
Results 42 issues of zxj

`vss_windows.go` `iVssBackupComponents.SetContext(VSS_CTX_BACKUP);` I believe that when backup is paused, the VSS shadow will be reclaimed by the system. Will continuing the backup at this time fail? Should it be changed...

both Windows XP and Windows 2008 support ETW. Why not support these two systems?

yy-thunks version: v1.0.9 beta3 代码是(#60) ```rust use tokio::net::TcpListener; use tokio::io::{AsyncReadExt, AsyncWriteExt}; #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result { let listener = TcpListener::bind("").await?;// 这里报错PermissionDined loop { let (mut socket, _) =...

Trace AlreadyExist,but logman query -ets trace not found,this library has been unregistered method?

Because the old version of `rustls` relies on `ring` 0.16.20, It may lead to build failures on certain systems

How do I call ping? Currently I'm using select 1, but I just want to call the linked ping function? ```rust self.inner .as_mut().expect("MssqlConnection inner is none") .query("select 1", &[]) .await...

```rust let html=r#" 'insert into biz_activity' '${key}' 'values' '${item}' "#; let dom = Dom::parse(html).unwrap(); ``` ``` called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: Parsing(" --> 1:23\n |\n1 | \n | ^---\n...

Will coroutines with stacks be supported?Virtual thread or Green thread

有点奇怪,为什么cpu负载会这么高? 我的电脑配置: i7 8700 6核心12线程 测试go官方rpc ``` client : cpu负载 12% service: cpu负载 12% ``` 测试may_rpc - cargo run --example=throughput --release ``` may::config().set_pool_capacity(12); cpu负载 89.7% ```

If I want a backup block device (bytes array), can it support it? * maybe need change and restore params(`source: PathList` to`source: FileSystem` ) ? ```rust pub fn backup( &self,...
