cocos2d-x-shader-gallery copied to clipboard
A water ripple effect implemented by cocos2d-x v2.1.4
The ripple shader effect is inspired from Panajav.
How to Use
You can put this project under your cocos2d-x root's projects folder.(I use Walzer's amazing to create these cross-platform projects. You can refer to this wiki page for more information.)
Now I only add ios and android support, more version will be added in the future. Hope you guys will contribute.
- add my own fork of cocos2d-x as a submodule
- convert the ripple demo to support v2.x and v3.x
- port all of my book's shaders with cocos2d-x v2.x and v3.x
- write some more shaders
Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License (WTFPL).