zio-logging copied to clipboard
`zio.logging.LogAnnotation` work in unexpected way.
I tried to migrate code from zio 1 to zio 2. it looks like there is a discrepancy between the zio.LogAnnotation
and zio.logging.LogAnnotation
. The one provided by zio correctly puts annotations as fields into the log, whereas zio.logging.LogAnnotation
just stores them in the fibers Fiberrefs so they can be used to construct a custom LogFormat (which is of limited use when e.g. used together with logstash+kibana where you want all these annotations as separate fields).
e.g. I have this directive to integrate with akka-http
def zioUserEffect[E <: Throwable](f: ZIO[CorrelationId with UserId with Set[Role] with User, E, Route])(
implicit r: zio.Runtime[Any]): Route =
Route {
(AuthDirective.extractUserPrincipal & Directives.extractRequest) { case (principal, req) =>
val e: ZIO[Any, E, Route] = for {
_ <- ZIO.unit
c = CorrelationId.random()
baseEffect = ZIO.logDebug(s"Processing Req. ${req.method} ${req.uri}") *> f
zioAnnotations = ZIO.logAnnotate(
zio.LogAnnotation("correlation-id", c.value.toString),
zio.LogAnnotation("user-id", principal.userId.userId),
zio.LogAnnotation("request-uri", req.uri.toString()),
zio.LogAnnotation("request-method", req.method.value)
annotated = baseEffect @@
LogAnnotations.CorrelationId(c) @@
LogAnnotations.UserId(principal.userId) @@
LogAnnotations.RequestUri(req.uri.toString()) @@
provided = zioAnnotations(annotated).provide(
ZLayer.succeed(c: CorrelationId),
ZLayer.succeed(principal.userId: UserId),
ZLayer.succeed(principal.roles: Set[Role]),
ZLayer.succeed(principal: User)
running <- provided
} yield running
StandardRoute { ctx =>
val future: Future[RouteResult] =
Unsafe.unsafe(implicit u => r.unsafe.runToFuture(e)).flatMap(v => v(ctx))(ctx.executionContext)
I was expecting that the annotated
effect would be enough to have the fields correctly put into the log. It took me 3 hours to figure out that I have to create a zio.LogAnnotation
like done with zioAnnotations
that I then have to apply to my effect so that it works correctly.
I'm using this logging layer in my app:
private val logger =
zio.Runtime.removeDefaultLoggers >>> SLF4J.slf4j(
LogLevel.All, LogFormat.line
together with this logback.xml
<appender class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender" name="JSON">
<encoder encoding="UTF-8" class="net.logstash.logback.encoder.LogstashEncoder">
hi @domdorn,
sorry for inconvenience,
we know about inconsistency between zio annotations and log annotations (it was also reported in #453), in current released version (2.0.1), LogAnnotation
-s are not propagated into slf4j MDC context
we are working on fix and also another improvements, which should fix current issues in relation to slf4j integration
there is draft PR #479 created, which should address those problems
thank you very much, for your patience
hi @domdorn, propagation of annotations to MDC context was fixed in 2.1.0 version, at this level zio LogAnnotation-s and zio-logging LogAnnotation-s got same behavior, documentation/example: slf4j logger annotations
can you check it. if it solved your problem?
thank you very much
hi @domdorn, please let me know if my previous comment solving your problem, and I can close this issue. Thank you very much
Hi @justcoon , yes, it looks like my problem is fixed - thanks!