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This is a tensorflow and keras based implementation of SSRNs in the IEEE T-GRS paper "Spectral-Spatial Residual Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification: A 3-D Deep Learning Framework".

Results 21 SSRN issues
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Hello! Thank you for sharing the code! when I execute file and file ,the code from Utils import from Utils import zeroPadding, normalization, doPCA, modelStatsRecord, averageAccuracy, ssrn_SS_UP does...

Hi, does anyone has a written code on how to remove certain labels from gt file? I have seen this: set_zeros(gt_IN, [1,4,7,9,13,15,16]) in SSRN but the function is not defined....

I am trying to reproduce the results but after training, I get a confusion matrix in which some classes have zero predictions. Can you tell me why it is? The...

Utils/", line 14 SyntaxError: (unicode error) 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xa1 in position 19: invalid start byte I wonder the author could give me a complete code by email,...

Thank you for your work. How do you split the training data set, validation data set and test data set? First, if the number of categories in a certain category...

Thank you for sharing the code. I have tested the code with IndianPines dataset. When I run the IN_classification_maps,I met ValueError: could not convert string to float: 'normal'.How to solve...


I've been trying to write the code about SS-GAN under the guide of your paper "Generative Adversarial Networks and Conditional Random Fields for Hyperspectral Image Classification" recently. And I am...

Hi. when I execute file, the code `from Utils import zeroPadding, normalization, doPCA, modelStatsRecord, averageAccuracy, ssrn_SS_IN` can works, but when I execute the, the code above line not...


in Running the following error encountered from Utils import zeroPadding, normalization, doPCA, modelStatsRecord, averageAccuracy, ssrn_SS_IN since Utils is folder i am getting import error