),
[error] | Inlined(
[error] | None,
[error] | Nil,
[error] | Inlined(
[error] | Some(TypeIdent("Lifter")),
[error] | Nil,
[error] | Select(Ident("Renameable"), "Fixed")
[error] | )
[error] | )
[error] | )
[error] | )
[error] | )
[error] | ),
[error] | "asInstanceOf"
[error] | ),
[error] | List(Inferred())
[error] | )
[error] | ),
[error] | Ident("Nil"),
[error] | Ident("Nil")
[error] | )
[error] | ),
[error] | Applied(TypeIdent("Quoted"), List(Inferred()))
[error] | ),
[error] | Applied(
[error] | TypeIdent("Quoted"),
[error] | List(
[error] | Applied(
[error] | TypeIdent("EntityQuery"),
[error] | List(TypeIdent("Record"))
[error] | )
[error] | )
[error] | )
[error] | ),
[error] | Literal(
[error] | StringConstant("169adb70-5650-4377-ac15-bd6a08321d35")
[error] | )
[error] | )
[error] | ),
[error] | "unquote"
[error] | ),
[error] | Inferred()
[error] | ),
[error] | "filter"
[error] | ),
[error] | List(
[error] | Block(
[error] | List(
[error] | DefDef(
[error] | "$anonfun",
[error] | List(TermParamClause(List(ValDef("_$5", Inferred(), None)))),
[error] | Inferred(),
[error] | Some(
[error] | Apply(
[error] | Select(Select(Ident("_$5"), "id"), "=="),
[error] | List(
[error] | Inlined(
[error] | Some(
[error] | Apply(
[error] | TypeApply(
[error] | Select(Ident("quill"), "lift"),
[error] | List(Inferred())
[error] | ),
[error] | List(Select(Ident("value"), "id"))
[error] | )
[error] | ),
[error] | List(
[error] | ValDef(
[error] | "Context_this",
[error] | Inferred(),
[error] | Some(Ident("quill"))
[error] | )
[error] | ),
[error] | Typed(
[error] | Select(
[error] | Apply(
[error] | TypeApply(
[error] | Select(Ident("EagerPlanter"), "apply"),
[error] | List(Inferred(), Inferred(), Inferred())
[error] | ),
[error] | List(
[error] | Select(Ident("value"), "id"),
[error] | Select(Ident("quill"), "longEncoder"),
[error] | Literal(
[error] | StringConstant(
[error] | "6804fb7d-4dcb-41d5-bedd-63c6110088f9"
[error] | )
[error] | )
[error] | )
[error] | ),
[error] | "unquote"
[error] | ),
[error] | Inferred()
[error] | )
[error] | )
[error] | )
[error] | )
[error] | )
[error] | )
[error] | ),
[error] | Closure(Ident("$anonfun"), None)
[error] | )
[error] | )
[error] | ),
[error] | "update"
[error] | ),
[error] | List(
[error] | Block(
[error] | List(
[error] | DefDef(
[error] | "$anonfun",
[error] | List(TermParamClause(List(ValDef("_$6", Inferred(), None)))),
[error] | Inferred(),
[error] | Some(
[error] | Apply(
[error] | TypeApply(
[error] | Select(
[error] | Apply(
[error] | TypeApply(Ident("ArrowAssoc"), List(Inferred())),
[error] | List(Select(Ident("_$6"), "a"))
[error] | ),
[error] | "->"
[error] | ),
[error] | List(Inferred())
[error] | ),
[error] | List(
[error] | Inlined(
[error] | Some(
[error] | Apply(
[error] | TypeApply(
[error] | Select(Ident("quill"), "lift"),
[error] | List(Inferred())
[error] | ),
[error] | List(Select(Ident("value"), "a"))
[error] | )
[error] | ),
[error] | List(
[error] | ValDef("Context_this", Inferred(), Some(Ident("quill")))
[error] | ),
[error] | Typed(
[error] | Select(
[error] | Apply(
[error] | TypeApply(
[error] | Select(Ident("EagerPlanter"), "apply"),
[error] | List(Inferred(), Inferred(), Inferred())
[error] | ),
[error] | List(
[error] | Select(Ident("value"), "a"),
[error] | Select(Ident("quill"), "stringEncoder"),
[error] | Literal(
[error] | StringConstant(
[error] | "2fd449fb-8b87-49b8-961d-0b1613c7f521"
[error] | )
[error] | )
[error] | )
[error] | ),
[error] | "unquote"
[error] | ),
[error] | Inferred()
[error] | )
[error] | )
[error] | )
[error] | )
[error] | )
[error] | )
[error] | ),
[error] | Closure(Ident("$anonfun"), None)
[error] | ),
[error] | Typed(
[error] | Apply(
[error] | TypeApply(
[error] | Select(Ident("Seq"), "apply"),
[error] | List(
[error] | Applied(
[error] | Inferred(),
[error] | List(
[error] | TypeIdent("Record"),
[error] | Applied(Inferred(), List(TypeIdent("Any"), TypeIdent("Any")))
[error] | )
[error] | )
[error] | )
[error] | ),
[error] | List(
[error] | Inlined(
[error] | Some(TypeIdent("DeserializeAstInstances$")),
[error] | Nil,
[error] | TypeApply(
[error] | Select(
[error] | Inlined(
[error] | None,
[error] | Nil,
[error] | Inlined(
[error] | Some(TypeIdent("Expr$")),
[error] | Nil,
[error] | Apply(
[error] | TypeApply(
[error] | Select(Ident("List"), "apply"),
[error] | List(Inferred())
[error] | ),
[error] | List(
[error] | Typed(
[error] | Inlined(
[error] | None,
[error] | Nil,
[error] | Repeated(
[error] | List(
[error] | Block(
[error] | List(
[error] | DefDef(
[error] | "$anonfun",
[error] | List(
[error] | TermParamClause(
[error] | List(
[error] | ValDef("_$7", Inferred(), None)
[error] | )
[error] | )
[error] | ),
[error] | Inferred(),
[error] | Some(
[error] | Apply(
[error] | TypeApply(
[error] | Select(
[error] | Apply(
[error] | TypeApply(
[error] | Ident("ArrowAssoc"),
[error] | List(Inferred())
[error] | ),
[error] | List(
[error] | Select(Ident("_$7"), "b")
[error] | )
[error] | ),
[error] | "->"
[error] | ),
[error] | List(Inferred())
[error] | ),
[error] | List(
[error] | Inlined(
[error] | Some(
[error] | Apply(
[error] | TypeApply(
[error] | Select(
[error] | Ident("quill"),
[error] | "lift"
[error] | ),
[error] | List(Inferred())
[error] | ),
[error] | List(
[error] | Select(
[error] | Ident("value"),
[error] | "b"
[error] | )
[error] | )
[error] | )
[error] | ),
[error] | List(
[error] | ValDef(
[error] | "Context_this",
[error] | Inferred(),
[error] | Some(Ident("quill"))
[error] | )
[error] | ),
[error] | Typed(
[error] | Select(
[error] | Apply(
[error] | TypeApply(
[error] | Select(
[error] | Ident("EagerPlanter"),
[error] | "apply"
[error] | ),
[error] | List(
[error] | Inferred(),
[error] | Inferred(),
[error] | Inferred()
[error] | )
[error] | ),
[error] | List(
[error] | Select(
[error] | Ident("value"),
[error] | "b"
[error] | ),
[error] | Select(
[error] | Ident("quill"),
[error] | "stringEncoder"
[error] | ),
[error] | Literal(
[error] | StringConstant(
[error] | "450c9f4c-dfe0-458e-90bd-2f49394a5174"
[error] | )
[error] | )
[error] | )
[error] | ),
[error] | "unquote"
[error] | ),
[error] | Inferred()
[error] | )
[error] | )
[error] | )
[error] | )
[error] | )
[error] | )
[error] | ),
[error] | Closure(Ident("$anonfun"), None)
[error] | ),
[error] | Block(
[error] | List(
[error] | DefDef(
[error] | "$anonfun",
[error] | List(
[error] | TermParamClause(
[error] | List(
[error] | ValDef("_$8", Inferred(), None)
[error] | )
[error] | )
[error] | ),
[error] | Inferred(),
[error] | Some(
[error] | Apply(
[error] | TypeApply(
[error] | Select(
[error] | Apply(
[error] | TypeApply(
[error] | Ident("ArrowAssoc"),
[error] | List(Inferred())
[error] | ),
[error] | List(
[error] | Select(Ident("_$8"), "c")
[error] | )
[error] | ),
[error] | "->"
[error] | ),
[error] | List(Inferred())
[error] | ),
[error] | List(
[error] | Inlined(
[error] | Some(
[error] | Apply(
[error] | TypeApply(
[error] | Select(
[error] | Ident("quill"),
[error] | "lift"
[error] | ),
[error] | List(Inferred())
[error] | ),
[error] | List(
[error] | Select(
[error] | Ident("value"),
[error] | "c"
[error] | )
[error] | )
[error] | )
[error] | ),
[error] | List(
[error] | ValDef(
[error] | "Context_this",
[error] | Inferred(),
[error] | Some(Ident("quill"))
[error] | )
[error] | ),
[error] | Typed(
[error] | Select(
[error] | Apply(
[error] | TypeApply(
[error] | Select(
[error] | Ident("EagerPlanter"),
[error] | "apply"
[error] | ),
[error] | List(
[error] | Inferred(),
[error] | Inferred(),
[error] | Inferred()
[error] | )
[error] | ),
[error] | List(
[error] | Select(
[error] | Ident("value"),
[error] | "c"
[error] | ),
[error] | Select(
[error] | Ident("quill"),
[error] | "stringEncoder"
[error] | ),
[error] | Literal(
[error] | StringConstant(
[error] | "7f3eea14-6f58-4a37-9151-0de8e0c94fd6"
[error] | )
[error] | )
[error] | )
[error] | ),
[error] | "unquote"
[error] | ),
[error] | Inferred()
[error] | )
[error] | )
[error] | )
[error] | )
[error] | )
[error] | )
[error] | ),
[error] | Closure(Ident("$anonfun"), None)
[error] | )
[error] | ),
[error] | Inferred()
[error] | )
[error] | ),
[error] | Inferred()
[error] | )
[error] | )
[error] | )
[error] | )
[error] | ),
[error] | "asInstanceOf"
[error] | ),
[error] | List(Inferred())
[error] | )
[error] | )
[error] | )
[error] | ),
[error] | Inferred()
[error] | )
[error] | )
[error] |)
[error] |==== Stacktrace ===
[error] | java.base/java.lang.Thread.getStackTrace(Thread.java:2450)
[error] | io.getquill.parser.engine.failParse$.apply(failParse.scala:29)
[error] | io.getquill.parser.engine.failParse$.apply(failParse.scala:13)
[error] | io.getquill.parser.engine.Parser.error(Parser.scala:10)
[error] | io.getquill.parser.engine.Parser.error$(Parser.scala:7)
[error] | io.getquill.parser.engine.ParserChain$$anon$1.error(ParserChain.scala:15)
[error] | io.getquill.parser.engine.Parser.apply$$anonfun$1(Parser.scala:9)
[error] | scala.Option.getOrElse(Option.scala:201)
[error] | io.getquill.parser.engine.Parser.apply(Parser.scala:9)
[error] | io.getquill.parser.engine.Parser.apply$(Parser.scala:7)
[error] | io.getquill.parser.engine.ParserChain$$anon$1.apply(ParserChain.scala:15)
[error] | io.getquill.parser.ParserLibrary$ReadyParser.apply(Parser.scala:107)
[error] | io.getquill.context.QuoteMacro$.apply(QuoteMacro.scala:135)
[error] | java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DirectMethodHandleAccessor.invoke(DirectMethodHandleAccessor.java:103)
[error] | java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:580)
[error] | dotty.tools.dotc.quoted.Interpreter.interpretedStaticMethodCall$$anonfun$1(Interpreter.scala:172)
[error] | dotty.tools.dotc.quoted.Interpreter.stopIfRuntimeException(Interpreter.scala:229)
[error] | dotty.tools.dotc.quoted.Interpreter.interpretedStaticMethodCall(Interpreter.scala:172)
[error] | dotty.tools.dotc.quoted.Interpreter.interpretTree(Interpreter.scala:80)
[error] | dotty.tools.dotc.transform.Splicer$SpliceInterpreter.interpretTree(Splicer.scala:258)
[error] | dotty.tools.dotc.quoted.Interpreter.interpretTree$$anonfun$2(Interpreter.scala:99)
[error] | dotty.tools.dotc.transform.Splicer$.$anonfun$2(Splicer.scala:60)
[error] | scala.Option.fold(Option.scala:263)
[error] | dotty.tools.dotc.transform.Splicer$.splice(Splicer.scala:60)
[error] | dotty.tools.dotc.inlines.Inliner.dotty$tools$dotc$inlines$Inliner$$expandMacro(Inliner.scala:1048)
[error] | dotty.tools.dotc.inlines.Inliner$InlineTyper.typedSplice(Inliner.scala:839)
[error] | dotty.tools.dotc.typer.Typer.typedUnnamed$1(Typer.scala:3092)
[error] | dotty.tools.dotc.typer.Typer.typedUnadapted(Typer.scala:3112)
[error] | dotty.tools.dotc.typer.ReTyper.typedUnadapted(ReTyper.scala:146)
[error] | dotty.tools.dotc.inlines.Inliner$InlineTyper.typedUnadapted(Inliner.scala:915)
[error] | dotty.tools.dotc.typer.Typer.typed(Typer.scala:3184)
[error] | dotty.tools.dotc.typer.Typer.typed(Typer.scala:3188)
[error] | dotty.tools.dotc.typer.ReTyper.typedTyped(ReTyper.scala:65)
[error] | dotty.tools.dotc.typer.Typer.typedUnnamed$1(Typer.scala:3053)
[error] | dotty.tools.dotc.typer.Typer.typedUnadapted(Typer.scala:3112)
[error] | dotty.tools.dotc.typer.ReTyper.typedUnadapted(ReTyper.scala:146)
[error] | dotty.tools.dotc.inlines.Inliner$InlineTyper.typedUnadapted(Inliner.scala:915)
[error] | dotty.tools.dotc.typer.Typer.typed(Typer.scala:3184)
[error] | dotty.tools.dotc.typer.Typer.typed(Typer.scala:3181)
[error] | dotty.tools.dotc.typer.Typer.typed(Typer.scala:3188)
[error] | dotty.tools.dotc.inlines.Inliner.inlined(Inliner.scala:681)
[error] | dotty.tools.dotc.inlines.Inlines$InlineCall.expand(Inlines.scala:444)
[error] | dotty.tools.dotc.inlines.Inlines$.inlineCall(Inlines.scala:152)
[error] | dotty.tools.dotc.transform.Inlining$InliningTreeMap.transform(Inlining.scala:95)
[error] | dotty.tools.dotc.ast.Trees$Instance$TreeMap.transform$$anonfun$1(Trees.scala:1605)
[error] | scala.collection.immutable.List.mapConserve(List.scala:472)
[error] | dotty.tools.dotc.ast.Trees$Instance$TreeMap.transform(Trees.scala:1605)
[error] | dotty.tools.dotc.ast.Trees$Instance$TreeMap.transform(Trees.scala:1504)
[error] | dotty.tools.dotc.ast.TreeMapWithImplicits.transform(TreeMapWithImplicits.scala:67)
[error] | dotty.tools.dotc.transform.Inlining$InliningTreeMap.transform(Inlining.scala:93)
[error] 31 | _.a -> lift(value.a),
[error] 32 | Seq[Record => (Any, Any)](
[error] 33 | _.b -> lift(value.b),
[error] 34 | _.c -> lift(value.c))*
Second Error
[error] -- Error: /Users/jmp/code/learn/scala3-sample/lib/src/test/scala/com/saldubatech/Example.scala:26:37
[error] 26 | def badUpdate(value: Record) = run {
[error] | ^
[error] |Exception occurred while executing macro expansion.
[error] |scala.MatchError: EmptyTree (of class dotty.tools.dotc.ast.Trees$EmptyTree)
[error] | at scala.quoted.runtime.impl.printers.Extractors$ExtractorsPrinter.visitTree(Extractors.scala:179)
[error] | at scala.quoted.runtime.impl.printers.Extractors$ExtractorsPrinter$TreeOps.$plus$eq(Extractors.scala:286)
[error] | at scala.quoted.runtime.impl.printers.Extractors$ExtractorsPrinter.visitTree(Extractors.scala:179)
[error] | at scala.quoted.runtime.impl.printers.Extractors$.showTree(Extractors.scala:9)
[error] | at scala.quoted.runtime.impl.QuotesImpl$$anon$14.show(QuotesImpl.scala:3108)
[error] | at scala.quoted.runtime.impl.QuotesImpl$$anon$14.show(QuotesImpl.scala:3107)
[error] | at scala.quoted.runtime.impl.QuotesImpl$reflect$TreeMethods$.asExpr(QuotesImpl.scala:111)
[error] | at scala.quoted.runtime.impl.QuotesImpl$reflect$TreeMethods$.asExpr(QuotesImpl.scala:106)
[error] | at io.getquill.context.StaticTranslationMacro$.apply(StaticTranslationMacro.scala:230)
[error] | at io.getquill.context.QueryExecution$RunQuery.applyAction(QueryExecution.scala:271)
[error] | at io.getquill.context.QueryExecution$RunQuery.apply(QueryExecution.scala:215)
[error] | at io.getquill.context.QueryExecution$.applyImpl(QueryExecution.scala:422)
[error] |
[error] 27 | quote {
[error] 28 | query
[error] 29 | .filter(_.id == lift(value.id))
[error] 30 | .update(
[error] 31 | _.a -> lift(value.a),
[error] 32 | Seq[Record => (Any, Any)](
[error] 33 | _.b -> lift(value.b),
[error] 34 | _.c -> lift(value.c))*
[error] 35 | )
[error] 36 | }
[error] 37 | }
[error] |---------------------------------------------------------------------------
[error] |Inline stack trace
[error] |- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[error] |This location contains code that was inlined from QueryExecution.scala:404
[error] |- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[error] |This location contains code that was inlined from QueryExecution.scala:404
[error] |- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[error] |This location contains code that was inlined from QueryExecution.scala:404
[error] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Steps to reproduce the behavior
This self-contained file exhibits the problem with the obvious sbt dependencies added.
The goodUpdate
method compiles, the badUpdate
method does not in violation of the Scala calling convention with Varargs.
import io.getquill._
import io.getquill.jdbczio.Quill
class Example(using quill: Quill.Postgres[Literal]) {
import quill._
case class Record(val id: Long, val a: String, val b: String, val c: String)
inline def query: Quoted[EntityQuery[Record]] = quote {
def goodUpdate(value: Record) = run {
quote {
.filter(_.id == lift(value.id))
_.a -> lift(value.a),
_.b -> lift(value.b),
_.c -> lift(value.c)
def badUpdate(value: Record) = run {
quote {
.filter(_.id == lift(value.id))
_.a -> lift(value.a),
Seq[Record => (Any, Any)](
_.b -> lift(value.b),
_.c -> lift(value.c))*
The obvious workaround is to use the explicit varargs construction, but this forces a lot of code repetition for flexible update methods and similar constructs.
It is understandable that this would be a problem for static compilation of SQL, but the macro expansion should fall back to dynamic query execution in those cases (as it does in other situations)
As an added comment, the same problem is also present in the querySchema
call, although the need for "composability" is much less in that case.