emoji-awesome copied to clipboard
Cross platform, easy to use, no-javascript solution for the emoji awesomeness
Its like font-awesome but for emojis. Visit demo
Chose from hundreds of emojis and start using without having to worry about the compatibility issues :open_mouth:
Quick install
npm install emoji-awesome
Just include the given CSS file and start using emojis :clap:
<i class="em em-heart"></i>
<i class="em em-gift"></i>
<i class="em em-bell"></i>
:page_with_curl: Documentation
For further details and list of available emojis, visit the docs directory or the demo site
:vertical_traffic_light: Roadmap
- [x] Add apple emoji support
- [x] Add twitter emoji support
- [x] Add messenger emoji support
- [x] Add google emoji support
- [x] Add facebook emoji support
- [x] Add emoji-one emoji support
:family: Contributions
Feel free to fork the repository, improve anything or add support for the other emojis listed in the roadmap. Emoji sheets can be found in the src/img
:oncoming_police_car: License
MIT :copyright: Zeeshan Ahmad