zincsearch copied to clipboard
Aggregation bug
=============dada source:=================== curl http://localhost:4080/api/_bulk -i -u admin:Complexpass#123 --data-binary "@olympics.ndjson" HTTP/1.1 100 Continue
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Zinc: v0.4.7-1-g4c2442f Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2023 07:01:03 GMT Content-Length: 53
{"message":"bulk data inserted","record_count":36935}
swagger api debug:
{ "search_type": "match", "query": { "term": "Ice Hockey" }, "sort_fields": ["-@timestamp"], "from": 0, "max_results": 20, "aggs": { "Medal": { "agg_type": "term", "field": "Medal", "size": 10 }, "Year": { "agg_type": "range", "field": "Year", "size": 10, "ranges": [ {"from": 1900, "to": 1920}, {"from": 1921, "to": 1950}, {"from": 1951, "to": 2000}, {"from": 2000, "to": 2021} ] }, "@timestamp": { "agg_type": "date_range", "field": "@timestamp", "size": 10, "date_ranges": [ { "from": "2020-01-21T09:22:50.604Z", "to": "2021-01-21T09:22:50.604Z" }, { "from": "2021-01-22T09:22:50.604Z", "to": "2023-01-21T09:22:50.604Z" } ] }, "max_Year": { "agg_type": "max", "field": "Year" }, "min_Year": { "agg_type": "min", "field": "Year" }, "avg_Year": { "agg_type": "avg", "field": "Year" }, "weighted_avg_Year": { "agg_type": "weighted_avg", "field": "Year", "weight_field": "Year" }, "sum_Year": { "agg_type": "sum", "field": "Year" }, "count_Sport": { "agg_type": "count", "field": "Sport" } } }
Response body:
I expect the return result to be similar to the above doc
What is the problem, my data source and request parameters are consistent with the document? Thank you.