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New submissions for Fri, 15 Jul 22

Open zhuhu00 opened this issue 2 years ago • 0 comments

New submissions for Fri, 15 Jul 22

Keyword: SLAM

Self-supervised Vector-Quantization in Visual SLAM using Deep Convolutional Autoencoders

  • Authors: Amir Zarringhalam (1), Saeed Shiry Ghidary (2), Ali Mohades Khorasani (3) ((1),(2) and (3) Amirkabir University of Technology)
  • Subjects: Robotics (cs.RO)
  • Arxiv link:
  • Pdf link:
  • Abstract In this paper, we introduce AE-FABMAP, a new self-supervised bag of words-based SLAM method. We also present AE-ORB-SLAM, a modified version of the current state of the art BoW-based path planning algorithm. That is, we have used a deep convolutional autoencoder to find loop closures. In the context of bag of words visual SLAM, vector quantization (VQ) is considered as the most time-consuming part of the SLAM procedure, which is usually performed in the offline phase of the SLAM algorithm using unsupervised algorithms such as Kmeans++. We have addressed the loop closure detection part of the BoW-based SLAM methods in a self-supervised manner, by integrating an autoencoder for doing vector quantization. This approach can increase the accuracy of large-scale SLAM, where plenty of unlabeled data is available. The main advantage of using a self-supervised is that it can help reducing the amount of labeling. Furthermore, experiments show that autoencoders are far more efficient than semi-supervised methods like graph convolutional neural networks, in terms of speed and memory consumption. We integrated this method into the state of the art long range appearance based visual bag of word SLAM, FABMAP2, also in ORB-SLAM. Experiments demonstrate the superiority of this approach in indoor and outdoor datasets over regular FABMAP2 in all cases, and it achieves higher accuracy in loop closure detection and trajectory generation.

Semi-supervised Vector-Quantization in Visual SLAM using HGCN

  • Authors: Amir Zarringhalam (1), Saeed Shiry Ghidary (2), Ali Mohades Khorasani (3) ((1),(2) and (3), Amirkabir University of Technology)
  • Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Robotics (cs.RO)
  • Arxiv link:
  • Pdf link:
  • Abstract In this paper, two semi-supervised appearance based loop closure detection technique, HGCN-FABMAP and HGCN-BoW are introduced. Furthermore an extension to the current state of the art localization SLAM algorithm, ORB-SLAM, is presented. The proposed HGCN-FABMAP method is implemented in an off-line manner incorporating Bayesian probabilistic schema for loop detection decision making. Specifically, we let a Hyperbolic Graph Convolutional Neural Network (HGCN) to operate over the SURF features graph space, and perform vector quantization part of the SLAM procedure. This part previously was performed in an unsupervised manner using algorithms like HKmeans, kmeans++,..etc. The main Advantage of using HGCN, is that it scales linearly in number of graph edges. Experimental results shows that HGCN-FABMAP algorithm needs far more cluster centroids than HGCN-ORB, otherwise it fails to detect loop closures. Therefore we consider HGCN-ORB to be more efficient in terms of memory consumption, also we conclude the superiority of HGCN-BoW and HGCN-FABMAP with respect to other algorithms.

Challenges of SLAM in extremely unstructured environments: the DLR Planetary Stereo, Solid-State LiDAR, Inertial Dataset

  • Authors: Riccardo Giubilato, Wolfgang Stürzl, Armin Wedler, Rudolph Triebel
  • Subjects: Robotics (cs.RO)
  • Arxiv link:
  • Pdf link:
  • Abstract We present the DLR Planetary Stereo, Solid-State LiDAR, Inertial (S3LI) dataset, recorded on Mt. Etna, Sicily, an environment analogous to the Moon and Mars, using a hand-held sensor suite with attributes suitable for implementation on a space-like mobile rover. The environment is characterized by challenging conditions regarding both the visual and structural appearance: severe visual aliasing poses significant limitations to the ability of visual SLAM systems to perform place recognition, while the absence of outstanding structural details, joined with the limited Field-of-View of the utilized Solid-State LiDAR sensor, challenges traditional LiDAR SLAM for the task of pose estimation using point clouds alone. With this data, that covers more than 4 kilometers of travel on soft volcanic slopes, we aim to: 1) provide a tool to expose limitations of state-of-the-art SLAM systems with respect to environments, which are not present in widely available datasets and 2) motivate the development of novel localization and mapping approaches, that rely efficiently on the complementary capabilities of the two sensors. The dataset is accessible at the following url:

Keyword: odometry

An Empirical Evaluation of Four Off-the-Shelf Proprietary Visual-Inertial Odometry Systems

  • Authors: Jungha Kim, Minkyeong Song, Yeoeun Lee, Moonkyeong Jung, Pyojin Kim
  • Subjects: Robotics (cs.RO); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
  • Arxiv link:
  • Pdf link:
  • Abstract Commercial visual-inertial odometry (VIO) systems have been gaining attention as cost-effective, off-the-shelf six degrees of freedom (6-DoF) ego-motion tracking methods for estimating accurate and consistent camera pose data, in addition to their ability to operate without external localization from motion capture or global positioning systems. It is unclear from existing results, however, which commercial VIO platforms are the most stable, consistent, and accurate in terms of state estimation for indoor and outdoor robotic applications. We assess four popular proprietary VIO systems (Apple ARKit, Google ARCore, Intel RealSense T265, and Stereolabs ZED 2) through a series of both indoor and outdoor experiments where we show their positioning stability, consistency, and accuracy. We present our complete results as a benchmark comparison for the research community.

Keyword: livox

There is no result

Keyword: loam

There is no result

Keyword: lidar

Challenges of SLAM in extremely unstructured environments: the DLR Planetary Stereo, Solid-State LiDAR, Inertial Dataset

  • Authors: Riccardo Giubilato, Wolfgang Stürzl, Armin Wedler, Rudolph Triebel
  • Subjects: Robotics (cs.RO)
  • Arxiv link:
  • Pdf link:
  • Abstract We present the DLR Planetary Stereo, Solid-State LiDAR, Inertial (S3LI) dataset, recorded on Mt. Etna, Sicily, an environment analogous to the Moon and Mars, using a hand-held sensor suite with attributes suitable for implementation on a space-like mobile rover. The environment is characterized by challenging conditions regarding both the visual and structural appearance: severe visual aliasing poses significant limitations to the ability of visual SLAM systems to perform place recognition, while the absence of outstanding structural details, joined with the limited Field-of-View of the utilized Solid-State LiDAR sensor, challenges traditional LiDAR SLAM for the task of pose estimation using point clouds alone. With this data, that covers more than 4 kilometers of travel on soft volcanic slopes, we aim to: 1) provide a tool to expose limitations of state-of-the-art SLAM systems with respect to environments, which are not present in widely available datasets and 2) motivate the development of novel localization and mapping approaches, that rely efficiently on the complementary capabilities of the two sensors. The dataset is accessible at the following url:

AutoMerge: A Framework for Map Assembling and Smoothing in City-scale Environments

  • Authors: Peng Yin, Haowen Lai, Shiqi Zhao, Ruijie Fu, Ivan Cisneros, Ruohai Ge, Ji Zhang, Howie Choset, Sebastian Scherer
  • Subjects: Robotics (cs.RO); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
  • Arxiv link:
  • Pdf link:
  • Abstract We present AutoMerge, a LiDAR data processing framework for assembling a large number of map segments into a complete map. Traditional large-scale map merging methods are fragile to incorrect data associations, and are primarily limited to working only offline. AutoMerge utilizes multi-perspective fusion and adaptive loop closure detection for accurate data associations, and it uses incremental merging to assemble large maps from individual trajectory segments given in random order and with no initial estimations. Furthermore, after assembling the segments, AutoMerge performs fine matching and pose-graph optimization to globally smooth the merged map. We demonstrate AutoMerge on both city-scale merging (120km) and campus-scale repeated merging (4.5km x 8). The experiments show that AutoMerge (i) surpasses the second- and third- best methods by 14% and 24% recall in segment retrieval, (ii) achieves comparable 3D mapping accuracy for 120 km large-scale map assembly, (iii) and it is robust to temporally-spaced revisits. To the best of our knowledge, AutoMerge is the first mapping approach that can merge hundreds of kilometers of individual segments without the aid of GPS.

Keyword: loop detection

Semi-supervised Vector-Quantization in Visual SLAM using HGCN

  • Authors: Amir Zarringhalam (1), Saeed Shiry Ghidary (2), Ali Mohades Khorasani (3) ((1),(2) and (3), Amirkabir University of Technology)
  • Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Robotics (cs.RO)
  • Arxiv link:
  • Pdf link:
  • Abstract In this paper, two semi-supervised appearance based loop closure detection technique, HGCN-FABMAP and HGCN-BoW are introduced. Furthermore an extension to the current state of the art localization SLAM algorithm, ORB-SLAM, is presented. The proposed HGCN-FABMAP method is implemented in an off-line manner incorporating Bayesian probabilistic schema for loop detection decision making. Specifically, we let a Hyperbolic Graph Convolutional Neural Network (HGCN) to operate over the SURF features graph space, and perform vector quantization part of the SLAM procedure. This part previously was performed in an unsupervised manner using algorithms like HKmeans, kmeans++,..etc. The main Advantage of using HGCN, is that it scales linearly in number of graph edges. Experimental results shows that HGCN-FABMAP algorithm needs far more cluster centroids than HGCN-ORB, otherwise it fails to detect loop closures. Therefore we consider HGCN-ORB to be more efficient in terms of memory consumption, also we conclude the superiority of HGCN-BoW and HGCN-FABMAP with respect to other algorithms.

Keyword: nerf

Neural apparent BRDF fields for multiview photometric stereo

  • Authors: Meghna Asthana, William A. P. Smith, Patrik Huber
  • Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Graphics (cs.GR)
  • Arxiv link:
  • Pdf link:
  • Abstract We propose to tackle the multiview photometric stereo problem using an extension of Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs), conditioned on light source direction. The geometric part of our neural representation predicts surface normal direction, allowing us to reason about local surface reflectance. The appearance part of our neural representation is decomposed into a neural bidirectional reflectance function (BRDF), learnt as part of the fitting process, and a shadow prediction network (conditioned on light source direction) allowing us to model the apparent BRDF. This balance of learnt components with inductive biases based on physical image formation models allows us to extrapolate far from the light source and viewer directions observed during training. We demonstrate our approach on a multiview photometric stereo benchmark and show that competitive performance can be obtained with the neural density representation of a NeRF.

Keyword: mapping

Comparing the latent space of generative models

  • Authors: Andrea Asperti, Valerio Tonelli
  • Subjects: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE)
  • Arxiv link:
  • Pdf link:
  • Abstract Different encodings of datapoints in the latent space of latent-vector generative models may result in more or less effective and disentangled characterizations of the different explanatory factors of variation behind the data. Many works have been recently devoted to the explorationof the latent space of specific models, mostly focused on the study of how features are disentangled and of how trajectories producing desired alterations of data in the visible space can be found. In this work we address the more general problem of comparing the latent spaces of different models, looking for transformations between them. We confined the investigation to the familiar and largely investigated case of generative models for the data manifold of human faces. The surprising, preliminary result reported in this article is that (provided models have not been taught or explicitly conceived to act differently) a simple linear mapping is enough to pass from a latent space to another while preserving most of the information.

Challenges of SLAM in extremely unstructured environments: the DLR Planetary Stereo, Solid-State LiDAR, Inertial Dataset

  • Authors: Riccardo Giubilato, Wolfgang Stürzl, Armin Wedler, Rudolph Triebel
  • Subjects: Robotics (cs.RO)
  • Arxiv link:
  • Pdf link:
  • Abstract We present the DLR Planetary Stereo, Solid-State LiDAR, Inertial (S3LI) dataset, recorded on Mt. Etna, Sicily, an environment analogous to the Moon and Mars, using a hand-held sensor suite with attributes suitable for implementation on a space-like mobile rover. The environment is characterized by challenging conditions regarding both the visual and structural appearance: severe visual aliasing poses significant limitations to the ability of visual SLAM systems to perform place recognition, while the absence of outstanding structural details, joined with the limited Field-of-View of the utilized Solid-State LiDAR sensor, challenges traditional LiDAR SLAM for the task of pose estimation using point clouds alone. With this data, that covers more than 4 kilometers of travel on soft volcanic slopes, we aim to: 1) provide a tool to expose limitations of state-of-the-art SLAM systems with respect to environments, which are not present in widely available datasets and 2) motivate the development of novel localization and mapping approaches, that rely efficiently on the complementary capabilities of the two sensors. The dataset is accessible at the following url:

BayesCap: Bayesian Identity Cap for Calibrated Uncertainty in Frozen Neural Networks

  • Authors: Uddeshya Upadhyay, Shyamgopal Karthik, Yanbei Chen, Massimiliano Mancini, Zeynep Akata
  • Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI)
  • Arxiv link:
  • Pdf link:
  • Abstract High-quality calibrated uncertainty estimates are crucial for numerous real-world applications, especially for deep learning-based deployed ML systems. While Bayesian deep learning techniques allow uncertainty estimation, training them with large-scale datasets is an expensive process that does not always yield models competitive with non-Bayesian counterparts. Moreover, many of the high-performing deep learning models that are already trained and deployed are non-Bayesian in nature and do not provide uncertainty estimates. To address these issues, we propose BayesCap that learns a Bayesian identity mapping for the frozen model, allowing uncertainty estimation. BayesCap is a memory-efficient method that can be trained on a small fraction of the original dataset, enhancing pretrained non-Bayesian computer vision models by providing calibrated uncertainty estimates for the predictions without (i) hampering the performance of the model and (ii) the need for expensive retraining the model from scratch. The proposed method is agnostic to various architectures and tasks. We show the efficacy of our method on a wide variety of tasks with a diverse set of architectures, including image super-resolution, deblurring, inpainting, and crucial application such as medical image translation. Moreover, we apply the derived uncertainty estimates to detect out-of-distribution samples in critical scenarios like depth estimation in autonomous driving. Code is available at

AutoMerge: A Framework for Map Assembling and Smoothing in City-scale Environments

  • Authors: Peng Yin, Haowen Lai, Shiqi Zhao, Ruijie Fu, Ivan Cisneros, Ruohai Ge, Ji Zhang, Howie Choset, Sebastian Scherer
  • Subjects: Robotics (cs.RO); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
  • Arxiv link:
  • Pdf link:
  • Abstract We present AutoMerge, a LiDAR data processing framework for assembling a large number of map segments into a complete map. Traditional large-scale map merging methods are fragile to incorrect data associations, and are primarily limited to working only offline. AutoMerge utilizes multi-perspective fusion and adaptive loop closure detection for accurate data associations, and it uses incremental merging to assemble large maps from individual trajectory segments given in random order and with no initial estimations. Furthermore, after assembling the segments, AutoMerge performs fine matching and pose-graph optimization to globally smooth the merged map. We demonstrate AutoMerge on both city-scale merging (120km) and campus-scale repeated merging (4.5km x 8). The experiments show that AutoMerge (i) surpasses the second- and third- best methods by 14% and 24% recall in segment retrieval, (ii) achieves comparable 3D mapping accuracy for 120 km large-scale map assembly, (iii) and it is robust to temporally-spaced revisits. To the best of our knowledge, AutoMerge is the first mapping approach that can merge hundreds of kilometers of individual segments without the aid of GPS.

Keyword: localization

Forcing the Whole Video as Background: An Adversarial Learning Strategy for Weakly Temporal Action Localization

  • Authors: Ziqiang Li, Yongxin Ge, Jiaruo Yu, Zhongming Chen
  • Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
  • Arxiv link:
  • Pdf link:
  • Abstract With video-level labels, weakly supervised temporal action localization (WTAL) applies a localization-by-classification paradigm to detect and classify the action in untrimmed videos. Due to the characteristic of classification, class-specific background snippets are inevitably mis-activated to improve the discriminability of the classifier in WTAL. To alleviate the disturbance of background, existing methods try to enlarge the discrepancy between action and background through modeling background snippets with pseudo-snippet-level annotations, which largely rely on artificial hypotheticals. Distinct from the previous works, we present an adversarial learning strategy to break the limitation of mining pseudo background snippets. Concretely, the background classification loss forces the whole video to be regarded as the background by a background gradient reinforcement strategy, confusing the recognition model. Reversely, the foreground(action) loss guides the model to focus on action snippets under such conditions. As a result, competition between the two classification losses drives the model to boost its ability for action modeling. Simultaneously, a novel temporal enhancement network is designed to facilitate the model to construct temporal relation of affinity snippets based on the proposed strategy, for further improving the performance of action localization. Finally, extensive experiments conducted on THUMOS14 and ActivityNet1.2 demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

Golden Reference-Free Hardware Trojan Localization using Graph Convolutional Network

  • Authors: Rozhin Yasaei, Sina Faezi, Mohammad Abdullah Al Faruque
  • Subjects: Computers and Society (cs.CY); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI)
  • Arxiv link:
  • Pdf link:
  • Abstract The globalization of the Integrated Circuit (IC) supply chain has moved most of the design, fabrication, and testing process from a single trusted entity to various untrusted third-party entities worldwide. The risk of using untrusted third-Party Intellectual Property (3PIP) is the possibility for adversaries to insert malicious modifications known as Hardware Trojans (HTs). These HTs can compromise the integrity, deteriorate the performance, deny the service, and alter the functionality of the design. While numerous HT detection methods have been proposed in the literature, the crucial task of HT localization is overlooked. Moreover, a few existing HT localization methods have several weaknesses: reliance on a golden reference, inability to generalize for all types of HT, lack of scalability, low localization resolution, and manual feature engineering/property definition. To overcome their shortcomings, we propose a novel, golden reference-free HT localization method at the pre-silicon stage by leveraging Graph Convolutional Network (GCN). In this work, we convert the circuit design to its intrinsic data structure, graph and extract the node attributes. Afterward, the graph convolution performs automatic feature extraction for nodes to classify the nodes as Trojan or benign. Our automated approach does not burden the designer with manual code review. It locates the Trojan signals with 99.6% accuracy, 93.1% F1-score, and a false-positive rate below 0.009%.

Semi-supervised Vector-Quantization in Visual SLAM using HGCN

  • Authors: Amir Zarringhalam (1), Saeed Shiry Ghidary (2), Ali Mohades Khorasani (3) ((1),(2) and (3), Amirkabir University of Technology)
  • Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Robotics (cs.RO)
  • Arxiv link:
  • Pdf link:
  • Abstract In this paper, two semi-supervised appearance based loop closure detection technique, HGCN-FABMAP and HGCN-BoW are introduced. Furthermore an extension to the current state of the art localization SLAM algorithm, ORB-SLAM, is presented. The proposed HGCN-FABMAP method is implemented in an off-line manner incorporating Bayesian probabilistic schema for loop detection decision making. Specifically, we let a Hyperbolic Graph Convolutional Neural Network (HGCN) to operate over the SURF features graph space, and perform vector quantization part of the SLAM procedure. This part previously was performed in an unsupervised manner using algorithms like HKmeans, kmeans++,..etc. The main Advantage of using HGCN, is that it scales linearly in number of graph edges. Experimental results shows that HGCN-FABMAP algorithm needs far more cluster centroids than HGCN-ORB, otherwise it fails to detect loop closures. Therefore we consider HGCN-ORB to be more efficient in terms of memory consumption, also we conclude the superiority of HGCN-BoW and HGCN-FABMAP with respect to other algorithms.

An Empirical Evaluation of Four Off-the-Shelf Proprietary Visual-Inertial Odometry Systems

  • Authors: Jungha Kim, Minkyeong Song, Yeoeun Lee, Moonkyeong Jung, Pyojin Kim
  • Subjects: Robotics (cs.RO); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
  • Arxiv link:
  • Pdf link:
  • Abstract Commercial visual-inertial odometry (VIO) systems have been gaining attention as cost-effective, off-the-shelf six degrees of freedom (6-DoF) ego-motion tracking methods for estimating accurate and consistent camera pose data, in addition to their ability to operate without external localization from motion capture or global positioning systems. It is unclear from existing results, however, which commercial VIO platforms are the most stable, consistent, and accurate in terms of state estimation for indoor and outdoor robotic applications. We assess four popular proprietary VIO systems (Apple ARKit, Google ARCore, Intel RealSense T265, and Stereolabs ZED 2) through a series of both indoor and outdoor experiments where we show their positioning stability, consistency, and accuracy. We present our complete results as a benchmark comparison for the research community.

Challenges of SLAM in extremely unstructured environments: the DLR Planetary Stereo, Solid-State LiDAR, Inertial Dataset

  • Authors: Riccardo Giubilato, Wolfgang Stürzl, Armin Wedler, Rudolph Triebel
  • Subjects: Robotics (cs.RO)
  • Arxiv link:
  • Pdf link:
  • Abstract We present the DLR Planetary Stereo, Solid-State LiDAR, Inertial (S3LI) dataset, recorded on Mt. Etna, Sicily, an environment analogous to the Moon and Mars, using a hand-held sensor suite with attributes suitable for implementation on a space-like mobile rover. The environment is characterized by challenging conditions regarding both the visual and structural appearance: severe visual aliasing poses significant limitations to the ability of visual SLAM systems to perform place recognition, while the absence of outstanding structural details, joined with the limited Field-of-View of the utilized Solid-State LiDAR sensor, challenges traditional LiDAR SLAM for the task of pose estimation using point clouds alone. With this data, that covers more than 4 kilometers of travel on soft volcanic slopes, we aim to: 1) provide a tool to expose limitations of state-of-the-art SLAM systems with respect to environments, which are not present in widely available datasets and 2) motivate the development of novel localization and mapping approaches, that rely efficiently on the complementary capabilities of the two sensors. The dataset is accessible at the following url:

Covy: An AI-powered Robot for Detection of Breaches in Social Distancing

  • Authors: Serge Saaybi, Amjad Yousef Majid, R Venkatesha Prasad, Anis Koubaa, Chris Verhoeven
  • Subjects: Robotics (cs.RO); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI)
  • Arxiv link:
  • Pdf link:
  • Abstract We present Covy -- a robotic platform that promotes social distancing during pandemics like COVID-19. Covy features a novel compound vision system that enables it to detect social distancing breaches up to 16m away. Covy navigates its surroundings autonomously using a hybrid navigation stack that combines Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL)and a probabilistic localization method. We built the complete system and evaluated Covy's performance through extensive sets of experiments both in simulated and realistic environments. Amongst others, our results show that the hybrid navigation stack is more robust compared to a pure DRL-based solution.

Semi-Supervised Temporal Action Detection with Proposal-Free Masking

  • Authors: Sauradip Nag, Xiatian Zhu, Yi-Zhe Song, Tao Xiang
  • Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Multimedia (cs.MM)
  • Arxiv link:
  • Pdf link:
  • Abstract Existing temporal action detection (TAD) methods rely on a large number of training data with segment-level annotations. Collecting and annotating such a training set is thus highly expensive and unscalable. Semi-supervised TAD (SS-TAD) alleviates this problem by leveraging unlabeled videos freely available at scale. However, SS-TAD is also a much more challenging problem than supervised TAD, and consequently much under-studied. Prior SS-TAD methods directly combine an existing proposal-based TAD method and a SSL method. Due to their sequential localization (e.g, proposal generation) and classification design, they are prone to proposal error propagation. To overcome this limitation, in this work we propose a novel Semi-supervised Temporal action detection model based on PropOsal-free Temporal mask (SPOT) with a parallel localization (mask generation) and classification architecture. Such a novel design effectively eliminates the dependence between localization and classification by cutting off the route for error propagation in-between. We further introduce an interaction mechanism between classification and localization for prediction refinement, and a new pretext task for self-supervised model pre-training. Extensive experiments on two standard benchmarks show that our SPOT outperforms state-of-the-art alternatives, often by a large margin. The PyTorch implementation of SPOT is available at

ReAct: Temporal Action Detection with Relational Queries

  • Authors: Dingfeng Shi, Yujie Zhong, Qiong Cao, Jing Zhang, Lin Ma, Jia Li, Dacheng Tao
  • Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI)
  • Arxiv link:
  • Pdf link:
  • Abstract This work aims at advancing temporal action detection (TAD) using an encoder-decoder framework with action queries, similar to DETR, which has shown great success in object detection. However, the framework suffers from several problems if directly applied to TAD: the insufficient exploration of inter-query relation in the decoder, the inadequate classification training due to a limited number of training samples, and the unreliable classification scores at inference. To this end, we first propose a relational attention mechanism in the decoder, which guides the attention among queries based on their relations. Moreover, we propose two losses to facilitate and stabilize the training of action classification. Lastly, we propose to predict the localization quality of each action query at inference in order to distinguish high-quality queries. The proposed method, named ReAct, achieves the state-of-the-art performance on THUMOS14, with much lower computational costs than previous methods. Besides, extensive ablation studies are conducted to verify the effectiveness of each proposed component. The code is available at

Keyword: transformer

Transformer-based Context Condensation for Boosting Feature Pyramids in Object Detection

  • Authors: Zhe Chen, Jing Zhang, Yufei Xu, Dacheng Tao
  • Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
  • Arxiv link:
  • Pdf link:
  • Abstract Current object detectors typically have a feature pyramid (FP) module for multi-level feature fusion (MFF) which aims to mitigate the gap between features from different levels and form a comprehensive object representation to achieve better detection performance. However, they usually require heavy cross-level connections or iterative refinement to obtain better MFF result, making them complicated in structure and inefficient in computation. To address these issues, we propose a novel and efficient context modeling mechanism that can help existing FPs deliver better MFF results while reducing the computational costs effectively. In particular, we introduce a novel insight that comprehensive contexts can be decomposed and condensed into two types of representations for higher efficiency. The two representations include a locally concentrated representation and a globally summarized representation, where the former focuses on extracting context cues from nearby areas while the latter extracts key representations of the whole image scene as global context cues. By collecting the condensed contexts, we employ a Transformer decoder to investigate the relations between them and each local feature from the FP and then refine the MFF results accordingly. As a result, we obtain a simple and light-weight Transformer-based Context Condensation (TCC) module, which can boost various FPs and lower their computational costs simultaneously. Extensive experimental results on the challenging MS COCO dataset show that TCC is compatible to four representative FPs and consistently improves their detection accuracy by up to 7.8 % in terms of average precision and reduce their complexities by up to around 20% in terms of GFLOPs, helping them achieve state-of-the-art performance more efficiently. Code will be released.

Deepfake Video Detection with Spatiotemporal Dropout Transformer

  • Authors: Daichi Zhang, Fanzhao Lin, Yingying Hua, Pengju Wang, Dan Zeng, Shiming Ge
  • Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI)
  • Arxiv link:
  • Pdf link:
  • Abstract While the abuse of deepfake technology has caused serious concerns recently, how to detect deepfake videos is still a challenge due to the high photo-realistic synthesis of each frame. Existing image-level approaches often focus on single frame and ignore the spatiotemporal cues hidden in deepfake videos, resulting in poor generalization and robustness. The key of a video-level detector is to fully exploit the spatiotemporal inconsistency distributed in local facial regions across different frames in deepfake videos. Inspired by that, this paper proposes a simple yet effective patch-level approach to facilitate deepfake video detection via spatiotemporal dropout transformer. The approach reorganizes each input video into bag of patches that is then fed into a vision transformer to achieve robust representation. Specifically, a spatiotemporal dropout operation is proposed to fully explore patch-level spatiotemporal cues and serve as effective data augmentation to further enhance model's robustness and generalization ability. The operation is flexible and can be easily plugged into existing vision transformers. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach against 25 state-of-the-arts with impressive robustness, generalizability, and representation ability.

Overview of Abusive and Threatening Language Detection in Urdu at FIRE 2021

  • Authors: Maaz Amjad, Alisa Zhila, Grigori Sidorov, Andrey Labunets, Sabur Butta, Hamza Imam Amjad, Oxana Vitman, Alexander Gelbukh
  • Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL)
  • Arxiv link:
  • Pdf link:
  • Abstract With the growth of social media platform influence, the effect of their misuse becomes more and more impactful. The importance of automatic detection of threatening and abusive language can not be overestimated. However, most of the existing studies and state-of-the-art methods focus on English as the target language, with limited work on low- and medium-resource languages. In this paper, we present two shared tasks of abusive and threatening language detection for the Urdu language which has more than 170 million speakers worldwide. Both are posed as binary classification tasks where participating systems are required to classify tweets in Urdu into two classes, namely: (i) Abusive and Non-Abusive for the first task, and (ii) Threatening and Non-Threatening for the second. We present two manually annotated datasets containing tweets labelled as (i) Abusive and Non-Abusive, and (ii) Threatening and Non-Threatening. The abusive dataset contains 2400 annotated tweets in the train part and 1100 annotated tweets in the test part. The threatening dataset contains 6000 annotated tweets in the train part and 3950 annotated tweets in the test part. We also provide logistic regression and BERT-based baseline classifiers for both tasks. In this shared task, 21 teams from six countries registered for participation (India, Pakistan, China, Malaysia, United Arab Emirates, and Taiwan), 10 teams submitted their runs for Subtask A, which is Abusive Language Detection and 9 teams submitted their runs for Subtask B, which is Threatening Language detection, and seven teams submitted their technical reports. The best performing system achieved an F1-score value of 0.880 for Subtask A and 0.545 for Subtask B. For both subtasks, m-Bert based transformer model showed the best performance.

Octuplet Loss: Make Face Recognition Robust to Image Resolution

  • Authors: Martin Knoche, Mohamed Elkadeem, Stefan Hörmann, Gerhard Rigoll
  • Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
  • Arxiv link:
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  • Abstract Image resolution, or in general, image quality, plays an essential role in the performance of today's face recognition systems. To address this problem, we propose a novel combination of the popular triplet loss to improve robustness against image resolution via fine-tuning of existing face recognition models. With octuplet loss, we leverage the relationship between high-resolution images and their synthetically down-sampled variants jointly with their identity labels. Fine-tuning several state-of-the-art approaches with our method proves that we can significantly boost performance for cross-resolution (high-to-low resolution) face verification on various datasets without meaningfully exacerbating the performance on high-to-high resolution images. Our method applied on the FaceTransformer network achieves 95.12% face verification accuracy on the challenging XQLFW dataset while reaching 99.73% on the LFW database. Moreover, the low-to-low face verification accuracy benefits from our method. We release our code to allow seamless integration of the octuplet loss into existing frameworks.

BERTIN: Efficient Pre-Training of a Spanish Language Model using Perplexity Sampling

  • Authors: Javier de la Rosa, Eduardo G. Ponferrada, Paulo Villegas, Pablo Gonzalez de Prado Salas, Manu Romero, Marıa Grandury
  • Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI)
  • Arxiv link:
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  • Abstract The pre-training of large language models usually requires massive amounts of resources, both in terms of computation and data. Frequently used web sources such as Common Crawl might contain enough noise to make this pre-training sub-optimal. In this work, we experiment with different sampling methods from the Spanish version of mC4, and present a novel data-centric technique which we name $\textit{perplexity sampling}$ that enables the pre-training of language models in roughly half the amount of steps and using one fifth of the data. The resulting models are comparable to the current state-of-the-art, and even achieve better results for certain tasks. Our work is proof of the versatility of Transformers, and paves the way for small teams to train their models on a limited budget. Our models are available at this $\href{}{URL}$.

iColoriT: Towards Propagating Local Hint to the Right Region in Interactive Colorization by Leveraging Vision Transformer

  • Authors: Sanghyeon Lee, Jooyeol Yun, Minho Park
  • Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
  • Arxiv link:
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  • Abstract Point-interactive image colorization aims to colorize grayscale images when a user provides the colors for specific locations. It is essential for point-interactive colorization methods to appropriately propagate user-provided colors (i.e., user hints) in the entire image to obtain a reasonably colorized image with minimal user effort. However, existing approaches often produce partially colorized results due to the inefficient design of stacking convolutional layers to propagate hints to distant relevant regions. To address this problem, we present iColoriT, a novel point-interactive colorization Vision Transformer capable of propagating user hints to relevant regions, leveraging the global receptive field of Transformers. The self-attention mechanism of Transformers enables iColoriT to selectively colorize relevant regions with only a few local hints. Our approach colorizes images in real-time by utilizing pixel shuffling, an efficient upsampling technique that replaces the decoder architecture. Also, in order to mitigate the artifacts caused by pixel shuffling with large upsampling ratios, we present the local stabilizing layer. Extensive quantitative and qualitative results demonstrate that our approach highly outperforms existing methods for point-interactive colorization, producing accurately colorized images with a user's minimal effort.

Recurrent Memory Transformer

  • Authors: Aydar Bulatov, Yuri Kuratov, Mikhail S. Burtsev
  • Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Machine Learning (cs.LG)
  • Arxiv link:
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  • Abstract Transformer-based models show their effectiveness across multiple domains and tasks. The self-attention allows to combine information from all sequence elements into context-aware representations. However, global and local information has to be stored mostly in the same element-wise representations. Moreover, the length of an input sequence is limited by quadratic computational complexity of self-attention. In this work, we propose and study a memory-augmented segment-level recurrent Transformer (Recurrent Memory Transformer). Memory allows to store and process local and global information as well as to pass information between segments of the long sequence with the help of recurrence. We implement a memory mechanism with no changes to Transformer model by adding special memory tokens to the input or output sequence. Then Transformer is trained to control both memory operations and sequence representations processing. Results of experiments show that our model performs on par with the Transformer-XL on language modeling for smaller memory sizes and outperforms it for tasks that require longer sequence processing. We show that adding memory tokens to Tr-XL is able to improve it performance. This makes Recurrent Memory Transformer a promising architecture for applications that require learning of long-term dependencies and general purpose in memory processing, such as algorithmic tasks and reasoning.

Forming Trees with Treeformers

  • Authors: Nilay Patel, Jeffrey Flanigan
  • Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG)
  • Arxiv link:
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  • Abstract Popular models such as Transformers and LSTMs use tokens as its unit of information. That is, each token is encoded into a vector representation, and those vectors are used directly in a computation. However, humans frequently consider spans of tokens (i.e., phrases) instead of their constituent tokens. In this paper we introduce Treeformer, an architecture inspired by the CKY algorithm and Transformer which learns a composition operator and pooling function in order to construct hierarchical encodings for phrases and sentences. Our extensive experiments demonstrate the benefits of incorporating a hierarchical structure into the Transformer, and show significant improvements compared to a baseline Transformer in machine translation, abstractive summarization, and various natural language understanding tasks.

Multitrack Music Transformer: Learning Long-Term Dependencies in Music with Diverse Instruments

  • Authors: Hao-Wen Dong, Ke Chen, Shlomo Dubnov, Julian McAuley, Taylor Berg-Kirkpatrick
  • Subjects: Sound (cs.SD); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Multimedia (cs.MM); Audio and Speech Processing (eess.AS)
  • Arxiv link:
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  • Abstract Existing approaches for generating multitrack music with transformer models have been limited to either a small set of instruments or short music segments. This is partly due to the memory requirements of the lengthy input sequences necessitated by existing representations for multitrack music. In this work, we propose a compact representation that allows a diverse set of instruments while keeping a short sequence length. Using our proposed representation, we present the Multitrack Music Transformer (MTMT) for learning long-term dependencies in multitrack music. In a subjective listening test, our proposed model achieves competitive quality on unconditioned generation against two baseline models. We also show that our proposed model can generate samples that are twice as long as those produced by the baseline models, and, further, can do so in half the inference time. Moreover, we propose a new measure for analyzing musical self-attentions and show that the trained model learns to pay less attention to notes that form a dissonant interval with the current note, yet attending more to notes that are 4N beats away from current. Finally, our findings provide a novel foundation for future work exploring longer-form multitrack music generation and improving self-attentions for music. All source code and audio samples can be found at .

Convolutional Bypasses Are Better Vision Transformer Adapters

  • Authors: Shibo Jie, Zhi-Hong Deng
  • Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
  • Arxiv link:
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  • Abstract The pretrain-then-finetune paradigm has been widely adopted in computer vision. But as the size of Vision Transformer (ViT) grows exponentially, the full finetuning becomes prohibitive in view of the heavier storage overhead. Motivated by parameter-efficient transfer learning (PETL) on language transformers, recent studies attempt to insert lightweight adaptation modules (e.g., adapter layers or prompt tokens) to pretrained ViT and only finetune these modules while the pretrained weights are frozen. However, these modules were originally proposed to finetune language models. Although ported well to ViT, their design lacks prior knowledge for visual tasks. In this paper, we propose to construct Convolutional Bypasses (Convpass) in ViT as adaptation modules, introducing only a small amount (less than 0.5% of model parameters) of trainable parameters to adapt the large ViT. Different from other PETL methods, Convpass benefits from the hard-coded inductive bias of convolutional layers and thus is more suitable for visual tasks, especially in the low-data regime. Experimental results on VTAB-1k benchmark and few-shot learning datasets demonstrate that Convpass outperforms current language-oriented adaptation modules, demonstrating the necessity to tailor vision-oriented adaptation modules for vision models.

Confident Adaptive Language Modeling

  • Authors: Tal Schuster, Adam Fisch, Jai Gupta, Mostafa Dehghani, Dara Bahri, Vinh Q. Tran, Yi Tay, Donald Metzler
  • Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Machine Learning (cs.LG)
  • Arxiv link:
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  • Abstract Recent advances in Transformer-based large language models (LLMs) have led to significant performance improvements across many tasks. These gains come with a drastic increase in the models' size, potentially leading to slow and costly use at inference time. In practice, however, the series of generations made by LLMs is composed of varying levels of difficulty. While certain predictions truly benefit from the models' full capacity, other continuations are more trivial and can be solved with reduced compute. In this work, we introduce Confident Adaptive Language Modeling (CALM), a framework for dynamically allocating different amounts of compute per input and generation timestep. Early exit decoding involves several challenges that we address here, such as: (1) what confidence measure to use; (2) connecting sequence-level constraints to local per-token exit decisions; and (3) attending back to missing hidden representations due to early exits in previous tokens. Through theoretical analysis and empirical experiments on three diverse text generation tasks, we demonstrate the efficacy of our framework in reducing compute -- potential speedup of up to $\times 3$ -- while provably maintaining high performance.

Benchmarking Omni-Vision Representation through the Lens of Visual Realms

  • Authors: Yuanhan Zhang, Zhenfei Yin, Jing Shao, Ziwei Liu
  • Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
  • Arxiv link:
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  • Abstract Though impressive performance has been achieved in specific visual realms (e.g. faces, dogs, and places), an omni-vision representation generalizing to many natural visual domains is highly desirable. But, existing benchmarks are biased and inefficient to evaluate the omni-vision representation -- these benchmarks either only include several specific realms, or cover most realms at the expense of subsuming numerous datasets that have extensive realm overlapping. In this paper, we propose Omni-Realm Benchmark (OmniBenchmark). It includes 21 realm-wise datasets with 7,372 concepts and 1,074,346 images. Without semantic overlapping, these datasets cover most visual realms comprehensively and meanwhile efficiently. In addition, we propose a new supervised contrastive learning framework, namely Relational Contrastive learning (ReCo), for a better omni-vision representation. Beyond pulling two instances from the same concept closer -- the typical supervised contrastive learning framework -- ReCo also pulls two instances from the same semantic realm closer, encoding the semantic relation between concepts, and facilitating omni-vision representation learning. We benchmark ReCo and other advances in omni-vision representation studies that are different in architectures (from CNNs to transformers) and in learning paradigms (from supervised learning to self-supervised learning) on OmniBenchmark. We illustrate the superior of ReCo to other supervised contrastive learning methods and reveal multiple practical observations to facilitate future research.

Keyword: autonomous driving

QML for Argoverse 2 Motion Forecasting Challenge

  • Authors: Tong Su, Xishun Wang, Xiaodong Yang
  • Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Robotics (cs.RO)
  • Arxiv link:
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  • Abstract To safely navigate in various complex traffic scenarios, autonomous driving systems are generally equipped with a motion forecasting module to provide vital information for the downstream planning module. For the real-world onboard applications, both accuracy and latency of a motion forecasting model are essential. In this report, we present an effective and efficient solution, which ranks the 3rd place in the Argoverse 2 Motion Forecasting Challenge 2022.

BayesCap: Bayesian Identity Cap for Calibrated Uncertainty in Frozen Neural Networks

  • Authors: Uddeshya Upadhyay, Shyamgopal Karthik, Yanbei Chen, Massimiliano Mancini, Zeynep Akata
  • Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI)
  • Arxiv link:
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  • Abstract High-quality calibrated uncertainty estimates are crucial for numerous real-world applications, especially for deep learning-based deployed ML systems. While Bayesian deep learning techniques allow uncertainty estimation, training them with large-scale datasets is an expensive process that does not always yield models competitive with non-Bayesian counterparts. Moreover, many of the high-performing deep learning models that are already trained and deployed are non-Bayesian in nature and do not provide uncertainty estimates. To address these issues, we propose BayesCap that learns a Bayesian identity mapping for the frozen model, allowing uncertainty estimation. BayesCap is a memory-efficient method that can be trained on a small fraction of the original dataset, enhancing pretrained non-Bayesian computer vision models by providing calibrated uncertainty estimates for the predictions without (i) hampering the performance of the model and (ii) the need for expensive retraining the model from scratch. The proposed method is agnostic to various architectures and tasks. We show the efficacy of our method on a wide variety of tasks with a diverse set of architectures, including image super-resolution, deblurring, inpainting, and crucial application such as medical image translation. Moreover, we apply the derived uncertainty estimates to detect out-of-distribution samples in critical scenarios like depth estimation in autonomous driving. Code is available at

zhuhu00 avatar Jul 15 '22 04:07 zhuhu00