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diagonal gestures
I believe diagonal gestures are somewhat new (is there as version history of SUG somewhere?).
It is a welcomed addition to the simple drags of text, images and links. Unfortunately they are not available outside of text, images and links, which is the vast majority of commands (not acting on the selected text, image and link).
It would be very helpful to have the four diagonal strokes also for the mouse actions, since it is very difficult to remember the composite gestures. I think it is easier to remember four simple directions plus the four diagonals, which provide 8 helpful commands.
It would also be helpful, if the gesture chart could be opened at any time with a ("super") gesture (spiraling?, ...), one of the easy/single stroke gestures and/or a keyboard shortcut for easy access and training.
sorry, there is a nice version history in the options ....
Add 4 diagonal gestures for general actions?
My suggestion is, to allow the four diagonal strokes also as Mouse Gestures / Actions, because the eight straight gestures (up,down, left, right, plus the four diagonal) are the easiest to memorize. To memorize the composite strokes is more difficult, although the real time messages help a little.
Currently it is not allowed to define diagonals as Mouse Gestures / Actions. If I try (right-upward diagonal), it is stored as RURU (right-up-right-up) and expects this stair-pattern gesture for execution. It it not triggered with a single right-upward diagonal.
I think a master gesture and keyboard shortcut that calls this helper window would be extremely helpful to memorize the many helpful gestures:
The eight basic (single line strokes) could be displayed even nicer in a single illustration, showing the eight directions starting from central point showing their respective commands at their ends.