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New submissions for Thu, 9 Jun 22
New submissions for Thu, 9 Jun 22
Keyword: SLAM
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Keyword: odometry
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Keyword: livox
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Keyword: loam
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Keyword: lidar
Depth Estimation Matters Most: Improving Per-Object Depth Estimation for Monocular 3D Detection and Tracking
- Authors: Longlong Jing, Ruichi Yu, Henrik Kretzschmar, Kang Li, Charles R. Qi, Hang Zhao, Alper Ayvaci, Xu Chen, Dillon Cower, Yingwei Li, Yurong You, Han Deng, Congcong Li, Dragomir Anguelov
- Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
- Arxiv link:
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- Abstract Monocular image-based 3D perception has become an active research area in recent years owing to its applications in autonomous driving. Approaches to monocular 3D perception including detection and tracking, however, often yield inferior performance when compared to LiDAR-based techniques. Through systematic analysis, we identified that per-object depth estimation accuracy is a major factor bounding the performance. Motivated by this observation, we propose a multi-level fusion method that combines different representations (RGB and pseudo-LiDAR) and temporal information across multiple frames for objects (tracklets) to enhance per-object depth estimation. Our proposed fusion method achieves the state-of-the-art performance of per-object depth estimation on the Waymo Open Dataset, the KITTI detection dataset, and the KITTI MOT dataset. We further demonstrate that by simply replacing estimated depth with fusion-enhanced depth, we can achieve significant improvements in monocular 3D perception tasks, including detection and tracking.
CO^3: Cooperative Unsupervised 3D Representation Learning for Autonomous Driving
- Authors: Runjian Chen, Yao Mu, Runsen Xu, Wenqi Shao, Chenhan Jiang, Hang Xu, Zhenguo Li, Ping Luo
- Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Robotics (cs.RO)
- Arxiv link:
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- Abstract Unsupervised contrastive learning for indoor-scene point clouds has achieved great successes. However, unsupervised learning point clouds in outdoor scenes remains challenging because previous methods need to reconstruct the whole scene and capture partial views for the contrastive objective. This is infeasible in outdoor scenes with moving objects, obstacles, and sensors. In this paper, we propose CO^3, namely Cooperative Contrastive Learning and Contextual Shape Prediction, to learn 3D representation for outdoor-scene point clouds in an unsupervised manner. CO^3 has several merits compared to existing methods. (1) It utilizes LiDAR point clouds from vehicle-side and infrastructure-side to build views that differ enough but meanwhile maintain common semantic information for contrastive learning, which are more appropriate than views built by previous methods. (2) Alongside the contrastive objective, shape context prediction is proposed as pre-training goal and brings more task-relevant information for unsupervised 3D point cloud representation learning, which are beneficial when transferring the learned representation to downstream detection tasks. (3) As compared to previous methods, representation learned by CO^3 is able to be transferred to different outdoor scene dataset collected by different type of LiDAR sensors. (4) CO^3 improves current state-of-the-art methods on both Once and KITTI datasets by up to 2.58 mAP. Codes and models will be released. We believe CO^3 will facilitate understanding LiDAR point clouds in outdoor scene.
Keyword: loop detection
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Keyword: nerf
ObPose: Leveraging Canonical Pose for Object-Centric Scene Inference in 3D
- Authors: Yizhe Wu, Oiwi Parker Jones, Ingmar Posner
- Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI)
- Arxiv link:
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- Abstract We present ObPose, an unsupervised object-centric generative model that learns to segment 3D objects from RGB-D video in an unsupervised manner. Inspired by prior art in 2D representation learning, ObPose considers a factorised latent space, separately encoding object-wise location (where) and appearance (what) information. In particular, ObPose leverages an object's canonical pose, defined via a minimum volume principle, as a novel inductive bias for learning the where component. To achieve this, we propose an efficient, voxelised approximation approach to recover the object shape directly from a neural radiance field (NeRF). As a consequence, ObPose models scenes as compositions of NeRFs representing individual objects. When evaluated on the YCB dataset for unsupervised scene segmentation, ObPose outperforms the current state-of-the-art in 3D scene inference (ObSuRF) by a significant margin in terms of segmentation quality for both video inputs as well as for multi-view static scenes. In addition, the design choices made in the ObPose encoder are validated with relevant ablations.
Keyword: mapping
Guidelines and a Corpus for Extracting Biographical Events
- Authors: Marco Antonio Stranisci, Enrico Mensa, Ousmane Diakite, Daniele Radicioni, Rossana Damiano
- Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI)
- Arxiv link:
- Pdf link:
- Abstract Despite biographies are widely spread within the Semantic Web, resources and approaches to automatically extract biographical events are limited. Such limitation reduces the amount of structured, machine-readable biographical information, especially about people belonging to underrepresented groups. Our work challenges this limitation by providing a set of guidelines for the semantic annotation of life events. The guidelines are designed to be interoperable with existing ISO-standards for semantic annotation: ISO-TimeML (ISO-24617-1), and SemAF (ISO-24617-4). Guidelines were tested through an annotation task of Wikipedia biographies of underrepresented writers, namely authors born in non-Western countries, migrants, or belonging to ethnic minorities. 1,000 sentences were annotated by 4 annotators with an average Inter-Annotator Agreement of 0.825. The resulting corpus was mapped on OntoNotes. Such mapping allowed to to expand our corpus, showing that already existing resources may be exploited for the biographical event extraction task.
Overcoming the Long Horizon Barrier for Sample-Efficient Reinforcement Learning with Latent Low-Rank Structure
- Authors: Tyler Sam, Yudong Chen, Christina Lee Yu
- Subjects: Machine Learning (cs.LG)
- Arxiv link:
- Pdf link:
- Abstract The practicality of reinforcement learning algorithms has been limited due to poor scaling with respect to the problem size, as the sample complexity of learning an $\epsilon$-optimal policy is $\Tilde{\Omega}\left(|S||A|H^3 / \eps^2\right)$ over worst case instances of an MDP with state space $S$, action space $A$, and horizon $H$. We consider a class of MDPs that exhibit low rank structure, where the latent features are unknown. We argue that a natural combination of value iteration and low-rank matrix estimation results in an estimation error that grows doubly exponentially in the horizon $H$. We then provide a new algorithm along with statistical guarantees that efficiently exploits low rank structure given access to a generative model, achieving a sample complexity of $\Tilde{O}\left(d^5(|S|+|A|)\mathrm{poly}(H)/\eps^2\right)$ for a rank $d$ setting, which is minimax optimal with respect to the scaling of $|S|, |A|$, and $\eps$. In contrast to literature on linear and low-rank MDPs, we do not require a known feature mapping, our algorithm is computationally simple, and our results hold for long time horizons. Our results provide insights on the minimal low-rank structural assumptions required on the MDP with respect to the transition kernel versus the optimal action-value function.
Towards Scalable Hyperbolic Neural Networks using Taylor Series Approximations
- Authors: Nurendra Choudhary, Chandan K. Reddy
- Subjects: Machine Learning (cs.LG)
- Arxiv link:
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- Abstract Hyperbolic networks have shown prominent improvements over their Euclidean counterparts in several areas involving hierarchical datasets in various domains such as computer vision, graph analysis, and natural language processing. However, their adoption in practice remains restricted due to (i) non-scalability on accelerated deep learning hardware, (ii) vanishing gradients due to the closure of hyperbolic space, and (iii) information loss due to frequent mapping between local tangent space and fully hyperbolic space. To tackle these issues, we propose the approximation of hyperbolic operators using Taylor series expansions, which allows us to reformulate the computationally expensive tangent and cosine hyperbolic functions into their polynomial equivariants which are more efficient. This allows us to retain the benefits of preserving the hierarchical anatomy of the hyperbolic space, while maintaining the scalability over current accelerated deep learning infrastructure. The polynomial formulation also enables us to utilize the advancements in Euclidean networks such as gradient clipping and ReLU activation to avoid vanishing gradients and remove errors due to frequent switching between tangent space and hyperbolic space. Our empirical evaluation on standard benchmarks in the domain of graph analysis and computer vision shows that our polynomial formulation is as scalable as Euclidean architectures, both in terms of memory and time complexity, while providing results as effective as hyperbolic models. Moreover, our formulation also shows a considerable improvement over its baselines due to our solution to vanishing gradients and information loss.
Keyword: localization
Multi-Robot Synergistic Localization in Dynamic Environments
- Authors: Ehsan Latif, Ramviyas Parasuraman
- Subjects: Robotics (cs.RO); Multiagent Systems (cs.MA)
- Arxiv link:
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- Abstract A mobile robot's precise location information is critical for navigation and task processing, especially for a multi-robot system (MRS) to collaborate and collect valuable data from the field. However, a robot in situations where it does not have access to GPS signals, such as in an environmentally controlled, indoor, or underground environment, finds it difficult to locate using its sensor alone. As a result, robots sharing their local information to improve their localization estimates benefit the entire MRS team. There have been several attempts to model-based multi-robot localization using Radio Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) as a source to calculate bearing information. We also utilize the RSSI for wireless networks generated through the communication of multiple robots in a system and aim to localize agents with high accuracy and efficiency in a dynamic environment for shared information fusion to refine the localization estimation. This estimator structure reduces one source of measurement correlation while appropriately incorporating others. This paper proposes a decentralized Multi-robot Synergistic Localization System (MRSL) for a dense and dynamic environment. Robots update their position estimation whenever new information receives from their neighbors. When the system senses the presence of other robots in the region, it exchanges position estimates and merges the received data to improve its localization accuracy. Our approach uses Bayesian rule-based integration, which has shown to be computationally efficient and applicable to asynchronous robotics communication. We have performed extensive simulation experiments with a varying number of robots to analyze the algorithm. MRSL's localization accuracy with RSSI outperformed other algorithms from the literature, showing a significant promise for future development.
A Unified Model for Multi-class Anomaly Detection
- Authors: Zhiyuan You, Lei Cui, Yujun Shen, Kai Yang, Xin Lu, Yu Zheng, Xinyi Le
- Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
- Arxiv link:
- Pdf link:
- Abstract Despite the rapid advance of unsupervised anomaly detection, existing methods require to train separate models for different objects. In this work, we present UniAD that accomplishes anomaly detection for multiple classes with a unified framework. Under such a challenging setting, popular reconstruction networks may fall into an "identical shortcut", where both normal and anomalous samples can be well recovered, and hence fail to spot outliers. To tackle this obstacle, we make three improvements. First, we revisit the formulations of fully-connected layer, convolutional layer, as well as attention layer, and confirm the important role of query embedding (i.e., within attention layer) in preventing the network from learning the shortcut. We therefore come up with a layer-wise query decoder to help model the multi-class distribution. Second, we employ a neighbor masked attention module to further avoid the information leak from the input feature to the reconstructed output feature. Third, we propose a feature jittering strategy that urges the model to recover the correct message even with noisy inputs. We evaluate our algorithm on MVTec-AD and CIFAR-10 datasets, where we surpass the state-of-the-art alternatives by a sufficiently large margin. For example, when learning a unified model for 15 categories in MVTec-AD, we surpass the second competitor on the tasks of both anomaly detection (from 88.1% to 96.5%) and anomaly localization (from 89.5% to 96.8%). Code will be made publicly available.
PixSelect: Less but Reliable Pixels for Accurate and Efficient Localization
- Authors: Mohammad Altillawi
- Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Robotics (cs.RO)
- Arxiv link:
- Pdf link:
- Abstract Accurate camera pose estimation is a fundamental requirement for numerous applications, such as autonomous driving, mobile robotics, and augmented reality. In this work, we address the problem of estimating the global 6 DoF camera pose from a single RGB image in a given environment. Previous works consider every part of the image valuable for localization. However, many image regions such as the sky, occlusions, and repetitive non-distinguishable patterns cannot be utilized for localization. In addition to adding unnecessary computation efforts, extracting and matching features from such regions produce many wrong matches which in turn degrades the localization accuracy and efficiency. Our work addresses this particular issue and shows by exploiting an interesting concept of sparse 3D models that we can exploit discriminatory environment parts and avoid useless image regions for the sake of a single image localization. Interestingly, through avoiding selecting keypoints from non-reliable image regions such as trees, bushes, cars, pedestrians, and occlusions, our work acts naturally as an outlier filter. This makes our system highly efficient in that minimal set of correspondences is needed and highly accurate as the number of outliers is low. Our work exceeds state-ofthe-art methods on outdoor Cambridge Landmarks dataset. With only relying on single image at inference, it outweighs in terms of accuracy methods that exploit pose priors and/or reference 3D models while being much faster. By choosing as little as 100 correspondences, it surpasses similar methods that localize from thousands of correspondences, while being more efficient. In particular, it achieves, compared to these methods, an improvement of localization by 33% on OldHospital scene. Furthermore, It outstands direct pose regressors even those that learn from sequence of images
Keyword: transformer
How to Dissect a Muppet: The Structure of Transformer Embedding Spaces
- Authors: Timothee Mickus, Denis Paperno, Mathieu Constant
- Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL)
- Arxiv link:
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- Abstract Pretrained embeddings based on the Transformer architecture have taken the NLP community by storm. We show that they can mathematically be reframed as a sum of vector factors and showcase how to use this reframing to study the impact of each component. We provide evidence that multi-head attentions and feed-forwards are not equally useful in all downstream applications, as well as a quantitative overview of the effects of finetuning on the overall embedding space. This approach allows us to draw connections to a wide range of previous studies, from vector space anisotropy to attention weights.
UHD Image Deblurring via Multi-scale Cubic-Mixer
- Authors: Zhuoran Zheng, Xiuyi Jia
- Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
- Arxiv link:
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- Abstract Currently, transformer-based algorithms are making a splash in the domain of image deblurring. Their achievement depends on the self-attention mechanism with CNN stem to model long range dependencies between tokens. Unfortunately, this ear-pleasing pipeline introduces high computational complexity and makes it difficult to run an ultra-high-definition image on a single GPU in real time. To trade-off accuracy and efficiency, the input degraded image is computed cyclically over three dimensional ($C$, $W$, and $H$) signals without a self-attention mechanism. We term this deep network as Multi-scale Cubic-Mixer, which is acted on both the real and imaginary components after fast Fourier transform to estimate the Fourier coefficients and thus obtain a deblurred image. Furthermore, we combine the multi-scale cubic-mixer with a slicing strategy to generate high-quality results at a much lower computational cost. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm performs favorably against the state-of-the-art deblurring approaches on the several benchmarks and a new ultra-high-definition dataset in terms of accuracy and speed.
Blind Face Restoration: Benchmark Datasets and a Baseline Model
- Authors: Puyang Zhang, Kaihao Zhang, Wenhan Luo, Changsheng Li, Guoren Wang
- Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
- Arxiv link:
- Pdf link:
- Abstract Blind Face Restoration (BFR) aims to construct a high-quality (HQ) face image from its corresponding low-quality (LQ) input. Recently, many BFR methods have been proposed and they have achieved remarkable success. However, these methods are trained or evaluated on privately synthesized datasets, which makes it infeasible for the subsequent approaches to fairly compare with them. To address this problem, we first synthesize two blind face restoration benchmark datasets called EDFace-Celeb-1M (BFR128) and EDFace-Celeb-150K (BFR512). State-of-the-art methods are benchmarked on them under five settings including blur, noise, low resolution, JPEG compression artifacts, and the combination of them (full degradation). To make the comparison more comprehensive, five widely-used quantitative metrics and two task-driven metrics including Average Face Landmark Distance (AFLD) and Average Face ID Cosine Similarity (AFICS) are applied. Furthermore, we develop an effective baseline model called Swin Transformer U-Net (STUNet). The STUNet with U-net architecture applies an attention mechanism and a shifted windowing scheme to capture long-range pixel interactions and focus more on significant features while still being trained efficiently. Experimental results show that the proposed baseline method performs favourably against the SOTA methods on various BFR tasks.
1Cademy at Semeval-2022 Task 1: Investigating the Effectiveness of Multilingual, Multitask, and Language-Agnostic Tricks for the Reverse Dictionary Task
- Authors: Zhiyong Wang, Ge Zhang, Nineli Lashkarashvili
- Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL)
- Arxiv link:
- Pdf link:
- Abstract This paper describes our system for the SemEval2022 task of matching dictionary glosses to word embeddings. We focus on the Reverse Dictionary Track of the competition, which maps multilingual glosses to reconstructed vector representations. More specifically, models convert the input of sentences to three types of embeddings: SGNS, Char, and Electra. We propose several experiments for applying neural network cells, general multilingual and multitask structures, and language-agnostic tricks to the task. We also provide comparisons over different types of word embeddings and ablation studies to suggest helpful strategies. Our initial transformer-based model achieves relatively low performance. However, trials on different retokenization methodologies indicate improved performance. Our proposed Elmobased monolingual model achieves the highest outcome, and its multitask, and multilingual varieties show competitive results as well.
Set Interdependence Transformer: Set-to-Sequence Neural Networks for Permutation Learning and Structure Prediction
- Authors: Mateusz Jurewicz, Leon Derczynski
- Subjects: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Computation and Language (cs.CL)
- Arxiv link:
- Pdf link:
- Abstract The task of learning to map an input set onto a permuted sequence of its elements is challenging for neural networks. Set-to-sequence problems occur in natural language processing, computer vision and structure prediction, where interactions between elements of large sets define the optimal output. Models must exhibit relational reasoning, handle varying cardinalities and manage combinatorial complexity. Previous attention-based methods require $n$ layers of their set transformations to explicitly represent $n$-th order relations. Our aim is to enhance their ability to efficiently model higher-order interactions through an additional interdependence component. We propose a novel neural set encoding method called the Set Interdependence Transformer, capable of relating the set's permutation invariant representation to its elements within sets of any cardinality. We combine it with a permutation learning module into a complete, 3-part set-to-sequence model and demonstrate its state-of-the-art performance on a number of tasks. These range from combinatorial optimization problems, through permutation learning challenges on both synthetic and established NLP datasets for sentence ordering, to a novel domain of product catalog structure prediction. Additionally, the network's ability to generalize to unseen sequence lengths is investigated and a comparative empirical analysis of the existing methods' ability to learn higher-order interactions is provided.
Stabilizing Voltage in Power Distribution Networks via Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning with Transformer
- Authors: Minrui Wang, Mingxiao Feng, Wengang Zhou, Houqiang Li
- Subjects: Multiagent Systems (cs.MA); Machine Learning (cs.LG)
- Arxiv link:
- Pdf link:
- Abstract The increased integration of renewable energy poses a slew of technical challenges for the operation of power distribution networks. Among them, voltage fluctuations caused by the instability of renewable energy are receiving increasing attention. Utilizing MARL algorithms to coordinate multiple control units in the grid, which is able to handle rapid changes of power systems, has been widely studied in active voltage control task recently. However, existing approaches based on MARL ignore the unique nature of the grid and achieve limited performance. In this paper, we introduce the transformer architecture to extract representations adapting to power network problems and propose a Transformer-based Multi-Agent Actor-Critic framework (T-MAAC) to stabilize voltage in power distribution networks. In addition, we adopt a novel auxiliary-task training process tailored to the voltage control task, which improves the sample efficiency and facilitating the representation learning of the transformer-based model. We couple T-MAAC with different multi-agent actor-critic algorithms, and the consistent improvements on the active voltage control task demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
TURJUMAN: A Public Toolkit for Neural Arabic Machine Translation
- Authors: El Moatez Billah Nagoudi, AbdelRahim Elmadany, Muhammad Abdul-Mageed
- Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG)
- Arxiv link:
- Pdf link:
- Abstract We present TURJUMAN, a neural toolkit for translating from 20 languages into Modern Standard Arabic (MSA). TURJUMAN exploits the recently-introduced text-to-text Transformer AraT5 model, endowing it with a powerful ability to decode into Arabic. The toolkit offers the possibility of employing a number of diverse decoding methods, making it suited for acquiring paraphrases for the MSA translations as an added value. To train TURJUMAN, we sample from publicly available parallel data employing a simple semantic similarity method to ensure data quality. This allows us to prepare and release AraOPUS-20, a new machine translation benchmark. We publicly release our translation toolkit (TURJUMAN) as well as our benchmark dataset (AraOPUS-20).
Patch-based Object-centric Transformers for Efficient Video Generation
- Authors: Wilson Yan, Ryo Okumura, Stephen James, Pieter Abbeel
- Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Machine Learning (cs.LG)
- Arxiv link:
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- Abstract In this work, we present Patch-based Object-centric Video Transformer (POVT), a novel region-based video generation architecture that leverages object-centric information to efficiently model temporal dynamics in videos. We build upon prior work in video prediction via an autoregressive transformer over the discrete latent space of compressed videos, with an added modification to model object-centric information via bounding boxes. Due to better compressibility of object-centric representations, we can improve training efficiency by allowing the model to only access object information for longer horizon temporal information. When evaluated on various difficult object-centric datasets, our method achieves better or equal performance to other video generation models, while remaining computationally more efficient and scalable. In addition, we show that our method is able to perform object-centric controllability through bounding box manipulation, which may aid downstream tasks such as video editing, or visual planning. Samples are available at}{
Few-Shot Audio-Visual Learning of Environment Acoustics
- Authors: Sagnik Majumder, Changan Chen, Ziad Al-Halah, Kristen Grauman
- Subjects: Sound (cs.SD); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Audio and Speech Processing (eess.AS)
- Arxiv link:
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- Abstract Room impulse response (RIR) functions capture how the surrounding physical environment transforms the sounds heard by a listener, with implications for various applications in AR, VR, and robotics. Whereas traditional methods to estimate RIRs assume dense geometry and/or sound measurements throughout the environment, we explore how to infer RIRs based on a sparse set of images and echoes observed in the space. Towards that goal, we introduce a transformer-based method that uses self-attention to build a rich acoustic context, then predicts RIRs of arbitrary query source-receiver locations through cross-attention. Additionally, we design a novel training objective that improves the match in the acoustic signature between the RIR predictions and the targets. In experiments using a state-of-the-art audio-visual simulator for 3D environments, we demonstrate that our method successfully generates arbitrary RIRs, outperforming state-of-the-art methods and--in a major departure from traditional methods--generalizing to novel environments in a few-shot manner. Project: this http URL
Scaleformer: Iterative Multi-scale Refining Transformers for Time Series Forecasting
- Authors: Amin Shabani, Amir Abdi, Lili Meng, Tristan Sylvain
- Subjects: Machine Learning (cs.LG)
- Arxiv link:
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- Abstract The performance of time series forecasting has recently been greatly improved by the introduction of transformers. In this paper, we propose a general multi-scale framework that can be applied to state-of-the-art transformer-based time series forecasting models including Autoformer and Informer. Using iteratively refining a forecasted time series at multiple scales with shared weights, architecture adaptations and a specially-designed normalization scheme, we are able to achieve significant performance improvements with minimal additional computational overhead. Via detailed ablation studies, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed architectural and methodological innovations. Furthermore, our experiments on four public datasets show that the proposed multi-scale framework outperforms the corresponding baselines with an average improvement of 13% and 38% over Autoformer and Informer, respectively.
Keyword: autonomous driving
Depth Estimation Matters Most: Improving Per-Object Depth Estimation for Monocular 3D Detection and Tracking
- Authors: Longlong Jing, Ruichi Yu, Henrik Kretzschmar, Kang Li, Charles R. Qi, Hang Zhao, Alper Ayvaci, Xu Chen, Dillon Cower, Yingwei Li, Yurong You, Han Deng, Congcong Li, Dragomir Anguelov
- Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
- Arxiv link:
- Pdf link:
- Abstract Monocular image-based 3D perception has become an active research area in recent years owing to its applications in autonomous driving. Approaches to monocular 3D perception including detection and tracking, however, often yield inferior performance when compared to LiDAR-based techniques. Through systematic analysis, we identified that per-object depth estimation accuracy is a major factor bounding the performance. Motivated by this observation, we propose a multi-level fusion method that combines different representations (RGB and pseudo-LiDAR) and temporal information across multiple frames for objects (tracklets) to enhance per-object depth estimation. Our proposed fusion method achieves the state-of-the-art performance of per-object depth estimation on the Waymo Open Dataset, the KITTI detection dataset, and the KITTI MOT dataset. We further demonstrate that by simply replacing estimated depth with fusion-enhanced depth, we can achieve significant improvements in monocular 3D perception tasks, including detection and tracking.
PixSelect: Less but Reliable Pixels for Accurate and Efficient Localization
- Authors: Mohammad Altillawi
- Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Robotics (cs.RO)
- Arxiv link:
- Pdf link:
- Abstract Accurate camera pose estimation is a fundamental requirement for numerous applications, such as autonomous driving, mobile robotics, and augmented reality. In this work, we address the problem of estimating the global 6 DoF camera pose from a single RGB image in a given environment. Previous works consider every part of the image valuable for localization. However, many image regions such as the sky, occlusions, and repetitive non-distinguishable patterns cannot be utilized for localization. In addition to adding unnecessary computation efforts, extracting and matching features from such regions produce many wrong matches which in turn degrades the localization accuracy and efficiency. Our work addresses this particular issue and shows by exploiting an interesting concept of sparse 3D models that we can exploit discriminatory environment parts and avoid useless image regions for the sake of a single image localization. Interestingly, through avoiding selecting keypoints from non-reliable image regions such as trees, bushes, cars, pedestrians, and occlusions, our work acts naturally as an outlier filter. This makes our system highly efficient in that minimal set of correspondences is needed and highly accurate as the number of outliers is low. Our work exceeds state-ofthe-art methods on outdoor Cambridge Landmarks dataset. With only relying on single image at inference, it outweighs in terms of accuracy methods that exploit pose priors and/or reference 3D models while being much faster. By choosing as little as 100 correspondences, it surpasses similar methods that localize from thousands of correspondences, while being more efficient. In particular, it achieves, compared to these methods, an improvement of localization by 33% on OldHospital scene. Furthermore, It outstands direct pose regressors even those that learn from sequence of images
Dyna-DM: Dynamic Object-aware Self-supervised Monocular Depth Maps
- Authors: Kieran Saunders, George Vogiatzis, Luis J. Manso
- Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
- Arxiv link:
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- Abstract Self-supervised monocular depth estimation has been a subject of intense study in recent years, because of its applications in robotics and autonomous driving. Much of the recent work focuses on improving depth estimation by increasing architecture complexity. This paper shows that state-of-the-art performance can also be achieved by improving the learning process rather than increasing model complexity. More specifically, we propose (i) only using invariant pose loss for the first few epochs during training, (ii) disregarding small potentially dynamic objects when training, and (iii) employing an appearance-based approach to separately estimate object pose for truly dynamic objects. We demonstrate that these simplifications reduce GPU memory usage by 29% and result in qualitatively and quantitatively improved depth maps
Narrowing the Coordinate-frame Gap in Behavior Prediction Models: Distillation for Efficient and Accurate Scene-centric Motion Forecasting
- Authors: DiJia Su, Bertrand Douillard, Rami Al-Rfou, Cheolho Park, Benjamin Sapp
- Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Robotics (cs.RO)
- Arxiv link:
- Pdf link:
- Abstract Behavior prediction models have proliferated in recent years, especially in the popular real-world robotics application of autonomous driving, where representing the distribution over possible futures of moving agents is essential for safe and comfortable motion planning. In these models, the choice of coordinate frames to represent inputs and outputs has crucial trade offs which broadly fall into one of two categories. Agent-centric models transform inputs and perform inference in agent-centric coordinates. These models are intrinsically invariant to translation and rotation between scene elements, are best-performing on public leaderboards, but scale quadratically with the number of agents and scene elements. Scene-centric models use a fixed coordinate system to process all agents. This gives them the advantage of sharing representations among all agents, offering efficient amortized inference computation which scales linearly with the number of agents. However, these models have to learn invariance to translation and rotation between scene elements, and typically underperform agent-centric models. In this work, we develop knowledge distillation techniques between probabilistic motion forecasting models, and apply these techniques to close the gap in performance between agent-centric and scene-centric models. This improves scene-centric model performance by 13.2% on the public Argoverse benchmark, 7.8% on Waymo Open Dataset and up to 9.4% on a large In-House dataset. These improved scene-centric models rank highly in public leaderboards and are up to 15 times more efficient than their agent-centric teacher counterparts in busy scenes.