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New submissions for Wed, 6 Apr 22

Open zhuhu00 opened this issue 2 years ago • 0 comments

Keyword: SLAM

There is no result

Keyword: Visual inertial

There is no result

Keyword: livox

There is no result

Keyword: loam

There is no result

Keyword: Visual inertial odometry

There is no result

Keyword: lidar

There is no result

Keyword: loop detection

There is no result

Keyword: autonomous driving

SHAIL: Safety-Aware Hierarchical Adversarial Imitation Learning for Autonomous Driving in Urban Environments

  • Authors: Arec Jamgochian, Etienne Buehrle, Johannes Fischer, Mykel J. Kochenderfer
  • Subjects: Robotics (cs.RO)
  • Arxiv link:
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  • Abstract Designing a safe and human-like decision-making system for an autonomous vehicle is a challenging task. Generative imitation learning is one possible approach for automating policy-building by leveraging both real-world and simulated decisions. Previous work that applies generative imitation learning to autonomous driving policies focuses on learning a low-level controller for simple settings. However, to scale to complex settings, many autonomous driving systems combine fixed, safe, optimization-based low-level controllers with high-level decision-making logic that selects the appropriate task and associated controller. In this paper, we attempt to bridge this gap in complexity by employing Safety-Aware Hierarchical Adversarial Imitation Learning (SHAIL), a method for learning a high-level policy that selects from a set of low-level controller instances in a way that imitates low-level driving data on-policy. We introduce an urban roundabout simulator that controls non-ego vehicles using real data from the Interaction dataset. We then show empirically that our approach can produce better behavior than previous approaches in driver imitation which have difficulty scaling to complex environments. Our implementation is available at

Fault-Tolerant Deep Learning: A Hierarchical Perspective

  • Authors: Cheng Liu, Zhen Gao, Siting Liu, Xuefei Ning, Huawei Li, Xiaowei Li
  • Subjects: Hardware Architecture (cs.AR); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG)
  • Arxiv link:
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  • Abstract With the rapid advancements of deep learning in the past decade, it can be foreseen that deep learning will be continuously deployed in more and more safety-critical applications such as autonomous driving and robotics. In this context, reliability turns out to be critical to the deployment of deep learning in these applications and gradually becomes a first-class citizen among the major design metrics like performance and energy efficiency. Nevertheless, the back-box deep learning models combined with the diverse underlying hardware faults make resilient deep learning extremely challenging. In this special session, we conduct a comprehensive survey of fault-tolerant deep learning design approaches with a hierarchical perspective and investigate these approaches from model layer, architecture layer, circuit layer, and cross layer respectively.

Action-Conditioned Contrastive Policy Pretraining

  • Authors: Qihang Zhang, Zhenghao Peng, Bolei Zhou
  • Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Robotics (cs.RO)
  • Arxiv link:
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  • Abstract Deep visuomotor policy learning achieves promising results in control tasks such as robotic manipulation and autonomous driving, where the action is generated from the visual input by the neural policy. However, it requires a huge number of online interactions with the training environment, which limits its real-world application. Compared to the popular unsupervised feature learning for visual recognition, feature pretraining for visuomotor control tasks is much less explored. In this work, we aim to pretrain policy representations for driving tasks using hours-long uncurated YouTube videos. A new contrastive policy pretraining method is developed to learn action-conditioned features from video frames with action pseudo labels. Experiments show that the resulting action-conditioned features bring substantial improvements to the downstream reinforcement learning and imitation learning tasks, outperforming the weights pretrained from previous unsupervised learning methods. Code and models will be made publicly available.

Keyword: mapping

Distinguishing Homophenes Using Multi-Head Visual-Audio Memory for Lip Reading

  • Authors: Minsu Kim, Jeong Hun Yeo, Yong Man Ro
  • Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
  • Arxiv link:
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  • Abstract Recognizing speech from silent lip movement, which is called lip reading, is a challenging task due to 1) the inherent information insufficiency of lip movement to fully represent the speech, and 2) the existence of homophenes that have similar lip movement with different pronunciations. In this paper, we try to alleviate the aforementioned two challenges in lip reading by proposing a Multi-head Visual-audio Memory (MVM). Firstly, MVM is trained with audio-visual datasets and remembers audio representations by modelling the inter-relationships of paired audio-visual representations. At the inference stage, visual input alone can extract the saved audio representation from the memory by examining the learned inter-relationships. Therefore, the lip reading model can complement the insufficient visual information with the extracted audio representations. Secondly, MVM is composed of multi-head key memories for saving visual features and one value memory for saving audio knowledge, which is designed to distinguish the homophenes. With the multi-head key memories, MVM extracts possible candidate audio features from the memory, which allows the lip reading model to consider the possibility of which pronunciations can be represented from the input lip movement. This also can be viewed as an explicit implementation of the one-to-many mapping of viseme-to-phoneme. Moreover, MVM is employed in multi-temporal levels to consider the context when retrieving the memory and distinguish the homophenes. Extensive experimental results verify the effectiveness of the proposed method in lip reading and in distinguishing the homophenes.

Lip to Speech Synthesis with Visual Context Attentional GAN

  • Authors: Minsu Kim, Joanna Hong, Yong Man Ro
  • Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Audio and Speech Processing (eess.AS)
  • Arxiv link:
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  • Abstract In this paper, we propose a novel lip-to-speech generative adversarial network, Visual Context Attentional GAN (VCA-GAN), which can jointly model local and global lip movements during speech synthesis. Specifically, the proposed VCA-GAN synthesizes the speech from local lip visual features by finding a mapping function of viseme-to-phoneme, while global visual context is embedded into the intermediate layers of the generator to clarify the ambiguity in the mapping induced by homophene. To achieve this, a visual context attention module is proposed where it encodes global representations from the local visual features, and provides the desired global visual context corresponding to the given coarse speech representation to the generator through audio-visual attention. In addition to the explicit modelling of local and global visual representations, synchronization learning is introduced as a form of contrastive learning that guides the generator to synthesize a speech in sync with the given input lip movements. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed VCA-GAN outperforms existing state-of-the-art and is able to effectively synthesize the speech from multi-speaker that has been barely handled in the previous works.

Using random graphs to sample repulsive Gibbs point processes with arbitrary-range potentials

  • Authors: Tobias Friedrich, Andreas Göbel, Maximilian Katzmann, Martin Krejca, Marcus Pappik
  • Subjects: Data Structures and Algorithms (cs.DS); Probability (math.PR)
  • Arxiv link:
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  • Abstract We study computational aspects of Gibbs point processes that are defined by a fugacity $\lambda \in \mathbb{R}{\ge 0}$ and a repulsive symmetric pair potential $\phi$ on bounded regions $\mathbb V$ of a Polish space, equipped with a volume measure $\nu$. We introduce a new approximate sampler for such point processes and a new randomized approximation algorithm for their partition functions $\Xi{\mathbb V}(\lambda, \phi)$. Our algorithms have running time polynomial in the volume $\nu(\mathbb V)$ for all fugacities $\lambda < \text e/C_{\phi}$, where $C_{\phi}$ is the temperedness constant of $\phi$. In contrast to previous results, our approach is not restricted to finite-range potentials. Our approach is based on mapping repulsive Gibbs point processes to hard-core models on a natural family of geometric random graphs. Previous discretizations based on hard-core models used deterministic graphs, which limited the results to hard-constraint potentials and box-shaped regions in Euclidean space. We overcome both limitations by randomization. Specifically, we define a distribution $\zeta^{(n)}{\mathbb V, \phi}$ on graphs of size $n$, such that the hard-core partition function of graphs from this distribution concentrates around $\Xi{\mathbb V}(\lambda, \phi)$. We show this by deriving a corollary of the Efron-Stein inequality, which establishes concentration for a function $f$ of independent random inputs, given the output of $f$ only exhibits small relative changes when an input is altered. Our approximation algorithm follows from approximating the hard-core partition function of a random graph from $\zeta^{(n)}{\mathbb V, \phi}$. Further, we derive a sampling algorithm using an approximate sampler for the hard-core model on a random graph from $\zeta^{(n)}{\mathbb V, \phi}$ and prove that its density is close to the desired point process via R'enyi-M"onch theorem.

Non-Local Latent Relation Distillation for Self-Adaptive 3D Human Pose Estimation

  • Authors: Jogendra Nath Kundu, Siddharth Seth, Anirudh Jamkhandi, Pradyumna YM, Varun Jampani, Anirban Chakraborty
  • Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI)
  • Arxiv link:
  • Pdf link:
  • Abstract Available 3D human pose estimation approaches leverage different forms of strong (2D/3D pose) or weak (multi-view or depth) paired supervision. Barring synthetic or in-studio domains, acquiring such supervision for each new target environment is highly inconvenient. To this end, we cast 3D pose learning as a self-supervised adaptation problem that aims to transfer the task knowledge from a labeled source domain to a completely unpaired target. We propose to infer image-to-pose via two explicit mappings viz. image-to-latent and latent-to-pose where the latter is a pre-learned decoder obtained from a prior-enforcing generative adversarial auto-encoder. Next, we introduce relation distillation as a means to align the unpaired cross-modal samples i.e. the unpaired target videos and unpaired 3D pose sequences. To this end, we propose a new set of non-local relations in order to characterize long-range latent pose interactions unlike general contrastive relations where positive couplings are limited to a local neighborhood structure. Further, we provide an objective way to quantify non-localness in order to select the most effective relation set. We evaluate different self-adaptation settings and demonstrate state-of-the-art 3D human pose estimation performance on standard benchmarks.

Audio-visual multi-channel speech separation, dereverberation and recognition

  • Authors: Guinan Li, Jianwei Yu, Jiajun Deng, Xunying Liu, Helen Meng
  • Subjects: Sound (cs.SD); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Multimedia (cs.MM); Audio and Speech Processing (eess.AS)
  • Arxiv link:
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  • Abstract Despite the rapid advance of automatic speech recognition (ASR) technologies, accurate recognition of cocktail party speech characterised by the interference from overlapping speakers, background noise and room reverberation remains a highly challenging task to date. Motivated by the invariance of visual modality to acoustic signal corruption, audio-visual speech enhancement techniques have been developed, although predominantly targeting overlapping speech separation and recognition tasks. In this paper, an audio-visual multi-channel speech separation, dereverberation and recognition approach featuring a full incorporation of visual information into all three stages of the system is proposed. The advantage of the additional visual modality over using audio only is demonstrated on two neural dereverberation approaches based on DNN-WPE and spectral mapping respectively. The learning cost function mismatch between the separation and dereverberation models and their integration with the back-end recognition system is minimised using fine-tuning on the MSE and LF-MMI criteria. Experiments conducted on the LRS2 dataset suggest that the proposed audio-visual multi-channel speech separation, dereverberation and recognition system outperforms the baseline audio-visual multi-channel speech separation and recognition system containing no dereverberation module by a statistically significant word error rate (WER) reduction of 2.06% absolute (8.77% relative).

A machine learning-based framework for high resolution mapping of PM2.5 in Tehran, Iran, using MAIAC AOD data

  • Authors: Hossein Bagheri
  • Subjects: Machine Learning (cs.LG)
  • Arxiv link:
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  • Abstract This paper investigates the possibility of high resolution mapping of PM2.5 concentration over Tehran city using high resolution satellite AOD (MAIAC) retrievals. For this purpose, a framework including three main stages, data preprocessing; regression modeling; and model deployment was proposed. The output of the framework was a machine learning model trained to predict PM2.5 from MAIAC AOD retrievals and meteorological data. The results of model testing revealed the efficiency and capability of the developed framework for high resolution mapping of PM2.5, which was not realized in former investigations performed over the city. Thus, this study, for the first time, realized daily, 1 km resolution mapping of PM2.5 in Tehran with R2 around 0.74 and RMSE better than 9.0 mg/m3. Keywords: MAIAC; MODIS; AOD; Machine learning; Deep learning; PM2.5; Regression

AILTTS: Adversarial Learning of Intermediate Acoustic Feature for End-to-End Lightweight Text-to-Speech

  • Authors: Hyungchan Yoon, Seyun Um, Changwhan Kim, Hong-Goo Kang
  • Subjects: Sound (cs.SD); Audio and Speech Processing (eess.AS)
  • Arxiv link:
  • Pdf link:
  • Abstract The quality of end-to-end neural text-to-speech (TTS) systems highly depends on the reliable estimation of intermediate acoustic features from text inputs. To reduce the complexity of the speech generation process, several non-autoregressive TTS systems directly find a mapping relationship between text and waveforms. However, the generation quality of these system is unsatisfactory due to the difficulty in modeling the dynamic nature of prosodic information. In this paper, we propose an effective prosody predictor that successfully replicates the characteristics of prosodic features extracted from mel-spectrograms. Specifically, we introduce a generative model-based conditional discriminator to enable the estimated embeddings have highly informative prosodic features, which significantly enhances the expressiveness of generated speech. Since the estimated embeddings obtained by the proposed method are highly correlated with acoustic features, the time-alignment of input texts and intermediate features is greatly simplified, which results in faster convergence. Our proposed model outperforms several publicly available models based on various objective and subjective evaluation metrics, even using a relatively small number of parameters.

A Set Membership Approach to Discovering Feature Relevance and Explaining Neural Classifier Decisions

  • Authors: Stavros P. Adam, Aristidis C. Likas
  • Subjects: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI)
  • Arxiv link:
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  • Abstract Neural classifiers are non linear systems providing decisions on the classes of patterns, for a given problem they have learned. The output computed by a classifier for each pattern constitutes an approximation of the output of some unknown function, mapping pattern data to their respective classes. The lack of knowledge of such a function along with the complexity of neural classifiers, especially when these are deep learning architectures, do not permit to obtain information on how specific predictions have been made. Hence, these powerful learning systems are considered as black boxes and in critical applications their use tends to be considered inappropriate. Gaining insight on such a black box operation constitutes a one way approach in interpreting operation of neural classifiers and assessing the validity of their decisions. In this paper we tackle this problem introducing a novel methodology for discovering which features are considered relevant by a trained neural classifier and how they affect the classifier's output, thus obtaining an explanation on its decision. Although, feature relevance has received much attention in the machine learning literature here we reconsider it in terms of nonlinear parameter estimation targeted by a set membership approach which is based on interval analysis. Hence, the proposed methodology builds on sound mathematical approaches and the results obtained constitute a reliable estimation of the classifier's decision premises.

IFTT-PIN: Demonstrating the Self-Calibration Paradigm on a PIN-Entry Task

  • Authors: Jonathan Grizou
  • Subjects: Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG)
  • Arxiv link:
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  • Abstract We demonstrate IFTT-PIN, a self-calibrating version of the PIN-entry method introduced in Roth et al. (2004) [1]. In [1], digits are split into two sets and assigned a color respectively. To communicate their digit, users press the button with the same color that is assigned to their digit, which can be identified by elimination after a few iterations. IFTT-PIN uses the same principle but does not pre-assign colors to each button. Instead, users are free to choose which button to use for each color. IFTT-PIN infers both the user's PIN and their preferred button-to-color mapping at the same time, a process called self-calibration. Different versions of IFTT-PIN can be tested at and a video introduction at

Keyword: localization

Semi-supervised Semantic Segmentation with Error Localization Network

  • Authors: Donghyeon Kwon, Suha Kwak
  • Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
  • Arxiv link:
  • Pdf link:
  • Abstract This paper studies semi-supervised learning of semantic segmentation, which assumes that only a small portion of training images are labeled and the others remain unlabeled. The unlabeled images are usually assigned pseudo labels to be used in training, which however often causes the risk of performance degradation due to the confirmation bias towards errors on the pseudo labels. We present a novel method that resolves this chronic issue of pseudo labeling. At the heart of our method lies error localization network (ELN), an auxiliary module that takes an image and its segmentation prediction as input and identifies pixels whose pseudo labels are likely to be wrong. ELN enables semi-supervised learning to be robust against inaccurate pseudo labels by disregarding label noises during training and can be naturally integrated with self-training and contrastive learning. Moreover, we introduce a new learning strategy for ELN that simulates plausible and diverse segmentation errors during training of ELN to enhance its generalization. Our method is evaluated on PASCAL VOC 2012 and Cityscapes, where it outperforms all existing methods in every evaluation setting.

Overcoming Catastrophic Forgetting in Incremental Object Detection via Elastic Response Distillation

  • Authors: Tao Feng, Mang Wang, Hangjie Yuan
  • Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
  • Arxiv link:
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  • Abstract Traditional object detectors are ill-equipped for incremental learning. However, fine-tuning directly on a well-trained detection model with only new data will lead to catastrophic forgetting. Knowledge distillation is a flexible way to mitigate catastrophic forgetting. In Incremental Object Detection (IOD), previous work mainly focuses on distilling for the combination of features and responses. However, they under-explore the information that contains in responses. In this paper, we propose a response-based incremental distillation method, dubbed Elastic Response Distillation (ERD), which focuses on elastically learning responses from the classification head and the regression head. Firstly, our method transfers category knowledge while equipping student detector with the ability to retain localization information during incremental learning. In addition, we further evaluate the quality of all locations and provide valuable responses by the Elastic Response Selection (ERS) strategy. Finally, we elucidate that the knowledge from different responses should be assigned with different importance during incremental distillation. Extensive experiments conducted on MS COCO demonstrate our method achieves state-of-the-art result, which substantially narrows the performance gap towards full training.

Rethinking Visual Geo-localization for Large-Scale Applications

  • Authors: Gabriele Berton, Carlo Masone, Barbara Caputo
  • Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
  • Arxiv link:
  • Pdf link:
  • Abstract Visual Geo-localization (VG) is the task of estimating the position where a given photo was taken by comparing it with a large database of images of known locations. To investigate how existing techniques would perform on a real-world city-wide VG application, we build San Francisco eXtra Large, a new dataset covering a whole city and providing a wide range of challenging cases, with a size 30x bigger than the previous largest dataset for visual geo-localization. We find that current methods fail to scale to such large datasets, therefore we design a new highly scalable training technique, called CosPlace, which casts the training as a classification problem avoiding the expensive mining needed by the commonly used contrastive learning. We achieve state-of-the-art performance on a wide range of datasets and find that CosPlace is robust to heavy domain changes. Moreover, we show that, compared to the previous state-of-the-art, CosPlace requires roughly 80% less GPU memory at train time, and it achieves better results with 8x smaller descriptors, paving the way for city-wide real-world visual geo-localization. Dataset, code and trained models are available for research purposes at

ObjectFolder 2.0: A Multisensory Object Dataset for Sim2Real Transfer

  • Authors: Ruohan Gao, Zilin Si, Yen-Yu Chang, Samuel Clarke, Jeannette Bohg, Li Fei-Fei, Wenzhen Yuan, Jiajun Wu
  • Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Robotics (cs.RO); Sound (cs.SD); Audio and Speech Processing (eess.AS)
  • Arxiv link:
  • Pdf link:
  • Abstract Objects play a crucial role in our everyday activities. Though multisensory object-centric learning has shown great potential lately, the modeling of objects in prior work is rather unrealistic. ObjectFolder 1.0 is a recent dataset that introduces 100 virtualized objects with visual, acoustic, and tactile sensory data. However, the dataset is small in scale and the multisensory data is of limited quality, hampering generalization to real-world scenarios. We present ObjectFolder 2.0, a large-scale, multisensory dataset of common household objects in the form of implicit neural representations that significantly enhances ObjectFolder 1.0 in three aspects. First, our dataset is 10 times larger in the amount of objects and orders of magnitude faster in rendering time. Second, we significantly improve the multisensory rendering quality for all three modalities. Third, we show that models learned from virtual objects in our dataset successfully transfer to their real-world counterparts in three challenging tasks: object scale estimation, contact localization, and shape reconstruction. ObjectFolder 2.0 offers a new path and testbed for multisensory learning in computer vision and robotics. The dataset is available at

zhuhu00 avatar Apr 06 '22 13:04 zhuhu00