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New submissions for Mon, 25 Jul 22

Open zhuhu00 opened this issue 2 years ago • 0 comments

New submissions for Mon, 25 Jul 22

Keyword: SLAM

PLD-SLAM: A Real-Time Visual SLAM Using Points and Line Segments in Dynamic Scenes

  • Authors: BaoSheng Zhang
  • Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Computational Geometry (cs.CG); Robotics (cs.RO)
  • Arxiv link:
  • Pdf link:
  • Abstract In this paper, we consider the problems in the practical application of visual simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM). With the popularization and application of the technology in wide scope, the practicability of SLAM system has become a new hot topic after the accuracy and robustness, e.g., how to keep the stability of the system and achieve accurate pose estimation in the low-texture and dynamic environment, and how to improve the universality and real-time performance of the system in the real scenes, etc. This paper proposes a real-time stereo indirect visual SLAM system, PLD-SLAM, which combines point and line features, and avoid the impact of dynamic objects in highly dynamic environments. We also present a novel global gray similarity (GGS) algorithm to achieve reasonable keyframe selection and efficient loop closure detection (LCD). Benefiting from the GGS, PLD-SLAM can realize real-time accurate pose estimation in most real scenes without pre-training and loading a huge feature dictionary model. To verify the performance of the proposed system, we compare it with existing state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods on the public datasets KITTI, EuRoC MAV, and the indoor stereo datasets provided by us, etc. The experiments show that the PLD-SLAM has better real-time performance while ensuring stability and accuracy in most scenarios. In addition, through the analysis of the experimental results of the GGS, we can find it has excellent performance in the keyframe selection and LCD.

Dense RGB-D-Inertial SLAM with Map Deformations

  • Authors: Tristan Laidlow, Michael Bloesch, Wenbin Li, Stefan Leutenegger
  • Subjects: Robotics (cs.RO); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
  • Arxiv link:
  • Pdf link:
  • Abstract While dense visual SLAM methods are capable of estimating dense reconstructions of the environment, they suffer from a lack of robustness in their tracking step, especially when the optimisation is poorly initialised. Sparse visual SLAM systems have attained high levels of accuracy and robustness through the inclusion of inertial measurements in a tightly-coupled fusion. Inspired by this performance, we propose the first tightly-coupled dense RGB-D-inertial SLAM system. Our system has real-time capability while running on a GPU. It jointly optimises for the camera pose, velocity, IMU biases and gravity direction while building up a globally consistent, fully dense surfel-based 3D reconstruction of the environment. Through a series of experiments on both synthetic and real world datasets, we show that our dense visual-inertial SLAM system is more robust to fast motions and periods of low texture and low geometric variation than a related RGB-D-only SLAM system.

NeurAR: Neural Uncertainty for Autonomous 3D Reconstruction

  • Authors: Yunlong Ran, Jing Zeng, Shibo He, Lincheng Li, Yingfeng Chen, Gimhee Lee, Jiming Chen, Qi Ye
  • Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
  • Arxiv link:
  • Pdf link:
  • Abstract Implicit neural representations have shown compelling results in offline 3D reconstruction and also recently demonstrated the potential for online SLAM systems. However, applying them to autonomous 3D reconstruction, where robots are required to explore a scene and plan a view path for the reconstruction, has not been studied. In this paper, we explore for the first time the possibility of using implicit neural representations for autonomous 3D scene reconstruction by addressing two key challenges: 1) seeking a criterion to measure the quality of the candidate viewpoints for the view planning based on the new representations, and 2) learning the criterion from data that can generalize to different scenes instead of hand-crafting one. For the first challenge, a proxy of Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) is proposed to quantify a viewpoint quality. The proxy is acquired by treating the color of a spatial point in a scene as a random variable under a Gaussian distribution rather than a deterministic one; the variance of the distribution quantifies the uncertainty of the reconstruction and composes the proxy. For the second challenge, the proxy is optimized jointly with the parameters of an implicit neural network for the scene. With the proposed view quality criterion, we can then apply the new representations to autonomous 3D reconstruction. Our method demonstrates significant improvements on various metrics for the rendered image quality and the geometry quality of the reconstructed 3D models when compared with variants using TSDF or reconstruction without view planning.

Keyword: odometry

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Keyword: livox

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Keyword: loam

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Keyword: lidar

Learning Deep SDF Maps Online for Robot Navigation and Exploration

  • Authors: Gadiel Sznaier Camps, Robert Dyro, Marco Pavone, Mac Schwager
  • Subjects: Robotics (cs.RO)
  • Arxiv link:
  • Pdf link:
  • Abstract We propose an algorithm to (i) learn online a deep signed distance function (SDF) with a LiDAR-equipped robot to represent the 3D environment geometry, and (ii) plan collision-free trajectories given this deep learned map. Our algorithm takes a stream of incoming LiDAR scans and continually optimizes a neural network to represent the SDF of the environment around its current vicinity. When the SDF network quality saturates, we cache a copy of the network, along with a learned confidence metric, and initialize a new SDF network to continue mapping new regions of the environment. We then concatenate all the cached local SDFs through a confidence-weighted scheme to give a global SDF for planning. For planning, we make use of a sequential convex model predictive control (MPC) algorithm. The MPC planner optimizes a dynamically feasible trajectory for the robot while enforcing no collisions with obstacles mapped in the global SDF. We show that our online mapping algorithm produces higher-quality maps than existing methods for online SDF training. In the WeBots simulator, we further showcase the combined mapper and planner running online -- navigating autonomously and without collisions in an unknown environment.

Geodesic-Former: a Geodesic-Guided Few-shot 3D Point Cloud Instance Segmenter

  • Authors: Tuan Ngo, Khoi Nguyen
  • Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
  • Arxiv link:
  • Pdf link:
  • Abstract This paper introduces a new problem in 3D point cloud: few-shot instance segmentation. Given a few annotated point clouds exemplified a target class, our goal is to segment all instances of this target class in a query point cloud. This problem has a wide range of practical applications where point-wise instance segmentation annotation is prohibitively expensive to collect. To address this problem, we present Geodesic-Former -- the first geodesic-guided transformer for 3D point cloud instance segmentation. The key idea is to leverage the geodesic distance to tackle the density imbalance of LiDAR 3D point clouds. The LiDAR 3D point clouds are dense near the object surface and sparse or empty elsewhere making the Euclidean distance less effective to distinguish different objects. The geodesic distance, on the other hand, is more suitable since it encodes the scene's geometry which can be used as a guiding signal for the attention mechanism in a transformer decoder to generate kernels representing distinct features of instances. These kernels are then used in a dynamic convolution to obtain the final instance masks. To evaluate Geodesic-Former on the new task, we propose new splits of the two common 3D point cloud instance segmentation datasets: ScannetV2 and S3DIS. Geodesic-Former consistently outperforms strong baselines adapted from state-of-the-art 3D point cloud instance segmentation approaches with a significant margin. Code is available at

Keyword: loop detection

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Keyword: nerf

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Keyword: mapping

Efficient model compression with Random Operation Access Specific Tile (ROAST) hashing

  • Authors: Aditya Desai, Keren Zhou, Anshumali Shrivastava
  • Subjects: Machine Learning (cs.LG)
  • Arxiv link:
  • Pdf link:
  • Abstract Advancements in deep learning are often associated with increasing model sizes. The model size dramatically affects the deployment cost and latency of deep models. For instance, models like BERT cannot be deployed on edge devices and mobiles due to their sheer size. As a result, most advances in Deep Learning are yet to reach the edge. Model compression has sought much-deserved attention in literature across natural language processing, vision, and recommendation domains. This paper proposes a model-agnostic, cache-friendly model compression approach: Random Operation Access Specific Tile (ROAST) hashing. ROAST collapses the parameters by clubbing them through a lightweight mapping. Notably, while clubbing these parameters, ROAST utilizes cache hierarchies by aligning the memory access pattern with the parameter access pattern. ROAST is up to $\sim 25 \times$ faster to train and $\sim 50 \times$ faster to infer than the popular parameter sharing method HashedNet. Additionally, ROAST introduces global weight sharing, which is empirically and theoretically superior to local weight sharing in HashedNet, and can be of independent interest in itself. With ROAST, we present the first compressed BERT, which is $100\times - 1000\times$ smaller but does not result in quality degradation. These compression levels on universal architecture like transformers are promising for the future of SOTA model deployment on resource-constrained devices like mobile and edge devices

Learning Deep SDF Maps Online for Robot Navigation and Exploration

  • Authors: Gadiel Sznaier Camps, Robert Dyro, Marco Pavone, Mac Schwager
  • Subjects: Robotics (cs.RO)
  • Arxiv link:
  • Pdf link:
  • Abstract We propose an algorithm to (i) learn online a deep signed distance function (SDF) with a LiDAR-equipped robot to represent the 3D environment geometry, and (ii) plan collision-free trajectories given this deep learned map. Our algorithm takes a stream of incoming LiDAR scans and continually optimizes a neural network to represent the SDF of the environment around its current vicinity. When the SDF network quality saturates, we cache a copy of the network, along with a learned confidence metric, and initialize a new SDF network to continue mapping new regions of the environment. We then concatenate all the cached local SDFs through a confidence-weighted scheme to give a global SDF for planning. For planning, we make use of a sequential convex model predictive control (MPC) algorithm. The MPC planner optimizes a dynamically feasible trajectory for the robot while enforcing no collisions with obstacles mapped in the global SDF. We show that our online mapping algorithm produces higher-quality maps than existing methods for online SDF training. In the WeBots simulator, we further showcase the combined mapper and planner running online -- navigating autonomously and without collisions in an unknown environment.

PLD-SLAM: A Real-Time Visual SLAM Using Points and Line Segments in Dynamic Scenes

  • Authors: BaoSheng Zhang
  • Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Computational Geometry (cs.CG); Robotics (cs.RO)
  • Arxiv link:
  • Pdf link:
  • Abstract In this paper, we consider the problems in the practical application of visual simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM). With the popularization and application of the technology in wide scope, the practicability of SLAM system has become a new hot topic after the accuracy and robustness, e.g., how to keep the stability of the system and achieve accurate pose estimation in the low-texture and dynamic environment, and how to improve the universality and real-time performance of the system in the real scenes, etc. This paper proposes a real-time stereo indirect visual SLAM system, PLD-SLAM, which combines point and line features, and avoid the impact of dynamic objects in highly dynamic environments. We also present a novel global gray similarity (GGS) algorithm to achieve reasonable keyframe selection and efficient loop closure detection (LCD). Benefiting from the GGS, PLD-SLAM can realize real-time accurate pose estimation in most real scenes without pre-training and loading a huge feature dictionary model. To verify the performance of the proposed system, we compare it with existing state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods on the public datasets KITTI, EuRoC MAV, and the indoor stereo datasets provided by us, etc. The experiments show that the PLD-SLAM has better real-time performance while ensuring stability and accuracy in most scenarios. In addition, through the analysis of the experimental results of the GGS, we can find it has excellent performance in the keyframe selection and LCD.

METER-ML: A Multi-sensor Earth Observation Benchmark for Automated Methane Source Mapping

  • Authors: Bryan Zhu, Nicholas Lui, Jeremy Irvin, Jimmy Le, Sahil Tadwalkar, Chenghao Wang, Zutao Ouyang, Frankie Y. Liu, Andrew Y. Ng, Robert B. Jackson
  • Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
  • Arxiv link:
  • Pdf link:
  • Abstract Reducing methane emissions is essential for mitigating global warming. To attribute methane emissions to their sources, a comprehensive dataset of methane source infrastructure is necessary. Recent advancements with deep learning on remotely sensed imagery have the potential to identify the locations and characteristics of methane sources, but there is a substantial lack of publicly available data to enable machine learning researchers and practitioners to build automated mapping approaches. To help fill this gap, we construct a multi-sensor dataset called METER-ML containing 86,625 georeferenced NAIP, Sentinel-1, and Sentinel-2 images in the U.S. labeled for the presence or absence of methane source facilities including concentrated animal feeding operations, coal mines, landfills, natural gas processing plants, oil refineries and petroleum terminals, and wastewater treatment plants. We experiment with a variety of models that leverage different spatial resolutions, spatial footprints, image products, and spectral bands. We find that our best model achieves an area under the precision recall curve of 0.915 for identifying concentrated animal feeding operations and 0.821 for oil refineries and petroleum terminals on an expert-labeled test set, suggesting the potential for large-scale mapping. We make METER-ML freely available at to support future work on automated methane source mapping.

Toward a Generic Mapping Language for Transformations between RDF and Data Interchange Formats

  • Authors: Aljosha Köcher, Artan Markaj, Alexander Fay
  • Subjects: Databases (cs.DB); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI)
  • Arxiv link:
  • Pdf link:
  • Abstract While there exist approaches to integrate heterogeneous data using semantic models, such semantic models can typically not be used by existing software tools. Many software tools - especially in engineering - only have options to import and export data in more established data interchange formats such as XML or JSON. Thus, if an information which is included in a semantic model needs to be used in a such a software tool, automatic approaches for mapping semantic information into an interchange format are needed. We aim to develop a generic mapping approach that allows users to create transformations of semantic information into a data interchange format with an arbitrary structure which can be defined by a user. This mapping approach is currently being elaborated. In this contribution, we report our initial steps targeted to transformations from RDF into XML. At first, a mapping language is introduced which allows to define automated mappings from ontologies to XML. Furthermore, a mapping algorithm capable of executing mappings defined in this language is presented. An evaluation is done with a use case in which engineering information needs to be used in a 3D modeling tool.

Keyword: localization

BigIssue: A Realistic Bug Localization Benchmark

  • Authors: Paul Kassianik, Erik Nijkamp, Bo Pang, Yingbo Zhou, Caiming Xiong
  • Subjects: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Software Engineering (cs.SE)
  • Arxiv link:
  • Pdf link:
  • Abstract As machine learning tools progress, the inevitable question arises: How can machine learning help us write better code? With significant progress being achieved in natural language processing with models like GPT-3 and Bert, the applications of natural language processing techniques to code are starting to be explored. Most of the research has been focused on automatic program repair (APR), and while the results on synthetic or highly filtered datasets are promising, such models are hard to apply in real-world scenarios because of inadequate bug localization. We propose BigIssue: a benchmark for realistic bug localization. The goal of the benchmark is two-fold. We provide (1) a general benchmark with a diversity of real and synthetic Java bugs and (2) a motivation to improve bug localization capabilities of models through attention to the full repository context. With the introduction of BigIssue, we hope to advance the state of the art in bug localization, in turn improving APR performance and increasing its applicability to the modern development cycle.

MeshLoc: Mesh-Based Visual Localization

  • Authors: Vojtech Panek, Zuzana Kukelova, Torsten Sattler
  • Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
  • Arxiv link:
  • Pdf link:
  • Abstract Visual localization, i.e., the problem of camera pose estimation, is a central component of applications such as autonomous robots and augmented reality systems. A dominant approach in the literature, shown to scale to large scenes and to handle complex illumination and seasonal changes, is based on local features extracted from images. The scene representation is a sparse Structure-from-Motion point cloud that is tied to a specific local feature. Switching to another feature type requires an expensive feature matching step between the database images used to construct the point cloud. In this work, we thus explore a more flexible alternative based on dense 3D meshes that does not require features matching between database images to build the scene representation. We show that this approach can achieve state-of-the-art results. We further show that surprisingly competitive results can be obtained when extracting features on renderings of these meshes, without any neural rendering stage, and even when rendering raw scene geometry without color or texture. Our results show that dense 3D model-based representations are a promising alternative to existing representations and point to interesting and challenging directions for future research.

RSU-Based Online Intrusion Detection and Mitigation for VANET

  • Authors: Ammar Haydari, Yasin Yilmaz
  • Subjects: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR)
  • Arxiv link:
  • Pdf link:
  • Abstract Secure vehicular communication is a critical factor for secure traffic management. Effective security in intelligent transportation systems (ITS) requires effective and timely intrusion detection systems (IDS). In this paper, we consider false data injection attacks and distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, especially the stealthy DDoS attacks, targeting the integrity and availability, respectively, in vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANET). Novel statistical intrusion detection and mitigation techniques based on centralized communications through roadside units (RSU) are proposed for the considered attacks. The performance of the proposed methods are evaluated using a traffic simulator and a real traffic dataset. Comparisons with the state-of-the-art solutions clearly demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed methods in terms of quick and accurate detection and localization of cyberattacks.

PLD-SLAM: A Real-Time Visual SLAM Using Points and Line Segments in Dynamic Scenes

  • Authors: BaoSheng Zhang
  • Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Computational Geometry (cs.CG); Robotics (cs.RO)
  • Arxiv link:
  • Pdf link:
  • Abstract In this paper, we consider the problems in the practical application of visual simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM). With the popularization and application of the technology in wide scope, the practicability of SLAM system has become a new hot topic after the accuracy and robustness, e.g., how to keep the stability of the system and achieve accurate pose estimation in the low-texture and dynamic environment, and how to improve the universality and real-time performance of the system in the real scenes, etc. This paper proposes a real-time stereo indirect visual SLAM system, PLD-SLAM, which combines point and line features, and avoid the impact of dynamic objects in highly dynamic environments. We also present a novel global gray similarity (GGS) algorithm to achieve reasonable keyframe selection and efficient loop closure detection (LCD). Benefiting from the GGS, PLD-SLAM can realize real-time accurate pose estimation in most real scenes without pre-training and loading a huge feature dictionary model. To verify the performance of the proposed system, we compare it with existing state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods on the public datasets KITTI, EuRoC MAV, and the indoor stereo datasets provided by us, etc. The experiments show that the PLD-SLAM has better real-time performance while ensuring stability and accuracy in most scenarios. In addition, through the analysis of the experimental results of the GGS, we can find it has excellent performance in the keyframe selection and LCD.

MobileDenseNet: A new approach to object detection on mobile devices

  • Authors: Mohammad Hajizadeh, Mohammad Sabokrou, Adel Rahmani
  • Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE)
  • Arxiv link:
  • Pdf link:
  • Abstract Object detection problem solving has developed greatly within the past few years. There is a need for lighter models in instances where hardware limitations exist, as well as a demand for models to be tailored to mobile devices. In this article, we will assess the methods used when creating algorithms that address these issues. The main goal of this article is to increase accuracy in state-of-the-art algorithms while maintaining speed and real-time efficiency. The most significant issues in one-stage object detection pertains to small objects and inaccurate localization. As a solution, we created a new network by the name of MobileDenseNet suitable for embedded systems. We also developed a light neck FCPNLite for mobile devices that will aid with the detection of small objects. Our research revealed that very few papers cited necks in embedded systems. What differentiates our network from others is our use of concatenation features. A small yet significant change to the head of the network amplified accuracy without increasing speed or limiting parameters. In short, our focus on the challenging CoCo and Pascal VOC datasets were 24.8 and 76.8 in percentage terms respectively - a rate higher than that recorded by other state-of-the-art systems thus far. Our network is able to increase accuracy while maintaining real-time efficiency on mobile devices. We calculated operational speed on Pixel 3 (Snapdragon 845) to 22.8 fps. The source code of this research is available on

Multi-Faceted Distillation of Base-Novel Commonality for Few-shot Object Detection

  • Authors: Shuang Wu, Wenjie Pei, Dianwen Mei, Fanglin Chen, Jiandong Tian, Guangming Lu
  • Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
  • Arxiv link:
  • Pdf link:
  • Abstract Most of existing methods for few-shot object detection follow the fine-tuning paradigm, which potentially assumes that the class-agnostic generalizable knowledge can be learned and transferred implicitly from base classes with abundant samples to novel classes with limited samples via such a two-stage training strategy. However, it is not necessarily true since the object detector can hardly distinguish between class-agnostic knowledge and class-specific knowledge automatically without explicit modeling. In this work we propose to learn three types of class-agnostic commonalities between base and novel classes explicitly: recognition-related semantic commonalities, localization-related semantic commonalities and distribution commonalities. We design a unified distillation framework based on a memory bank, which is able to perform distillation of all three types of commonalities jointly and efficiently. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method can be readily integrated into most of existing fine-tuning based methods and consistently improve the performance by a large margin.

Keyword: transformer

Efficient model compression with Random Operation Access Specific Tile (ROAST) hashing

  • Authors: Aditya Desai, Keren Zhou, Anshumali Shrivastava
  • Subjects: Machine Learning (cs.LG)
  • Arxiv link:
  • Pdf link:
  • Abstract Advancements in deep learning are often associated with increasing model sizes. The model size dramatically affects the deployment cost and latency of deep models. For instance, models like BERT cannot be deployed on edge devices and mobiles due to their sheer size. As a result, most advances in Deep Learning are yet to reach the edge. Model compression has sought much-deserved attention in literature across natural language processing, vision, and recommendation domains. This paper proposes a model-agnostic, cache-friendly model compression approach: Random Operation Access Specific Tile (ROAST) hashing. ROAST collapses the parameters by clubbing them through a lightweight mapping. Notably, while clubbing these parameters, ROAST utilizes cache hierarchies by aligning the memory access pattern with the parameter access pattern. ROAST is up to $\sim 25 \times$ faster to train and $\sim 50 \times$ faster to infer than the popular parameter sharing method HashedNet. Additionally, ROAST introduces global weight sharing, which is empirically and theoretically superior to local weight sharing in HashedNet, and can be of independent interest in itself. With ROAST, we present the first compressed BERT, which is $100\times - 1000\times$ smaller but does not result in quality degradation. These compression levels on universal architecture like transformers are promising for the future of SOTA model deployment on resource-constrained devices like mobile and edge devices

Focused Decoding Enables 3D Anatomical Detection by Transformers

  • Authors: Bastian Wittmann, Fernando Navarro, Suprosanna Shit, Bjoern Menze
  • Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI)
  • Arxiv link:
  • Pdf link:
  • Abstract Detection Transformers represent end-to-end object detection approaches based on a Transformer encoder-decoder architecture, exploiting the attention mechanism for global relation modeling. Although Detection Transformers deliver results on par with or even superior to their highly optimized CNN-based counterparts operating on 2D natural images, their success is closely coupled to access to a vast amount of training data. This, however, restricts the feasibility of employing Detection Transformers in the medical domain, as access to annotated data is typically limited. To tackle this issue and facilitate the advent of medical Detection Transformers, we propose a novel Detection Transformer for 3D anatomical structure detection, dubbed Focused Decoder. Focused Decoder leverages information from an anatomical region atlas to simultaneously deploy query anchors and restrict the cross-attention's field of view to regions of interest, which allows for a precise focus on relevant anatomical structures. We evaluate our proposed approach on two publicly available CT datasets and demonstrate that Focused Decoder not only provides strong detection results and thus alleviates the need for a vast amount of annotated data but also exhibits exceptional and highly intuitive explainability of results via attention weights. Code for Focused Decoder is available in our medical Vision Transformer library

Geodesic-Former: a Geodesic-Guided Few-shot 3D Point Cloud Instance Segmenter

  • Authors: Tuan Ngo, Khoi Nguyen
  • Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
  • Arxiv link:
  • Pdf link:
  • Abstract This paper introduces a new problem in 3D point cloud: few-shot instance segmentation. Given a few annotated point clouds exemplified a target class, our goal is to segment all instances of this target class in a query point cloud. This problem has a wide range of practical applications where point-wise instance segmentation annotation is prohibitively expensive to collect. To address this problem, we present Geodesic-Former -- the first geodesic-guided transformer for 3D point cloud instance segmentation. The key idea is to leverage the geodesic distance to tackle the density imbalance of LiDAR 3D point clouds. The LiDAR 3D point clouds are dense near the object surface and sparse or empty elsewhere making the Euclidean distance less effective to distinguish different objects. The geodesic distance, on the other hand, is more suitable since it encodes the scene's geometry which can be used as a guiding signal for the attention mechanism in a transformer decoder to generate kernels representing distinct features of instances. These kernels are then used in a dynamic convolution to obtain the final instance masks. To evaluate Geodesic-Former on the new task, we propose new splits of the two common 3D point cloud instance segmentation datasets: ScannetV2 and S3DIS. Geodesic-Former consistently outperforms strong baselines adapted from state-of-the-art 3D point cloud instance segmentation approaches with a significant margin. Code is available at

Transformer with Implicit Edges for Particle-based Physics Simulation

  • Authors: Yidi Shao, Chen Change Loy, Bo Dai
  • Subjects: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Graphics (cs.GR)
  • Arxiv link:
  • Pdf link:
  • Abstract Particle-based systems provide a flexible and unified way to simulate physics systems with complex dynamics. Most existing data-driven simulators for particle-based systems adopt graph neural networks (GNNs) as their network backbones, as particles and their interactions can be naturally represented by graph nodes and graph edges. However, while particle-based systems usually contain hundreds even thousands of particles, the explicit modeling of particle interactions as graph edges inevitably leads to a significant computational overhead, due to the increased number of particle interactions. Consequently, in this paper we propose a novel Transformer-based method, dubbed as Transformer with Implicit Edges (TIE), to capture the rich semantics of particle interactions in an edge-free manner. The core idea of TIE is to decentralize the computation involving pair-wise particle interactions into per-particle updates. This is achieved by adjusting the self-attention module to resemble the update formula of graph edges in GNN. To improve the generalization ability of TIE, we further amend TIE with learnable material-specific abstract particles to disentangle global material-wise semantics from local particle-wise semantics. We evaluate our model on diverse domains of varying complexity and materials. Compared with existing GNN-based methods, without bells and whistles, TIE achieves superior performance and generalization across all these domains. Codes and models are available at

Cost Aggregation with 4D Convolutional Swin Transformer for Few-Shot Segmentation

  • Authors: Sunghwan Hong, Seokju Cho, Jisu Nam, Stephen Lin, Seungryong Kim
  • Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
  • Arxiv link:
  • Pdf link:
  • Abstract This paper presents a novel cost aggregation network, called Volumetric Aggregation with Transformers (VAT), for few-shot segmentation. The use of transformers can benefit correlation map aggregation through self-attention over a global receptive field. However, the tokenization of a correlation map for transformer processing can be detrimental, because the discontinuity at token boundaries reduces the local context available near the token edges and decreases inductive bias. To address this problem, we propose a 4D Convolutional Swin Transformer, where a high-dimensional Swin Transformer is preceded by a series of small-kernel convolutions that impart local context to all pixels and introduce convolutional inductive bias. We additionally boost aggregation performance by applying transformers within a pyramidal structure, where aggregation at a coarser level guides aggregation at a finer level. Noise in the transformer output is then filtered in the subsequent decoder with the help of the query's appearance embedding. With this model, a new state-of-the-art is set for all the standard benchmarks in few-shot segmentation. It is shown that VAT attains state-of-the-art performance for semantic correspondence as well, where cost aggregation also plays a central role.

Assessing mortality prediction through different representation models based on concepts extracted from clinical notes

  • Authors: Hoda Memarzadeh, Nasser Ghadiri, Maryam Lotfi Shahreza
  • Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Information Retrieval (cs.IR); Machine Learning (cs.LG)
  • Arxiv link:
  • Pdf link:
  • Abstract Recent years have seen particular interest in using electronic medical records (EMRs) for secondary purposes to enhance the quality and safety of healthcare delivery. EMRs tend to contain large amounts of valuable clinical notes. Learning of embedding is a method for converting notes into a format that makes them comparable. Transformer-based representation models have recently made a great leap forward. These models are pre-trained on large online datasets to understand natural language texts effectively. The quality of a learning embedding is influenced by how clinical notes are used as input to representation models. A clinical note has several sections with different levels of information value. It is also common for healthcare providers to use different expressions for the same concept. Existing methods use clinical notes directly or with an initial preprocessing as input to representation models. However, to learn a good embedding, we identified the most essential clinical notes section. We then mapped the extracted concepts from selected sections to the standard names in the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS). We used the standard phrases corresponding to the unique concepts as input for clinical models. We performed experiments to measure the usefulness of the learned embedding vectors in the task of hospital mortality prediction on a subset of the publicly available Medical Information Mart for Intensive Care (MIMIC-III) dataset. According to the experiments, clinical transformer-based representation models produced better results with getting input generated by standard names of extracted unique concepts compared to other input formats. The best-performing models were BioBERT, PubMedBERT, and UmlsBERT, respectively.

An Ensemble Approach for Multiple Emotion Descriptors Estimation Using Multi-task Learning

  • Authors: Irfan Haider, Minh-Trieu Tran, Soo-Hyung Kim, Hyung-Jeong Yang, Guee-Sang Lee
  • Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI)
  • Arxiv link:
  • Pdf link:
  • Abstract This paper illustrates our submission method to the fourth Affective Behavior Analysis in-the-Wild (ABAW) Competition. The method is used for the Multi-Task Learning Challenge. Instead of using only face information, we employ full information from a provided dataset containing face and the context around the face. We utilized the InceptionNet V3 model to extract deep features then we applied the attention mechanism to refine the features. After that, we put those features into the transformer block and multi-layer perceptron networks to get the final multiple kinds of emotion. Our model predicts arousal and valence, classifies the emotional expression and estimates the action units simultaneously. The proposed system achieves the performance of 0.917 on the MTL Challenge validation dataset.

Learning Generalized Non-Rigid Multimodal Biomedical Image Registration from Generic Point Set Data

  • Authors: Zachary MC Baum, Tamas Ungi, Christopher Schlenger, Yipeng Hu, Dean C Barratt
  • Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Machine Learning (cs.LG)
  • Arxiv link:
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  • Abstract Free Point Transformer (FPT) has been proposed as a data-driven, non-rigid point set registration approach using deep neural networks. As FPT does not assume constraints based on point vicinity or correspondence, it may be trained simply and in a flexible manner by minimizing an unsupervised loss based on the Chamfer Distance. This makes FPT amenable to real-world medical imaging applications where ground-truth deformations may be infeasible to obtain, or in scenarios where only a varying degree of completeness in the point sets to be aligned is available. To test the limit of the correspondence finding ability of FPT and its dependency on training data sets, this work explores the generalizability of the FPT from well-curated non-medical data sets to medical imaging data sets. First, we train FPT on the ModelNet40 dataset to demonstrate its effectiveness and the superior registration performance of FPT over iterative and learning-based point set registration methods. Second, we demonstrate superior performance in rigid and non-rigid registration and robustness to missing data. Last, we highlight the interesting generalizability of the ModelNet-trained FPT by registering reconstructed freehand ultrasound scans of the spine and generic spine models without additional training, whereby the average difference to the ground truth curvatures is 1.3 degrees, across 13 patients.

Facial Expression Recognition using Vanilla ViT backbones with MAE Pretraining

  • Authors: Jia Li, Ziyang Zhang
  • Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
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  • Abstract Humans usually convey emotions voluntarily or involuntarily by facial expressions. Automatically recognizing the basic expression (such as happiness, sadness, and neutral) from a facial image, i.e., facial expression recognition (FER), is extremely challenging and attracts much research interests. Large scale datasets and powerful inference models have been proposed to address the problem. Though considerable progress has been made, most of the state of the arts employing convolutional neural networks (CNNs) or elaborately modified Vision Transformers (ViTs) depend heavily on upstream supervised pretraining. Transformers are taking place the domination of CNNs in more and more computer vision tasks. But they usually need much more data to train, since they use less inductive biases compared with CNNs. To explore whether a vanilla ViT without extra training samples from upstream tasks is able to achieve competitive accuracy, we use a plain ViT with MAE pretraining to perform the FER task. Specifically, we first pretrain the original ViT as a Masked Autoencoder (MAE) on a large facial expression dataset without expression labels. Then, we fine-tune the ViT on popular facial expression datasets with expression labels. The presented method is quite competitive with 90.22% on RAF-DB, 61.73% on AfectNet and can serve as a simple yet strong ViT-based baseline for FER studies.

DeVIS: Making Deformable Transformers Work for Video Instance Segmentation

  • Authors: Adrià Caelles, Tim Meinhardt, Guillem Brasó, Laura Leal-Taixé
  • Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Robotics (cs.RO)
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  • Abstract Video Instance Segmentation (VIS) jointly tackles multi-object detection, tracking, and segmentation in video sequences. In the past, VIS methods mirrored the fragmentation of these subtasks in their architectural design, hence missing out on a joint solution. Transformers recently allowed to cast the entire VIS task as a single set-prediction problem. Nevertheless, the quadratic complexity of existing Transformer-based methods requires long training times, high memory requirements, and processing of low-single-scale feature maps. Deformable attention provides a more efficient alternative but its application to the temporal domain or the segmentation task have not yet been explored. In this work, we present Deformable VIS (DeVIS), a VIS method which capitalizes on the efficiency and performance of deformable Transformers. To reason about all VIS subtasks jointly over multiple frames, we present temporal multi-scale deformable attention with instance-aware object queries. We further introduce a new image and video instance mask head with multi-scale features, and perform near-online video processing with multi-cue clip tracking. DeVIS reduces memory as well as training time requirements, and achieves state-of-the-art results on the YouTube-VIS 2021, as well as the challenging OVIS dataset. Code is available at

Rethinking the Reference-based Distinctive Image Captioning

  • Authors: Yangjun Mao, Long Chen, Zhihong Jiang, Dong Zhang, Zhimeng Zhang, Jian Shao, Jun Xiao
  • Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
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  • Abstract Distinctive Image Captioning (DIC) -- generating distinctive captions that describe the unique details of a target image -- has received considerable attention over the last few years. A recent DIC work proposes to generate distinctive captions by comparing the target image with a set of semantic-similar reference images, i.e., reference-based DIC (Ref-DIC). It aims to make the generated captions can tell apart the target and reference images. Unfortunately, reference images used by existing Ref-DIC works are easy to distinguish: these reference images only resemble the target image at scene-level and have few common objects, such that a Ref-DIC model can trivially generate distinctive captions even without considering the reference images. To ensure Ref-DIC models really perceive the unique objects (or attributes) in target images, we first propose two new Ref-DIC benchmarks. Specifically, we design a two-stage matching mechanism, which strictly controls the similarity between the target and reference images at object-/attribute- level (vs. scene-level). Secondly, to generate distinctive captions, we develop a strong Transformer-based Ref-DIC baseline, dubbed as TransDIC. It not only extracts visual features from the target image, but also encodes the differences between objects in the target and reference images. Finally, for more trustworthy benchmarking, we propose a new evaluation metric named DisCIDEr for Ref-DIC, which evaluates both the accuracy and distinctiveness of the generated captions. Experimental results demonstrate that our TransDIC can generate distinctive captions. Besides, it outperforms several state-of-the-art models on the two new benchmarks over different metrics.

TaDaa: real time Ticket Assignment Deep learning Auto Advisor for customer support, help desk, and issue ticketing systems

  • Authors: Leon Feng, Jnana Senapati, Bill Liu
  • Subjects: Information Retrieval (cs.IR); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG)
  • Arxiv link:
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  • Abstract This paper proposes TaDaa: Ticket Assignment Deep learning Auto Advisor, which leverages the latest Transformers models and machine learning techniques quickly assign issues within an organization, like customer support, help desk and alike issue ticketing systems. The project provides functionality to 1) assign an issue to the correct group, 2) assign an issue to the best resolver, and 3) provide the most relevant previously solved tickets to resolvers. We leverage one ticketing system sample dataset, with over 3k+ groups and over 10k+ resolvers to obtain a 95.2% top 3 accuracy on group suggestions and a 79.0% top 5 accuracy on resolver suggestions. We hope this research will greatly improve average issue resolution time on customer support, help desk, and issue ticketing systems.

Target-Driven Structured Transformer Planner for Vision-Language Navigation

  • Authors: Yusheng Zhao, Jinyu Chen, Chen Gao, Wenguan Wang, Lirong Yang, Haibing Ren, Huaxia Xia, Si Liu
  • Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL); Machine Learning (cs.LG)
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  • Abstract Vision-language navigation is the task of directing an embodied agent to navigate in 3D scenes with natural language instructions. For the agent, inferring the long-term navigation target from visual-linguistic clues is crucial for reliable path planning, which, however, has rarely been studied before in literature. In this article, we propose a Target-Driven Structured Transformer Planner (TD-STP) for long-horizon goal-guided and room layout-aware navigation. Specifically, we devise an Imaginary Scene Tokenization mechanism for explicit estimation of the long-term target (even located in unexplored environments). In addition, we design a Structured Transformer Planner which elegantly incorporates the explored room layout into a neural attention architecture for structured and global planning. Experimental results demonstrate that our TD-STP substantially improves previous best methods' success rate by 2% and 5% on the test set of R2R and REVERIE benchmarks, respectively. Our code is available at .

Improving Predictive Performance and Calibration by Weight Fusion in Semantic Segmentation

  • Authors: Timo Sämann, Ahmed Mostafa Hammam, Andrei Bursuc, Christoph Stiller, Horst-Michael Groß
  • Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
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  • Abstract Averaging predictions of a deep ensemble of networks is apopular and effective method to improve predictive performance andcalibration in various benchmarks and Kaggle competitions. However, theruntime and training cost of deep ensembles grow linearly with the size ofthe ensemble, making them unsuitable for many applications. Averagingensemble weights instead of predictions circumvents this disadvantageduring inference and is typically applied to intermediate checkpoints ofa model to reduce training cost. Albeit effective, only few works haveimproved the understanding and the performance of weight averaging.Here, we revisit this approach and show that a simple weight fusion (WF)strategy can lead to a significantly improved predictive performance andcalibration. We describe what prerequisites the weights must meet interms of weight space, functional space and loss. Furthermore, we presenta new test method (called oracle test) to measure the functional spacebetween weights. We demonstrate the versatility of our WF strategy acrossstate of the art segmentation CNNs and Transformers as well as real worlddatasets such as BDD100K and Cityscapes. We compare WF with similarapproaches and show our superiority for in- and out-of-distribution datain terms of predictive performance and calibration.

Panoptic Scene Graph Generation

  • Authors: Jingkang Yang, Yi Zhe Ang, Zujin Guo, Kaiyang Zhou, Wayne Zhang, Ziwei Liu
  • Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computation and Language (cs.CL); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Multimedia (cs.MM)
  • Arxiv link:
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  • Abstract Existing research addresses scene graph generation (SGG) -- a critical technology for scene understanding in images -- from a detection perspective, i.e., objects are detected using bounding boxes followed by prediction of their pairwise relationships. We argue that such a paradigm causes several problems that impede the progress of the field. For instance, bounding box-based labels in current datasets usually contain redundant classes like hairs, and leave out background information that is crucial to the understanding of context. In this work, we introduce panoptic scene graph generation (PSG), a new problem task that requires the model to generate a more comprehensive scene graph representation based on panoptic segmentations rather than rigid bounding boxes. A high-quality PSG dataset, which contains 49k well-annotated overlapping images from COCO and Visual Genome, is created for the community to keep track of its progress. For benchmarking, we build four two-stage baselines, which are modified from classic methods in SGG, and two one-stage baselines called PSGTR and PSGFormer, which are based on the efficient Transformer-based detector, i.e., DETR. While PSGTR uses a set of queries to directly learn triplets, PSGFormer separately models the objects and relations in the form of queries from two Transformer decoders, followed by a prompting-like relation-object matching mechanism. In the end, we share insights on open challenges and future directions.

Keyword: autonomous driving

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