FCNPC copied to clipboard
Just on linux ubuntu, windows still fine
=========================== FCNPC Exception Handler ============================
Signal 11 (Segmentation fault), address is 2 from f5a6bee7
#0 in plugins/FCNPC.so(_ZN17CExceptionHandler24ExceptionHandlerCallbackEiP9siginfo_tPv+0x126) [0xf5a61ba6]
#1 in linux-gate.so.1(__kernel_rt_sigreturn+0) [0xf7f980a0]
#2 in plugins/FCNPC.so(_ZN11CPlayerData7ProcessEv+0x17) [0xf5a6bee7]
#3 in plugins/FCNPC.so(_ZN14CPlayerManager7ProcessEv+0x42) [0xf5a6e1a2]
#4 in plugins/FCNPC.so(_ZN7CServer7ProcessEv+0x54) [0xf5a70704]
#5 in plugins/FCNPC.so(ProcessTick+0x23) [0xf5a71ff3]
#6 in ./samp03svr() [0x80d1ce2]
#7 in ./samp03svr() [0x80aef6c]
#8 in ./samp03svr() [0x80aa13a]
#9 in /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xf1) [0xf7afdfa1]
System: GNU/Linux
SA-MP: 0.3.7 R2
FCNPC: 2.0.8
FUNC_CPlayerPool__DeletePlayer: 0x80d0a90
FUNC_CPlayer__Kill: 0x80cb220
FUNC_CPlayer__EnterVehicle: 0x80cc1c0
FUNC_CPlayer__ExitVehicle: 0x80cc340
FUNC_CPlayer__SpawnForWorld: 0x80ccfc0
FUNC_GetVehicleModelInfo: 0x80d5e00
FUNC_CConsole__GetIntVariable: 0x80a0070
FUNC_ClientJoin_RPC: 0x80b0030
VAR_ServerAuthentication: 0x81ab8ec
VAR_NetVersion: 0xfd9
OFFSET_RemoteSystemManager: 0x334
OFFSET_RemoteSystemSize: 0xc69
OFFSET_RemoteSystem__ConnectMode: 0xc62
OFFSET_RemoteSystem__Unknown: 0xc67
=========================== FCNPC Exception Handler ============================
How i fix it?
Got the same crash, would like to know solution or at least the reason why this happens. Happens when bots are joining the server. The Pawn code: https://git.antiope.link/ChronosXYZ/sfcnr/src/branch/master/gamemodes/irresistible/cnr/features/robbery/clerks.pwn
@ChronosXYZ You fixed it ?
Did you read my comment? Of course no.
I'm Having the same issue, im using the same gamemode you are using, i fixed it before i wil let you know if i figured it out
I'm Having the same issue, im using the same gamemode you are using, i fixed it before i wil let you know if i figured it out
how u fix it? @sconderg
GMX? Why are using it? Anyways I need a script to reproduce the crash.
Also try to use FCNPC_OnInit
instead of OnGameModeInit
to create a NPC (https://github.com/ziggi/FCNPC/issues/200) if you are using YSI.
The Pawn code: https://git.antiope.link/ChronosXYZ/sfcnr/src/branch/master/gamemodes/irresistible/cnr/features/robbery/clerks.pwn
Can't compile it.
GMX? Why are using it? Anyways I need a script to reproduce the crash. Also try to use
instead ofOnGameModeInit
to create a NPC (#200) if you are using YSI.The Pawn code: https://git.antiope.link/ChronosXYZ/sfcnr/src/branch/master/gamemodes/irresistible/cnr/features/robbery/clerks.pwn
Can't compile it.
GMX to restart the server, update changes made to Game Mode.
I don't use YSI
plugins crashdetect.so streamer_2.9.4.so mysql.so samp_bcrypt.so pawncmd.so sscanf.so chrono.so FCNPC.so sampvoice.so
#include < crashdetect> #include < a_mysql> #include < streamer_2.9.4> #include < Pawn.CMD> #include < sscanf2> #include < chrono> #include < samp_bcrypt> #include < FCNPC> #include < foreach_2.2.5> #include < DOF2> #include < acuf> #include < pos_car> #include < blockgarage> #include < strlib>
GMX to restart the server, update changes made to Game Mode.
GMX restarts gamemode, not server. Killing process and running it back is much more safe.
Same Error Showing, Does Anyone Know How to Fix This?