HTML-CSS-Class-Completion icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
HTML-CSS-Class-Completion copied to clipboard

Always suggests "html" Intellisense

Open vaindil opened this issue 5 years ago • 3 comments

With this extension enabled, I get the below suggestion from Intellisense every time I hit space inside of an HTML element. It does suggest class names, but it causes this issue and it's incredibly irritating.

html popup

vaindil avatar Nov 21 '18 18:11 vaindil

the same

Alecto avatar Jan 03 '19 23:01 Alecto

In fact it just forces quickSuggestions in HTML and JS files to be triggered by space, even when editor.quickSuggestions are disabled in prefs. HTML: zignd-intellisense-for-css-superfuous-quick-suggest-2019-01-08 JS: zignd-intellisense-for-css-superfuous-quick-suggest-2019-01-08-js

myfonj avatar Jan 08 '19 17:01 myfonj

same problem its very annoying its popup every time i use space in every where in document.

fakhamatia avatar Feb 26 '19 08:02 fakhamatia