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New submissions for Mon, 2 May 22
Keyword: SLAM
Struct-MDC: Mesh-Refined Unsupervised Depth Completion Leveraging Structural Regularities from Visual SLAM
- Authors: Jinwoo Jeon, Hyunjun Lim, Dong-Uk Seo, Hyun Myung
- Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Robotics (cs.RO)
- Arxiv link:
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- Abstract Feature-based visual simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) methods only estimate the depth of extracted features, generating a sparse depth map. To solve this sparsity problem, depth completion tasks that estimate a dense depth from a sparse depth have gained significant importance in robotic applications like exploration. Existing methodologies that use sparse depth from visual SLAM mainly employ point features. However, point features have limitations in preserving structural regularities owing to texture-less environments and sparsity problems. To deal with these issues, we perform depth completion with visual SLAM using line features, which can better contain structural regularities than point features. The proposed methodology creates a convex hull region by performing constrained Delaunay triangulation with depth interpolation using line features. However, the generated depth includes low-frequency information and is discontinuous at the convex hull boundary. Therefore, we propose a mesh depth refinement (MDR) module to address this problem. The MDR module effectively transfers the high-frequency details of an input image to the interpolated depth and plays a vital role in bridging the conventional and deep learning-based approaches. The Struct-MDC outperforms other state-of-the-art algorithms on public and our custom datasets, and even outperforms supervised methodologies for some metrics. In addition, the effectiveness of the proposed MDR module is verified by a rigorous ablation study.
EndoMapper dataset of complete calibrated endoscopy procedures
- Authors: Pablo Azagra, Carlos Sostres, Ángel Ferrandez, Luis Riazuelo, Clara Tomasini, Oscar León Barbed, Javier Morlana, David Recasens, Victor M. Batlle, Juan J. Gómez-Rodríguez, Richard Elvira, Julia López, Cristina Oriol, Javier Civera, Juan D. Tardós, Ana Cristina Murillo, Angel Lanas, José M.M. Montiel
- Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
- Arxiv link:
- Pdf link:
- Abstract Computer-assisted systems are becoming broadly used in medicine. In endoscopy, most research focuses on automatic detection of polyps or other pathologies, but localization and navigation of the endoscope is completely performed manually by physicians. To broaden this research and bring spatial Artificial Intelligence to endoscopies, data from complete procedures are needed. This data will be used to build a 3D mapping and localization systems that can perform special task like, for example, detect blind zones during exploration, provide automatic polyp measurements, guide doctors to a polyp found in a previous exploration and retrieve previous images of the same area aligning them for easy comparison. These systems will provide an improvement in the quality and precision of the procedures while lowering the burden on the physicians. This paper introduces the Endomapper dataset, the first collection of complete endoscopy sequences acquired during regular medical practice, including slow and careful screening explorations, making secondary use of medical data. Its original purpose is to facilitate the development and evaluation of VSLAM (Visual Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) methods in real endoscopy data. The first release of the dataset is composed of 59 sequences with more than 15 hours of video. It is also the first endoscopic dataset that includes both the computed geometric and photometric endoscope calibration with the original calibration videos. Meta-data and annotations associated to the dataset varies from anatomical landmark and description of the procedure labeling, tools segmentation masks, COLMAP 3D reconstructions, simulated sequences with groundtruth and meta-data related to special cases, such as sequences from the same patient. This information will improve the research in endoscopic VSLAM, as well as other research lines, and create new research lines.
Keyword: Visual inertial
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Keyword: livox
There is no result
Keyword: loam
There is no result
Keyword: Visual inertial odometry
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Keyword: lidar
Using 3D Shadows to Detect Object Hiding Attacks on Autonomous Vehicle Perception
- Authors: Zhongyuan Hau, Soteris Demetriou, Emil C. Lupu
- Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Cryptography and Security (cs.CR)
- Arxiv link:
- Pdf link:
- Abstract Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) are mostly reliant on LiDAR sensors which enable spatial perception of their surroundings and help make driving decisions. Recent works demonstrated attacks that aim to hide objects from AV perception, which can result in severe consequences. 3D shadows, are regions void of measurements in 3D point clouds which arise from occlusions of objects in a scene. 3D shadows were proposed as a physical invariant valuable for detecting spoofed or fake objects. In this work, we leverage 3D shadows to locate obstacles that are hidden from object detectors. We achieve this by searching for void regions and locating the obstacles that cause these shadows. Our proposed methodology can be used to detect an object that has been hidden by an adversary as these objects, while hidden from 3D object detectors, still induce shadow artifacts in 3D point clouds, which we use for obstacle detection. We show that using 3D shadows for obstacle detection can achieve high accuracy in matching shadows to their object and provide precise prediction of an obstacle's distance from the ego-vehicle.
Keyword: loop detection
There is no result
Keyword: autonomous driving
Depth Estimation with Simplified Transformer
- Authors: John Yang, Le An, Anurag Dixit, Jinkyu Koo, Su Inn Park
- Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Machine Learning (cs.LG)
- Arxiv link:
- Pdf link:
- Abstract Transformer and its variants have shown state-of-the-art results in many vision tasks recently, ranging from image classification to dense prediction. Despite of their success, limited work has been reported on improving the model efficiency for deployment in latency-critical applications, such as autonomous driving and robotic navigation. In this paper, we aim at improving upon the existing transformers in vision, and propose a method for self-supervised monocular Depth Estimation with Simplified Transformer (DEST), which is efficient and particularly suitable for deployment on GPU-based platforms. Through strategic design choices, our model leads to significant reduction in model size, complexity, as well as inference latency, while achieving superior accuracy as compared to state-of-the-art. We also show that our design generalize well to other dense prediction task without bells and whistles.
Keyword: mapping
An Intriguing Property of Geophysics Inversion
- Authors: Yinan Feng, Yinpeng Chen, Shihang Feng, Peng Jin, Zicheng Liu, Youzuo Lin
- Subjects: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Signal Processing (eess.SP); Geophysics (physics.geo-ph)
- Arxiv link:
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- Abstract Inversion techniques are widely used to reconstruct subsurface physical properties (e.g., velocity, conductivity, and others) from surface-based geophysical measurements (e.g., seismic, electric/magnetic (EM) data). The problems are governed by partial differential equations~(PDEs) like the wave or Maxwell's equations. Solving geophysical inversion problems is challenging due to the ill-posedness and high computational cost. To alleviate those issues, recent studies leverage deep neural networks to learn the inversion mappings from geophysical measurements to the geophysical property directly. In this paper, we show that such a mapping can be well modeled by a \textit{very shallow}~(but not wide) network with only five layers. This is achieved based on our new finding of an intriguing property: \textit{a near-linear relationship between the input and output, after applying integral transform in high dimensional space.} In particular, when dealing with the inversion from seismic data to subsurface velocity governed by a wave equation, the integral results of velocity with Gaussian kernels are linearly correlated to the integral of seismic data with sine kernels. Furthermore, this property can be easily turned into a light-weight encoder-decoder network for inversion. The encoder contains the integration of seismic data and the linear transformation without need for fine-tuning. The decoder only consists of a single transformer block to reverse the integral of velocity. Experiments show that this interesting property holds for two geophysics inversion problems over four different datasets. Compared to much deeper InversionNet~\cite{wu2019inversionnet}, our method achieves comparable accuracy, but consumes significantly fewer parameters.
H2H: Heterogeneous Model to Heterogeneous System Mapping with Computation and Communication Awareness
- Authors: Xinyi Zhang, Cong Hao, Peipei Zhou, Alex Jones, Jingtong Hu
- Subjects: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC)
- Arxiv link:
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- Abstract The complex nature of real-world problems calls for heterogeneity in both machine learning (ML) models and hardware systems. The heterogeneity in ML models comes from multi-sensor perceiving and multi-task learning, i.e., multi-modality multi-task (MMMT), resulting in diverse deep neural network (DNN) layers and computation patterns. The heterogeneity in systems comes from diverse processing components, as it becomes the prevailing method to integrate multiple dedicated accelerators into one system. Therefore, a new problem emerges: heterogeneous model to heterogeneous system mapping (H2H). While previous mapping algorithms mostly focus on efficient computations, in this work, we argue that it is indispensable to consider computation and communication simultaneously for better system efficiency. We propose a novel H2H mapping algorithm with both computation and communication awareness; by slightly trading computation for communication, the system overall latency and energy consumption can be largely reduced. The superior performance of our work is evaluated based on MAESTRO modeling, demonstrating 15%-74% latency reduction and 23%-64% energy reduction compared with existing computation-prioritized mapping algorithms.
Struct-MDC: Mesh-Refined Unsupervised Depth Completion Leveraging Structural Regularities from Visual SLAM
- Authors: Jinwoo Jeon, Hyunjun Lim, Dong-Uk Seo, Hyun Myung
- Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Robotics (cs.RO)
- Arxiv link:
- Pdf link:
- Abstract Feature-based visual simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) methods only estimate the depth of extracted features, generating a sparse depth map. To solve this sparsity problem, depth completion tasks that estimate a dense depth from a sparse depth have gained significant importance in robotic applications like exploration. Existing methodologies that use sparse depth from visual SLAM mainly employ point features. However, point features have limitations in preserving structural regularities owing to texture-less environments and sparsity problems. To deal with these issues, we perform depth completion with visual SLAM using line features, which can better contain structural regularities than point features. The proposed methodology creates a convex hull region by performing constrained Delaunay triangulation with depth interpolation using line features. However, the generated depth includes low-frequency information and is discontinuous at the convex hull boundary. Therefore, we propose a mesh depth refinement (MDR) module to address this problem. The MDR module effectively transfers the high-frequency details of an input image to the interpolated depth and plays a vital role in bridging the conventional and deep learning-based approaches. The Struct-MDC outperforms other state-of-the-art algorithms on public and our custom datasets, and even outperforms supervised methodologies for some metrics. In addition, the effectiveness of the proposed MDR module is verified by a rigorous ablation study.
Leveraging triplet loss and nonlinear dimensionality reduction for on-the-fly channel charting
- Authors: Taha Yassine (IRT b-com, INSA Rennes), Luc Le Magoarou (IRT b-com), Stéphane Paquelet (IRT b-com), Matthieu Crussière (IRT b-com, IETR, INSA Rennes)
- Subjects: Networking and Internet Architecture (cs.NI); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Signal Processing (eess.SP)
- Arxiv link:
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- Abstract Channel charting is an unsupervised learning method that aims at mapping wireless channels to a so-called chart, preserving as much as possible spatial neighborhoods. In this paper, a model-based deep learning approach to this problem is proposed. It builds on a physically motivated distance measure to structure and initialize a neural network that is subsequently trained using a triplet loss function. The proposed structure exhibits a low number of parameters and clever initialization leads to fast training. These two features make the proposed approach amenable to on-the-fly channel charting. The method is empirically assessed on realistic synthetic channels, yielding encouraging results.
EndoMapper dataset of complete calibrated endoscopy procedures
- Authors: Pablo Azagra, Carlos Sostres, Ángel Ferrandez, Luis Riazuelo, Clara Tomasini, Oscar León Barbed, Javier Morlana, David Recasens, Victor M. Batlle, Juan J. Gómez-Rodríguez, Richard Elvira, Julia López, Cristina Oriol, Javier Civera, Juan D. Tardós, Ana Cristina Murillo, Angel Lanas, José M.M. Montiel
- Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
- Arxiv link:
- Pdf link:
- Abstract Computer-assisted systems are becoming broadly used in medicine. In endoscopy, most research focuses on automatic detection of polyps or other pathologies, but localization and navigation of the endoscope is completely performed manually by physicians. To broaden this research and bring spatial Artificial Intelligence to endoscopies, data from complete procedures are needed. This data will be used to build a 3D mapping and localization systems that can perform special task like, for example, detect blind zones during exploration, provide automatic polyp measurements, guide doctors to a polyp found in a previous exploration and retrieve previous images of the same area aligning them for easy comparison. These systems will provide an improvement in the quality and precision of the procedures while lowering the burden on the physicians. This paper introduces the Endomapper dataset, the first collection of complete endoscopy sequences acquired during regular medical practice, including slow and careful screening explorations, making secondary use of medical data. Its original purpose is to facilitate the development and evaluation of VSLAM (Visual Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) methods in real endoscopy data. The first release of the dataset is composed of 59 sequences with more than 15 hours of video. It is also the first endoscopic dataset that includes both the computed geometric and photometric endoscope calibration with the original calibration videos. Meta-data and annotations associated to the dataset varies from anatomical landmark and description of the procedure labeling, tools segmentation masks, COLMAP 3D reconstructions, simulated sequences with groundtruth and meta-data related to special cases, such as sequences from the same patient. This information will improve the research in endoscopic VSLAM, as well as other research lines, and create new research lines.
Keyword: localization
A Neural Network-enhanced Reproducing Kernel Particle Method for Modeling Strain Localization
- Authors: Jonghyuk Baek, Jiun-Shyan Chen, Kristen Susuki
- Subjects: Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science (cs.CE); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Numerical Analysis (math.NA); Computational Physics (physics.comp-ph)
- Arxiv link:
- Pdf link:
- Abstract Modeling the localized intensive deformation in a damaged solid requires highly refined discretization for accurate prediction, which significantly increases the computational cost. Although adaptive model refinement can be employed for enhanced effectiveness, it is cumbersome for the traditional mesh-based methods to perform while modeling the evolving localizations. In this work, neural network-enhanced reproducing kernel particle method (NN-RKPM) is proposed, where the location, orientation, and shape of the solution transition near a localization is automatically captured by the NN approximation via a block-level neural network optimization. The weights and biases in the blocked parametrization network control the location and orientation of the localization. The designed basic four-kernel NN block is capable of capturing a triple junction or a quadruple junction topological pattern, while more complicated localization topological patters are captured by the superposition of multiple four-kernel NN blocks. The standard RK approximation is then utilized to approximate the smooth part of the solution, which permits a much coarser discretization than the high-resolution discretization needed to capture sharp solution transitions with the conventional methods. A regularization of the neural network approximation is additionally introduced for discretization-independent material responses. The effectiveness of the proposed NN-RKPM is verified by a series of numerical verifications.
Where in the World is this Image? Transformer-based Geo-localization in the Wild
- Authors: Shraman Pramanick, Ewa M. Nowara, Joshua Gleason, Carlos D. Castillo, Rama Chellappa
- Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
- Arxiv link:
- Pdf link:
- Abstract Predicting the geographic location (geo-localization) from a single ground-level RGB image taken anywhere in the world is a very challenging problem. The challenges include huge diversity of images due to different environmental scenarios, drastic variation in the appearance of the same location depending on the time of the day, weather, season, and more importantly, the prediction is made from a single image possibly having only a few geo-locating cues. For these reasons, most existing works are restricted to specific cities, imagery, or worldwide landmarks. In this work, we focus on developing an efficient solution to planet-scale single-image geo-localization. To this end, we propose TransLocator, a unified dual-branch transformer network that attends to tiny details over the entire image and produces robust feature representation under extreme appearance variations. TransLocator takes an RGB image and its semantic segmentation map as inputs, interacts between its two parallel branches after each transformer layer, and simultaneously performs geo-localization and scene recognition in a multi-task fashion. We evaluate TransLocator on four benchmark datasets - Im2GPS, Im2GPS3k, YFCC4k, YFCC26k and obtain 5.5%, 14.1%, 4.9%, 9.9% continent-level accuracy improvement over the state-of-the-art. TransLocator is also validated on real-world test images and found to be more effective than previous methods.
Struct-MDC: Mesh-Refined Unsupervised Depth Completion Leveraging Structural Regularities from Visual SLAM
- Authors: Jinwoo Jeon, Hyunjun Lim, Dong-Uk Seo, Hyun Myung
- Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Robotics (cs.RO)
- Arxiv link:
- Pdf link:
- Abstract Feature-based visual simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) methods only estimate the depth of extracted features, generating a sparse depth map. To solve this sparsity problem, depth completion tasks that estimate a dense depth from a sparse depth have gained significant importance in robotic applications like exploration. Existing methodologies that use sparse depth from visual SLAM mainly employ point features. However, point features have limitations in preserving structural regularities owing to texture-less environments and sparsity problems. To deal with these issues, we perform depth completion with visual SLAM using line features, which can better contain structural regularities than point features. The proposed methodology creates a convex hull region by performing constrained Delaunay triangulation with depth interpolation using line features. However, the generated depth includes low-frequency information and is discontinuous at the convex hull boundary. Therefore, we propose a mesh depth refinement (MDR) module to address this problem. The MDR module effectively transfers the high-frequency details of an input image to the interpolated depth and plays a vital role in bridging the conventional and deep learning-based approaches. The Struct-MDC outperforms other state-of-the-art algorithms on public and our custom datasets, and even outperforms supervised methodologies for some metrics. In addition, the effectiveness of the proposed MDR module is verified by a rigorous ablation study.
Learning Localization-aware Target Confidence for Siamese Visual Tracking
- Authors: Jiahao Nie, Han Wu, Zhiwei He, Yuxiang Yang, Mingyu Gao, Zhekang Dong
- Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
- Arxiv link:
- Pdf link:
- Abstract Siamese tracking paradigm has achieved great success, providing effective appearance discrimination and size estimation by the classification and regression. While such a paradigm typically optimizes the classification and regression independently, leading to task misalignment (accurate prediction boxes have no high target confidence scores). In this paper, to alleviate this misalignment, we propose a novel tracking paradigm, called SiamLA. Within this paradigm, a series of simple, yet effective localization-aware components are introduced, to generate localization-aware target confidence scores. Specifically, with the proposed localization-aware dynamic label (LADL) loss and localization-aware label smoothing (LALS) strategy, collaborative optimization between the classification and regression is achieved, enabling classification scores to be aware of location state, not just appearance similarity. Besides, we propose a separate localization branch, centered on a localization-aware feature aggregation (LAFA) module, to produce location quality scores to further modify the classification scores. Consequently, the resulting target confidence scores, are more discriminative for the location state, allowing accurate prediction boxes tend to be predicted as high scores. Extensive experiments are conducted on six challenging benchmarks, including GOT-10k, TrackingNet, LaSOT, TNL2K, OTB100 and VOT2018. Our SiamLA achieves state-of-the-art performance in terms of both accuracy and efficiency. Furthermore, a stability analysis reveals that our tracking paradigm is relatively stable, implying the paradigm is potential to real-world applications.
EndoMapper dataset of complete calibrated endoscopy procedures
- Authors: Pablo Azagra, Carlos Sostres, Ángel Ferrandez, Luis Riazuelo, Clara Tomasini, Oscar León Barbed, Javier Morlana, David Recasens, Victor M. Batlle, Juan J. Gómez-Rodríguez, Richard Elvira, Julia López, Cristina Oriol, Javier Civera, Juan D. Tardós, Ana Cristina Murillo, Angel Lanas, José M.M. Montiel
- Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
- Arxiv link:
- Pdf link:
- Abstract Computer-assisted systems are becoming broadly used in medicine. In endoscopy, most research focuses on automatic detection of polyps or other pathologies, but localization and navigation of the endoscope is completely performed manually by physicians. To broaden this research and bring spatial Artificial Intelligence to endoscopies, data from complete procedures are needed. This data will be used to build a 3D mapping and localization systems that can perform special task like, for example, detect blind zones during exploration, provide automatic polyp measurements, guide doctors to a polyp found in a previous exploration and retrieve previous images of the same area aligning them for easy comparison. These systems will provide an improvement in the quality and precision of the procedures while lowering the burden on the physicians. This paper introduces the Endomapper dataset, the first collection of complete endoscopy sequences acquired during regular medical practice, including slow and careful screening explorations, making secondary use of medical data. Its original purpose is to facilitate the development and evaluation of VSLAM (Visual Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) methods in real endoscopy data. The first release of the dataset is composed of 59 sequences with more than 15 hours of video. It is also the first endoscopic dataset that includes both the computed geometric and photometric endoscope calibration with the original calibration videos. Meta-data and annotations associated to the dataset varies from anatomical landmark and description of the procedure labeling, tools segmentation masks, COLMAP 3D reconstructions, simulated sequences with groundtruth and meta-data related to special cases, such as sequences from the same patient. This information will improve the research in endoscopic VSLAM, as well as other research lines, and create new research lines.