react-cool-layout copied to clipboard
A react based layout engine that does not need to understand CSS
Why react-cool-layout
react-cool-layout is a responsive layout engine based on runtime js calculation.
The idea is that you can declare a dynamic way of getting position info like left
, top
and size info like width
, height
for each layout item. One layout item (say component A) can declare dependencies of another (say component B). If size/position info of B changes, size/position info of A will be changed automatically according to the way that is declared for setting the position/size property based on the new state of component B. Let's take the following code snippets as an example:
left={lib => {
// here we're declaring left of item with id '1' depends on the width of item '3'
// so if something happens and causing dom state of item 3 changes, left of item '1'
// will be automatically recalculated based on the function declared here
const width = - lib.get('1').width - lib.get('3').width - 200;
return parseInt(width / 2);
background: 'red',
<div style={{
width: 200,
height: 200,
}} />
left={lib => {
// here we're declaring left of item '2' depends on the left of item '1'
// so if something happens and causing dom state of item 1 changes, left of item '2'
// will be automatically recalculated based on the function declared here
const width = lib.get('1').left + 200 + 200;
return parseInt(width);
<div style={{
width: 200,
height: 80,
background: 'yellow'
}} />
- The dependencies management is managed by react-cool-layout and we use MutationObserver to automatically register all subscriptions. Thus browsers or polyfil that supports MutationObserver is required.
- Currently, we don't support re-rendering of react-cool-layout. #12
$ npm install react-cool-layout
$ npm run dev
Examples can be found here.