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Instructions of usage and setup
currently this repo is not clear nor informative on how to include and use it.
Things that I think should be specified:
- How to link openGL with the bindings?
- further usage examples
For example on point 1, I'm getting segment fault because probably the function pointers are undefined (point to 0).
I agree that at least a basic example should be included to help new users since there isn't a ton of projects out there using zgl yet. I managed to brute-force my way to a bit of working code in a few hours. I'm using SDL but the code should be similar with whatever libarary you're using, it just needs a GetProcAddress
pub const c = @cImport({
const zgl = @import("zgl");
fn getProcAddressWrapper(comptime _: type, symbolName: [:0]const u8) ?*const anyopaque {
return c.SDL_GL_GetProcAddress(symbolName);
fn init_opengl() {
// Init SDL
try zgl.loadExtensions(void, getProcAddressWrapper);
// Use zgl with zig bindings or C-API bindings
This isn't the same exact code I use in my application, but it should get you going with zgl. Feel free to reply if something is not working correctly.
Hi @KnockerPulsar, at the end I was able to make it work using mach-glfw
, you can see an example here: https://github.com/Flecart/zig-learnopengl/blob/main/src/chapter-1/1.2.zig#L41