chrisify icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
chrisify copied to clipboard

Adds some much needed Chris to an image.


Linux Install

  1. Install the OpenCV Developer package. On Ubuntu systems that's sudo apt install libopencv-dev

  2. go get

  3. go get

  4. cd $GOPATH/src/ && go build


Simplest: chrisify path/to/image.jpg > output.jpg

If executed from any location besides the repository, you must tell it where to find the bundled Haar Cascade face recognition XML file. I tried to bundle it with the binary, but it must be provided as a file to the OpenCV library, so a file path is necessary.

chrisify --haar /path/to/haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml /path/to/input.jpg > output.jpg

If you'd like to use different faces, you can provide a directory of PNG files to be imported:

chrisify --faces /path/to/faces /path/to/input.jpg > output.jpg