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New submissions for Fri, 8 Apr 22

Open zhuhu00 opened this issue 2 years ago • 0 comments

Keyword: SLAM

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Keyword: Visual inertial

Perception-aware receding horizon trajectory planning for multicopters with visual-inertial odometry

  • Authors: Xiangyu Wu, Shuxiao Chen, Koushil Sreenath, Mark W. Mueller
  • Subjects: Robotics (cs.RO)
  • Arxiv link:
  • Pdf link:
  • Abstract Visual inertial odometry (VIO) is widely used for the state estimation of multicopters, but it may function poorly in environments with few visual features or in overly aggressive flights. In this work, we propose a perception-aware collision avoidance local planner for multicopters. Our approach is able to fly the vehicle to a goal position at high speed, avoiding obstacles in the environment while achieving good VIO state estimation accuracy. The proposed planner samples a group of minimum jerk trajectories and finds collision-free trajectories among them, which are then evaluated based on their speed to the goal and perception quality. Both the features' motion blur and their locations are considered for the perception quality. The best trajectory from the evaluation is tracked by the vehicle and is updated in a receding horizon manner when new images are received from the camera. All the sampled trajectories have zero speed and acceleration at the end, and the planner assumes no other visual features except those already found by the VIO. As a result, the vehicle will follow the current trajectory to the end and stop safely if no new trajectories are found, avoiding collision or flying into areas without features. The proposed method can run in real time on a small embedded computer on board. We validated the effectiveness of our proposed approach through experiments in indoor and outdoor environments. Compared to a perception-agnostic planner, the proposed planner kept more features in the camera's view and made the flight less aggressive, making the VIO more accurate. It also reduced VIO failures, which occurred for the perception-agnostic planner but not for the proposed planner. The experiment video can be found at

Keyword: livox

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Keyword: loam

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Keyword: Visual inertial odometry

Perception-aware receding horizon trajectory planning for multicopters with visual-inertial odometry

  • Authors: Xiangyu Wu, Shuxiao Chen, Koushil Sreenath, Mark W. Mueller
  • Subjects: Robotics (cs.RO)
  • Arxiv link:
  • Pdf link:
  • Abstract Visual inertial odometry (VIO) is widely used for the state estimation of multicopters, but it may function poorly in environments with few visual features or in overly aggressive flights. In this work, we propose a perception-aware collision avoidance local planner for multicopters. Our approach is able to fly the vehicle to a goal position at high speed, avoiding obstacles in the environment while achieving good VIO state estimation accuracy. The proposed planner samples a group of minimum jerk trajectories and finds collision-free trajectories among them, which are then evaluated based on their speed to the goal and perception quality. Both the features' motion blur and their locations are considered for the perception quality. The best trajectory from the evaluation is tracked by the vehicle and is updated in a receding horizon manner when new images are received from the camera. All the sampled trajectories have zero speed and acceleration at the end, and the planner assumes no other visual features except those already found by the VIO. As a result, the vehicle will follow the current trajectory to the end and stop safely if no new trajectories are found, avoiding collision or flying into areas without features. The proposed method can run in real time on a small embedded computer on board. We validated the effectiveness of our proposed approach through experiments in indoor and outdoor environments. Compared to a perception-agnostic planner, the proposed planner kept more features in the camera's view and made the flight less aggressive, making the VIO more accurate. It also reduced VIO failures, which occurred for the perception-agnostic planner but not for the proposed planner. The experiment video can be found at

Keyword: lidar

DSGN++: Exploiting Visual-Spatial Relation forStereo-based 3D Detectors

  • Authors: Yilun Chen, Shijia Huang, Shu Liu, Bei Yu, Jiaya Jia
  • Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
  • Arxiv link:
  • Pdf link:
  • Abstract Camera-based 3D object detectors are welcome due to their wider deployment and lower price than LiDAR sensors. We revisit the prior stereo modeling DSGN about the stereo volume constructions for representing both 3D geometry and semantics. We polish the stereo modeling and propose our approach, DSGN++, aiming for improving information flow throughout the 2D-to-3D pipeline in the following three main aspects. First, to effectively lift the 2D information to stereo volume, we propose depth-wise plane sweeping (DPS) that allows denser connections and extracts depth-guided features. Second, for better grasping differently spaced features, we present a novel stereo volume -- Dual-view Stereo Volume (DSV) that integrates front-view and top-view features and reconstructs sub-voxel depth in the camera frustum. Third, as the foreground region becomes less dominant in 3D space, we firstly propose a multi-modal data editing strategy -- Stereo-LiDAR Copy-Paste, which ensures cross-modal alignment and improves data efficiency. Without bells and whistles, extensive experiments in various modality setups on the popular KITTI benchmark show that our method consistently outperforms other camera-based 3D detectors for all categories. Code will be released at

SurroundDepth: Entangling Surrounding Views for Self-Supervised Multi-Camera Depth Estimation

  • Authors: Yi Wei, Linqing Zhao, Wenzhao Zheng, Zheng Zhu, Yongming Rao, Guan Huang, Jiwen Lu, Jie Zhou
  • Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
  • Arxiv link:
  • Pdf link:
  • Abstract Depth estimation from images serves as the fundamental step of 3D perception for autonomous driving and is an economical alternative to expensive depth sensors like LiDAR. The temporal photometric consistency enables self-supervised depth estimation without labels, further facilitating its application. However, most existing methods predict the depth solely based on each monocular image and ignore the correlations among multiple surrounding cameras, which are typically available for modern self-driving vehicles. In this paper, we propose a SurroundDepth method to incorporate the information from multiple surrounding views to predict depth maps across cameras. Specifically, we employ a joint network to process all the surrounding views and propose a cross-view transformer to effectively fuse the information from multiple views. We apply cross-view self-attention to efficiently enable the global interactions between multi-camera feature maps. Different from self-supervised monocular depth estimation, we are able to predict real-world scales given multi-camera extrinsic matrices. To achieve this goal, we adopt structure-from-motion to extract scale-aware pseudo depths to pretrain the models. Further, instead of predicting the ego-motion of each individual camera, we estimate a universal ego-motion of the vehicle and transfer it to each view to achieve multi-view consistency. In experiments, our method achieves the state-of-the-art performance on the challenging multi-camera depth estimation datasets DDAD and nuScenes.

Keyword: loop detection

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Keyword: autonomous driving

SurroundDepth: Entangling Surrounding Views for Self-Supervised Multi-Camera Depth Estimation

  • Authors: Yi Wei, Linqing Zhao, Wenzhao Zheng, Zheng Zhu, Yongming Rao, Guan Huang, Jiwen Lu, Jie Zhou
  • Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
  • Arxiv link:
  • Pdf link:
  • Abstract Depth estimation from images serves as the fundamental step of 3D perception for autonomous driving and is an economical alternative to expensive depth sensors like LiDAR. The temporal photometric consistency enables self-supervised depth estimation without labels, further facilitating its application. However, most existing methods predict the depth solely based on each monocular image and ignore the correlations among multiple surrounding cameras, which are typically available for modern self-driving vehicles. In this paper, we propose a SurroundDepth method to incorporate the information from multiple surrounding views to predict depth maps across cameras. Specifically, we employ a joint network to process all the surrounding views and propose a cross-view transformer to effectively fuse the information from multiple views. We apply cross-view self-attention to efficiently enable the global interactions between multi-camera feature maps. Different from self-supervised monocular depth estimation, we are able to predict real-world scales given multi-camera extrinsic matrices. To achieve this goal, we adopt structure-from-motion to extract scale-aware pseudo depths to pretrain the models. Further, instead of predicting the ego-motion of each individual camera, we estimate a universal ego-motion of the vehicle and transfer it to each view to achieve multi-view consistency. In experiments, our method achieves the state-of-the-art performance on the challenging multi-camera depth estimation datasets DDAD and nuScenes.

Keyword: mapping

Semantic Sensor Network Ontology based Decision Support System for Forest Fire Management

  • Authors: Ritesh Chandra, Sonali Agarwal, Navjot Singh
  • Subjects: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computers and Society (cs.CY)
  • Arxiv link:
  • Pdf link:
  • Abstract The forests are significant assets for every country. When it gets destroyed, it may negatively impact the environment, and forest fire is one of the primary causes. Fire weather indices are widely used to measure fire danger and are used to issue bushfire warnings. It can also be used to predict the demand for emergency management resources. Sensor networks have grown in popularity in data collection and processing capabilities for a variety of applications in industries such as medical, environmental monitoring, home automation etc. Semantic sensor networks can collect various climatic circumstances like wind speed, temperature, and relative humidity. However, estimating fire weather indices is challenging due to the various issues involved in processing the data streams generated by the sensors. Hence, the importance of forest fire detection has increased day by day. The underlying Semantic Sensor Network (SSN) ontologies are built to allow developers to create rules for calculating fire weather indices and also the convert dataset into Resource Description Framework (RDF). This research describes the various steps involved in developing rules for calculating fire weather indices. Besides, this work presents a Web-based mapping interface to help users visualize the changes in fire weather indices over time. With the help of the inference rule, it designed a decision support system using the SSN ontology and query on it through SPARQL. The proposed fire management system acts according to the situation, supports reasoning and the general semantics of the open-world followed by all the ontologies

AUV-Net: Learning Aligned UV Maps for Texture Transfer and Synthesis

  • Authors: Zhiqin Chen, Kangxue Yin, Sanja Fidler
  • Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Graphics (cs.GR); Machine Learning (cs.LG)
  • Arxiv link:
  • Pdf link:
  • Abstract In this paper, we address the problem of texture representation for 3D shapes for the challenging and underexplored tasks of texture transfer and synthesis. Previous works either apply spherical texture maps which may lead to large distortions, or use continuous texture fields that yield smooth outputs lacking details. We argue that the traditional way of representing textures with images and linking them to a 3D mesh via UV mapping is more desirable, since synthesizing 2D images is a well-studied problem. We propose AUV-Net which learns to embed 3D surfaces into a 2D aligned UV space, by mapping the corresponding semantic parts of different 3D shapes to the same location in the UV space. As a result, textures are aligned across objects, and can thus be easily synthesized by generative models of images. Texture alignment is learned in an unsupervised manner by a simple yet effective texture alignment module, taking inspiration from traditional works on linear subspace learning. The learned UV mapping and aligned texture representations enable a variety of applications including texture transfer, texture synthesis, and textured single view 3D reconstruction. We conduct experiments on multiple datasets to demonstrate the effectiveness of our method. Project page:

Bi-fidelity conditional-value-at-risk estimation by dimensionally decomposed generalized polynomial chaos expansion

  • Authors: Dongjin Lee, Boris Kramer
  • Subjects: Numerical Analysis (math.NA)
  • Arxiv link:
  • Pdf link:
  • Abstract Digital twin models allow us to continuously assess the possible risk of damage and failure of a complex system. Yet high-fidelity digital twin models can be computationally expensive, making quick-turnaround assessment challenging. Towards this goal, this article proposes a novel bi-fidelity method for estimating the conditional value-at-risk (CVaR) for nonlinear systems subject to dependent and high-dimensional inputs. For models that can be evaluated fast, a method that integrates the dimensionally decomposed generalized polynomial chaos expansion (DD-GPCE) approximation with a standard sampling-based CVaR estimation is proposed. For expensive-to-evaluate models, a new bi-fidelity method is proposed that couples the DD-GPCE with a Fourier-polynomial expansions of the mapping between the stochastic low-fidelity and high-fidelity output data to ensure computational efficiency. The method employs a measure-consistent orthonormal polynomial in the random variable of the low-fidelity output to approximate the high-fidelity output. Numerical results for a structural mechanics truss with 36-dimensional (dependent random variable) inputs indicate that the DD-GPCE method provides very accurate CVaR estimates that require much lower computational effort than standard GPCE approximations. A second example considers the realistic problem of estimating the risk of damage to a fiber-reinforced composite laminate. The high-fidelity model is a finite element simulation that is prohibitively expensive for risk analysis, such as CVaR computation. Here, the novel bi-fidelity method can accurately estimate CVaR as it includes low-fidelity models in the estimation procedure and uses only a few high-fidelity model evaluations to significantly increase accuracy.

Linguistic-Acoustic Similarity Based Accent Shift for Accent Recognition

  • Authors: Qijie Shao, Jinghao Yan, Jian Kang, Pengcheng Guo, Xian Shi, Pengfei Hu, Lei Xie
  • Subjects: Sound (cs.SD); Audio and Speech Processing (eess.AS)
  • Arxiv link:
  • Pdf link:
  • Abstract General accent recognition (AR) models tend to directly extract low-level information from spectrums, which always significantly overfit on speakers or channels. Considering accent can be regarded as a series of shifts relative to native pronunciation, distinguishing accents will be an easier task with accent shift as input. But due to the lack of native utterance as an anchor, estimating the accent shift is difficult. In this paper, we propose linguistic-acoustic similarity based accent shift (LASAS) for AR tasks. For an accent speech utterance, after mapping the corresponding text vector to multiple accent-associated spaces as anchors, its accent shift could be estimated by the similarities between the acoustic embedding and those anchors. Then, we concatenate the accent shift with a dimension-reduced text vector to obtain a linguistic-acoustic bimodal representation. Compared with pure acoustic embedding, the bimodal representation is richer and more clear by taking full advantage of both linguistic and acoustic information, which can effectively improve AR performance. Experiments on Accented English Speech Recognition Challenge (AESRC) dataset show that our method achieves 77.42% accuracy on Test set, obtaining a 6.94% relative improvement over a competitive system in the challenge.

Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation with Generative Prior

  • Authors: Shuai Yang, Liming Jiang, Ziwei Liu, Chen Change Loy
  • Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Machine Learning (cs.LG)
  • Arxiv link:
  • Pdf link:
  • Abstract Unsupervised image-to-image translation aims to learn the translation between two visual domains without paired data. Despite the recent progress in image translation models, it remains challenging to build mappings between complex domains with drastic visual discrepancies. In this work, we present a novel framework, Generative Prior-guided UNsupervised Image-to-image Translation (GP-UNIT), to improve the overall quality and applicability of the translation algorithm. Our key insight is to leverage the generative prior from pre-trained class-conditional GANs (e.g., BigGAN) to learn rich content correspondences across various domains. We propose a novel coarse-to-fine scheme: we first distill the generative prior to capture a robust coarse-level content representation that can link objects at an abstract semantic level, based on which fine-level content features are adaptively learned for more accurate multi-level content correspondences. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of our versatile framework over state-of-the-art methods in robust, high-quality and diversified translations, even for challenging and distant domains.

Keyword: localization

Deep Visual Geo-localization Benchmark

  • Authors: Gabriele Berton, Riccardo Mereu, Gabriele Trivigno, Carlo Masone, Gabriela Csurka, Torsten Sattler, Barbara Caputo
  • Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
  • Arxiv link:
  • Pdf link:
  • Abstract In this paper, we propose a new open-source benchmarking framework for Visual Geo-localization (VG) that allows to build, train, and test a wide range of commonly used architectures, with the flexibility to change individual components of a geo-localization pipeline. The purpose of this framework is twofold: i) gaining insights into how different components and design choices in a VG pipeline impact the final results, both in terms of performance (recall@N metric) and system requirements (such as execution time and memory consumption); ii) establish a systematic evaluation protocol for comparing different methods. Using the proposed framework, we perform a large suite of experiments which provide criteria for choosing backbone, aggregation and negative mining depending on the use-case and requirements. We also assess the impact of engineering techniques like pre/post-processing, data augmentation and image resizing, showing that better performance can be obtained through somewhat simple procedures: for example, downscaling the images' resolution to 80% can lead to similar results with a 36% savings in extraction time and dataset storage requirement. Code and trained models are available at

Total Variation Optimization Layers for Computer Vision

  • Authors: Raymond A. Yeh, Yuan-Ting Hu, Zhongzheng Ren, Alexander G. Schwing
  • Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
  • Arxiv link:
  • Pdf link:
  • Abstract Optimization within a layer of a deep-net has emerged as a new direction for deep-net layer design. However, there are two main challenges when applying these layers to computer vision tasks: (a) which optimization problem within a layer is useful?; (b) how to ensure that computation within a layer remains efficient? To study question (a), in this work, we propose total variation (TV) minimization as a layer for computer vision. Motivated by the success of total variation in image processing, we hypothesize that TV as a layer provides useful inductive bias for deep-nets too. We study this hypothesis on five computer vision tasks: image classification, weakly supervised object localization, edge-preserving smoothing, edge detection, and image denoising, improving over existing baselines. To achieve these results we had to address question (b): we developed a GPU-based projected-Newton method which is $37\times$ faster than existing solutions.

Adapting CLIP For Phrase Localization Without Further Training

  • Authors: Jiahao Li, Greg Shakhnarovich, Raymond A. Yeh
  • Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI)
  • Arxiv link:
  • Pdf link:
  • Abstract Supervised or weakly supervised methods for phrase localization (textual grounding) either rely on human annotations or some other supervised models, e.g., object detectors. Obtaining these annotations is labor-intensive and may be difficult to scale in practice. We propose to leverage recent advances in contrastive language-vision models, CLIP, pre-trained on image and caption pairs collected from the internet. In its original form, CLIP only outputs an image-level embedding without any spatial resolution. We adapt CLIP to generate high-resolution spatial feature maps. Importantly, we can extract feature maps from both ViT and ResNet CLIP model while maintaining the semantic properties of an image embedding. This provides a natural framework for phrase localization. Our method for phrase localization requires no human annotations or additional training. Extensive experiments show that our method outperforms existing no-training methods in zero-shot phrase localization, and in some cases, it even outperforms supervised methods. Code is available at .

zhuhu00 avatar Apr 08 '22 13:04 zhuhu00