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## Keyword: SLAM There is no result ## Keyword: Visual inertial There is no result ## Keyword: livox There is no result ## Keyword: loam There is no result ##...
## Keyword: SLAM There is no result ## Keyword: Visual inertial ### Perception-aware receding horizon trajectory planning for multicopters with visual-inertial odometry - **Authors:** Xiangyu Wu, Shuxiao Chen, Koushil Sreenath,...
## Keyword: SLAM There is no result ## Keyword: Visual inertial There is no result ## Keyword: livox There is no result ## Keyword: loam There is no result ##...
## Keyword: SLAM ### UrbanFly: Uncertainty-Aware Planning for Navigation Amongst High-Rises with Monocular Visual-Inertial SLAM Maps - **Authors:** Ayyappa Swamy Thatavarthy, Sudarshan S Harithas, Gurkirat Singh, Arun K Singh, K...
## Keyword: SLAM ### Curiosity Driven Self-supervised Tactile Exploration of Unknown Objects - **Authors:** Yujie Lu, Jianren Wang, Vikash Kumar - **Subjects:** Robotics (cs.RO) - **Arxiv link:** - **Pdf...
## Keyword: SLAM ### GTP-SLAM: Game-Theoretic Priors for Simultaneous Localization and Mapping in Multi-Agent Scenarios - **Authors:** Chih-Yuan Chiu, David Fridovich-Keil - **Subjects:** Robotics (cs.RO); Systems and Control (eess.SY) -...
## Keyword: SLAM ### Indoor SLAM Using a Foot-mounted IMU and the local Magnetic Field - **Authors:** Mostafa Osman, Frida Viset, Manon Kok - **Subjects:** Robotics (cs.RO); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI)...
## Keyword: SLAM ### Sparse Image based Navigation Architecture to Mitigate the need of precise Localization in Mobile Robots - **Authors:** Pranay Mathur, Rajesh Kumar, Sarthak Upadhyay - **Subjects:** Robotics...
## Keyword: SLAM ### FD-SLAM: 3-D Reconstruction Using Features and Dense Matching - **Authors:** Xingrui Yang, Yuhang Ming, Zhaopeng Cui, Andrew Calway - **Subjects:** Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV);...
## Keyword: SLAM ### Gravity-constrained point cloud registration - **Authors:** Vladimír Kubelka, Maxime Vaidis, François Pomerleau - **Subjects:** Robotics (cs.RO) - **Arxiv link:** - **Pdf link:** - **Abstract**...