@naibaf7 @sh1r0 hi,I've run it by compared naibaf7/caffe to caffe-android-lib ,it work well on cpu used EIGEN, but it will failed when run greentea_memset() on GPU mode(mali T880 opencl 1.1,use...
@naibaf7 there is still some troubles in it ,i will spent some days to fix it , and then https://github.com/amd/OpenCL-caffe/issues/17 said clblas 2.4 support opencl 1.1 ,i also will try...
@naibaf7 yes! i will share it when it is completed,it is popular to use caffe(mxnet and so on) on telephone ,many people wang to do that .
@naibaf7 i am sorry,i go home just beause of new year,i will come back 2016,01,04,
@sh1r0 you will refer @naibaf7 ' s code in caffe.cpp:test(),you add setdevices() will fix it,at first ,you will init device