Boardwalk copied to clipboard invalid entry compressed size (expected -1 but got 1031 bytes)
Version of Boardwalk:
Version of Android: 8.1.0
Device model: SM-N960F
Description of the problem: i can't run mc because i got this error every time when i pressed launch Minecraft button: invalid entry compressed size (expected -1 but got 1031 bytes)
It is said that the developer are rewriting Boardwalk. I hope he can complete and solve this problem as soon as possible.@zhuowei I want to know the progress. Can you tell me?
Same problem, but on pie and Oneplus 6
Same here! Note9
Same for galaxy s9
Boardwalk 1.0-1.2. Uses Android's own JVM. The only released version. Doesn't work on Android 7.x and above.
Same on the Google pixel 2 XL on Android 10
just google net.minecraft.kdt apk for a working vershon on android 7.1.1 to pie
I have Huawei P30 pro Dont Work with Same Error code