zio-nio copied to clipboard
Providing a mock Stream that can be used for testing zio-nio functionality w/o requiring files
I am looking at zio-nio and zio-json interactions and would like to avoid the need to populate data files.
I created a mock Channel that is populated with a String.
Would this functionality be generally useful? If so, where it best be placed? I will create a pull request based on the responses.
import zio.{Chunk, Queue, ZIO}
import java.nio.channels.Channel
* Mock a Channel containing a specified string.
* End of data is indicated by Chunk.empty
* @param queue
class StringChannel(queue: Queue[Chunk[Byte]]) extends zio.nio.core.channels.Channel {
override protected val channel: Channel = null // not referenced
final def readChunk(capacity: Int): ZIO[Any, Nothing, Chunk[Byte]] = queue.take
object StringChannel {
* Stream of individual Chunks for each byte in string.
* @param string
* @return
def individual(string: String) = for {
q <- Queue.unbounded[Chunk[Byte]]
_ <- q.offerAll(string.getBytes().map(Chunk.single))
_ <- q.offer(Chunk.empty)
} yield new StringChannel(q)
* Single Chunk containing entire string
* @param string
* @return
def single(string: String) = for {
q <- Queue.unbounded[Chunk[Byte]]
_ <- q.offer(Chunk.fromArray(string.getBytes()))
_ <- q.offer(Chunk.empty)
} yield new StringChannel(q)
import zio.blocking.Blocking
import zio.console.Console
import zio.nio.core.charset.Charset
import zio.stream.ZStream
import zio.{App, ExitCode, URIO, ZIO, console}
object StringChannelDump extends App {
val lines =
override def run(args: List[String]): URIO[zio.ZEnv, ExitCode] = {
val program = for {
channel <- StringChannel.single(lines)
_ <- dump(channel)
} yield ()
private def dump(chan: StringChannel): ZIO[Console with Blocking, Exception, Unit] = {
val inStream: ZStream[Blocking, Exception, Byte] = ZStream.repeatEffectChunkOption {
chan.readChunk(1000).asSomeError.flatMap { chunk =>
if (chunk.isEmpty) ZIO.fail(None) else ZIO.succeed(chunk)
val charStream: ZStream[Blocking, Exception, Char] =
charStream.foreachChunk(chars => console.putStr(chars.mkString))