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New submissions for Tue, 5 Apr 22
Keyword: SLAM
UrbanFly: Uncertainty-Aware Planning for Navigation Amongst High-Rises with Monocular Visual-Inertial SLAM Maps
- Authors: Ayyappa Swamy Thatavarthy, Sudarshan S Harithas, Gurkirat Singh, Arun K Singh, K Madhava Krishna
- Subjects: Robotics (cs.RO)
- Arxiv link:
- Pdf link:
- Abstract We present UrbanFly: an uncertainty-aware real-time planning framework for quadrotor navigation in urban high-rise environments. A core aspect of UrbanFly is its ability to robustly plan directly on the sparse point clouds generated by a Monocular Visual Inertial SLAM (VINS) backend. It achieves this by using the sparse point clouds to build an uncertainty-integrated cuboid representation of the environment through a data-driven monocular plane segmentation network. Our chosen world model provides faster distance queries than the more common voxel-grid representation, and UrbanFly leverages this capability in two different ways leading to as many trajectory optimizers. The first optimizer uses a gradient-free cross-entropy method to compute trajectories that minimize collision probability and smoothness cost. Our second optimizer is a simplified version of the first and uses a sequential convex programming optimizer initialized based on probabilistic safety estimates on a set of randomly drawn trajectories. Both our trajectory optimizers are made computationally tractable and independent of the nature of underlying uncertainty by embedding the distribution of collision violations in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space. Empowered by the algorithmic innovation, UrbanFly outperforms competing baselines in metrics such as collision rate, trajectory length, etc., on a high fidelity AirSim simulator augmented with synthetic and real-world dataset scenes.
IMOT: General-Purpose, Fast and Robust Estimation for Spatial Perception Problems with Outliers
- Authors: Lei Sun
- Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Robotics (cs.RO)
- Arxiv link:
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- Abstract Spatial perception problems are the fundamental building blocks of robotics and computer vision. However, in many real-world situations, they inevitably suffer from the issue of outliers, which hinders traditional solvers from making correct estimates. In this paper, we present a novel, general-purpose robust estimator IMOT (Iterative Multi-layered Otsu's Thresholding) using standard non-minimal solvers to rapidly reject outliers for spatial perception problems. First, we propose a new outlier-robust iterative optimizing framework where in each iteration all the measurement data are separated into two groups according to the residual errors and only the group with lower residual errors can be preserved for estimation in the next iteration. Second, we introduce and employ the well-known Otsu's method (from image processing) to conduct thresholding on the residual errors so as to obtain the best separation (grouping) statistically which maximizes the between-class variance. Third, to enhance robustness, we design a multi-layered Otsu's thresholding approach in combination with our framework to sift out the true inliers from outliers that might even occupy the majority of measurements. We test our robust estimator IMOT on 5 different spatial perception problems including: rotation averaging, rotation search, point cloud registration, category-level registration, and SLAM. Experiments show that IMOT is robust against 70%--90% of outliers and can typically converge in only 3--10 iterations, being 3--125 times faster than existing robust estimators: GNC and ADAPT. Moreover, IMOT is able to return robust results even without noise bound information.
Monitoring social distancing with single image depth estimation
- Authors: Alessio Mingozzi, Andrea Conti, Filippo Aleotti, Matteo Poggi, Stefano Mattoccia
- Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
- Arxiv link:
- Pdf link:
- Abstract The recent pandemic emergency raised many challenges regarding the countermeasures aimed at containing the virus spread, and constraining the minimum distance between people resulted in one of the most effective strategies. Thus, the implementation of autonomous systems capable of monitoring the so-called social distance gained much interest. In this paper, we aim to address this task leveraging a single RGB frame without additional depth sensors. In contrast to existing single-image alternatives failing when ground localization is not available, we rely on single image depth estimation to perceive the 3D structure of the observed scene and estimate the distance between people. During the setup phase, a straightforward calibration procedure, leveraging a scale-aware SLAM algorithm available even on consumer smartphones, allows us to address the scale ambiguity affecting single image depth estimation. We validate our approach through indoor and outdoor images employing a calibrated LiDAR + RGB camera asset. Experimental results highlight that our proposal enables sufficiently reliable estimation of the inter-personal distance to monitor social distancing effectively. This fact confirms that despite its intrinsic ambiguity, if appropriately driven single image depth estimation can be a viable alternative to other depth perception techniques, more expensive and not always feasible in practical applications. Our evaluation also highlights that our framework can run reasonably fast and comparably to competitors, even on pure CPU systems. Moreover, its practical deployment on low-power systems is around the corner.
Keyword: Visual inertial
UrbanFly: Uncertainty-Aware Planning for Navigation Amongst High-Rises with Monocular Visual-Inertial SLAM Maps
- Authors: Ayyappa Swamy Thatavarthy, Sudarshan S Harithas, Gurkirat Singh, Arun K Singh, K Madhava Krishna
- Subjects: Robotics (cs.RO)
- Arxiv link:
- Pdf link:
- Abstract We present UrbanFly: an uncertainty-aware real-time planning framework for quadrotor navigation in urban high-rise environments. A core aspect of UrbanFly is its ability to robustly plan directly on the sparse point clouds generated by a Monocular Visual Inertial SLAM (VINS) backend. It achieves this by using the sparse point clouds to build an uncertainty-integrated cuboid representation of the environment through a data-driven monocular plane segmentation network. Our chosen world model provides faster distance queries than the more common voxel-grid representation, and UrbanFly leverages this capability in two different ways leading to as many trajectory optimizers. The first optimizer uses a gradient-free cross-entropy method to compute trajectories that minimize collision probability and smoothness cost. Our second optimizer is a simplified version of the first and uses a sequential convex programming optimizer initialized based on probabilistic safety estimates on a set of randomly drawn trajectories. Both our trajectory optimizers are made computationally tractable and independent of the nature of underlying uncertainty by embedding the distribution of collision violations in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space. Empowered by the algorithmic innovation, UrbanFly outperforms competing baselines in metrics such as collision rate, trajectory length, etc., on a high fidelity AirSim simulator augmented with synthetic and real-world dataset scenes.
Keyword: livox
There is no result
Keyword: loam
There is no result
Keyword: Visual inertial odometry
There is no result
Keyword: lidar
STCrowd: A Multimodal Dataset for Pedestrian Perception in Crowded Scenes
- Authors: Peishan Cong, Xinge Zhu, Feng Qiao, Yiming Ren, Xidong Peng, Yuenan Hou, Lan Xu, Ruigang Yang, Dinesh Manocha, Yuexin Ma
- Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
- Arxiv link:
- Pdf link:
- Abstract Accurately detecting and tracking pedestrians in 3D space is challenging due to large variations in rotations, poses and scales. The situation becomes even worse for dense crowds with severe occlusions. However, existing benchmarks either only provide 2D annotations, or have limited 3D annotations with low-density pedestrian distribution, making it difficult to build a reliable pedestrian perception system especially in crowded scenes. To better evaluate pedestrian perception algorithms in crowded scenarios, we introduce a large-scale multimodal dataset,STCrowd. Specifically, in STCrowd, there are a total of 219 K pedestrian instances and 20 persons per frame on average, with various levels of occlusion. We provide synchronized LiDAR point clouds and camera images as well as their corresponding 3D labels and joint IDs. STCrowd can be used for various tasks, including LiDAR-only, image-only, and sensor-fusion based pedestrian detection and tracking. We provide baselines for most of the tasks. In addition, considering the property of sparse global distribution and density-varying local distribution of pedestrians, we further propose a novel method, Density-aware Hierarchical heatmap Aggregation (DHA), to enhance pedestrian perception in crowded scenes. Extensive experiments show that our new method achieves state-of-the-art performance for pedestrian detection on various datasets.
Exploiting Temporal Relations on Radar Perception for Autonomous Driving
- Authors: Peizhao Li, Pu Wang, Karl Berntorp, Hongfu Liu
- Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
- Arxiv link:
- Pdf link:
- Abstract We consider the object recognition problem in autonomous driving using automotive radar sensors. Comparing to Lidar sensors, radar is cost-effective and robust in all-weather conditions for perception in autonomous driving. However, radar signals suffer from low angular resolution and precision in recognizing surrounding objects. To enhance the capacity of automotive radar, in this work, we exploit the temporal information from successive ego-centric bird-eye-view radar image frames for radar object recognition. We leverage the consistency of an object's existence and attributes (size, orientation, etc.), and propose a temporal relational layer to explicitly model the relations between objects within successive radar images. In both object detection and multiple object tracking, we show the superiority of our method compared to several baseline approaches.
Monitoring social distancing with single image depth estimation
- Authors: Alessio Mingozzi, Andrea Conti, Filippo Aleotti, Matteo Poggi, Stefano Mattoccia
- Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
- Arxiv link:
- Pdf link:
- Abstract The recent pandemic emergency raised many challenges regarding the countermeasures aimed at containing the virus spread, and constraining the minimum distance between people resulted in one of the most effective strategies. Thus, the implementation of autonomous systems capable of monitoring the so-called social distance gained much interest. In this paper, we aim to address this task leveraging a single RGB frame without additional depth sensors. In contrast to existing single-image alternatives failing when ground localization is not available, we rely on single image depth estimation to perceive the 3D structure of the observed scene and estimate the distance between people. During the setup phase, a straightforward calibration procedure, leveraging a scale-aware SLAM algorithm available even on consumer smartphones, allows us to address the scale ambiguity affecting single image depth estimation. We validate our approach through indoor and outdoor images employing a calibrated LiDAR + RGB camera asset. Experimental results highlight that our proposal enables sufficiently reliable estimation of the inter-personal distance to monitor social distancing effectively. This fact confirms that despite its intrinsic ambiguity, if appropriately driven single image depth estimation can be a viable alternative to other depth perception techniques, more expensive and not always feasible in practical applications. Our evaluation also highlights that our framework can run reasonably fast and comparably to competitors, even on pure CPU systems. Moreover, its practical deployment on low-power systems is around the corner.
Keyword: loop detection
There is no result
Keyword: autonomous driving
SIMBAR: Single Image-Based Scene Relighting For Effective Data Augmentation For Automated Driving Vision Tasks
- Authors: Xianling Zhang, Nathan Tseng, Ameerah Syed, Rohan Bhasin, Nikita Jaipuria
- Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Machine Learning (cs.LG)
- Arxiv link:
- Pdf link:
- Abstract Real-world autonomous driving datasets comprise of images aggregated from different drives on the road. The ability to relight captured scenes to unseen lighting conditions, in a controllable manner, presents an opportunity to augment datasets with a richer variety of lighting conditions, similar to what would be encountered in the real-world. This paper presents a novel image-based relighting pipeline, SIMBAR, that can work with a single image as input. To the best of our knowledge, there is no prior work on scene relighting leveraging explicit geometric representations from a single image. We present qualitative comparisons with prior multi-view scene relighting baselines. To further validate and effectively quantify the benefit of leveraging SIMBAR for data augmentation for automated driving vision tasks, object detection and tracking experiments are conducted with a state-of-the-art method, a Multiple Object Tracking Accuracy (MOTA) of 93.3% is achieved with CenterTrack on SIMBAR-augmented KITTI - an impressive 9.0% relative improvement over the baseline MOTA of 85.6% with CenterTrack on original KITTI, both models trained from scratch and tested on Virtual KITTI. For more details and SIMBAR relit datasets, please visit our project website (
SkeleVision: Towards Adversarial Resiliency of Person Tracking with Multi-Task Learning
- Authors: Nilaksh Das, Sheng-Yun Peng, Duen Horng Chau
- Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Machine Learning (cs.LG)
- Arxiv link:
- Pdf link:
- Abstract Person tracking using computer vision techniques has wide ranging applications such as autonomous driving, home security and sports analytics. However, the growing threat of adversarial attacks raises serious concerns regarding the security and reliability of such techniques. In this work, we study the impact of multi-task learning (MTL) on the adversarial robustness of the widely used SiamRPN tracker, in the context of person tracking. Specifically, we investigate the effect of jointly learning with semantically analogous tasks of person tracking and human keypoint detection. We conduct extensive experiments with more powerful adversarial attacks that can be physically realizable, demonstrating the practical value of our approach. Our empirical study with simulated as well as real-world datasets reveals that training with MTL consistently makes it harder to attack the SiamRPN tracker, compared to typically training only on the single task of person tracking.
Homography Loss for Monocular 3D Object Detection
- Authors: Jiaqi Gu, Bojian Wu, Lubin Fan, Jianqiang Huang, Shen Cao, Zhiyu Xiang, Xian-Sheng Hua
- Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
- Arxiv link:
- Pdf link:
- Abstract Monocular 3D object detection is an essential task in autonomous driving. However, most current methods consider each 3D object in the scene as an independent training sample, while ignoring their inherent geometric relations, thus inevitably resulting in a lack of leveraging spatial constraints. In this paper, we propose a novel method that takes all the objects into consideration and explores their mutual relationships to help better estimate the 3D boxes. Moreover, since 2D detection is more reliable currently, we also investigate how to use the detected 2D boxes as guidance to globally constrain the optimization of the corresponding predicted 3D boxes. To this end, a differentiable loss function, termed as Homography Loss, is proposed to achieve the goal, which exploits both 2D and 3D information, aiming at balancing the positional relationships between different objects by global constraints, so as to obtain more accurately predicted 3D boxes. Thanks to the concise design, our loss function is universal and can be plugged into any mature monocular 3D detector, while significantly boosting the performance over their baseline. Experiments demonstrate that our method yields the best performance (Nov. 2021) compared with the other state-of-the-arts by a large margin on KITTI 3D datasets.
Autonomous Highway Merging in Mixed Traffic Using Reinforcement Learning and Motion Predictive Safety Controller
- Authors: Qianqian Liu, Fengying Dang, Xiaofan Wang, Xiaoqiang Ren
- Subjects: Robotics (cs.RO)
- Arxiv link:
- Pdf link:
- Abstract Deep reinforcement learning (DRL) has a great potential for solving complex decision-making problems in autonomous driving, especially in mixed-traffic scenarios where autonomous vehicles and human-driven vehicles (HDVs) drive together. Safety is a key during both the learning and deploying reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms process. In this paper, we formulate the on-ramp merging as a Markov Decision Process (MDP) problem and solve it with an off-policy RL algorithm, i.e., Soft Actor-Critic for Discrete Action Settings (SAC-Discrete). In addition, a motion predictive safety controller including a motion predictor and an action substitution module, is proposed to ensure driving safety during both training and testing. The motion predictor estimates the trajectories of the ego vehicle and surrounding vehicles from kinematic models, and predicts potential collisions. The action substitution module updates the actions based on safety distance and replaces risky actions, before sending them to the low-level controller. We train, evaluate and test our approach on a gym-like highway simulation with three different levels of traffic modes. The simulation results show that even in harder traffic densities, our proposed method still significantly reduces collision rate while maintaining high efficiency, outperforming several state-of-the-art baselines in the considered on-ramp merging scenarios. The video demo of the evaluation process can be found at:
In Rain or Shine: Understanding and Overcoming Dataset Bias for Improving Robustness Against Weather Corruptions for Autonomous Vehicles
- Authors: Aboli Marathe, Rahee Walambe, Ketan Kotecha, Deepak Kumar Jain
- Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
- Arxiv link:
- Pdf link:
- Abstract Several popular computer vision (CV) datasets, specifically employed for Object Detection (OD) in autonomous driving tasks exhibit biases due to a range of factors including weather and lighting conditions. These biases may impair a model's generalizability, rendering it ineffective for OD in novel and unseen datasets. Especially, in autonomous driving, it may prove extremely high risk and unsafe for the vehicle and its surroundings. This work focuses on understanding these datasets better by identifying such "good-weather" bias. Methods to mitigate such bias which allows the OD models to perform better and improve the robustness are also demonstrated. A simple yet effective OD framework for studying bias mitigation is proposed. Using this framework, the performance on popular datasets is analyzed and a significant difference in model performance is observed. Additionally, a knowledge transfer technique and a synthetic image corruption technique are proposed to mitigate the identified bias. Finally, using the DAWN dataset, the findings are validated on the OD task, demonstrating the effectiveness of our techniques in mitigating real-world "good-weather" bias. The experiments show that the proposed techniques outperform baseline methods by averaged fourfold improvement.
Exploiting Temporal Relations on Radar Perception for Autonomous Driving
- Authors: Peizhao Li, Pu Wang, Karl Berntorp, Hongfu Liu
- Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
- Arxiv link:
- Pdf link:
- Abstract We consider the object recognition problem in autonomous driving using automotive radar sensors. Comparing to Lidar sensors, radar is cost-effective and robust in all-weather conditions for perception in autonomous driving. However, radar signals suffer from low angular resolution and precision in recognizing surrounding objects. To enhance the capacity of automotive radar, in this work, we exploit the temporal information from successive ego-centric bird-eye-view radar image frames for radar object recognition. We leverage the consistency of an object's existence and attributes (size, orientation, etc.), and propose a temporal relational layer to explicitly model the relations between objects within successive radar images. In both object detection and multiple object tracking, we show the superiority of our method compared to several baseline approaches.
Keyword: mapping
Learnable latent embeddings for joint behavioral and neural analysis
- Authors: Steffen Schneider, Jin Hwa Lee, Mackenzie Weygandt Mathis
- Subjects: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Neurons and Cognition (q-bio.NC); Quantitative Methods (q-bio.QM)
- Arxiv link:
- Pdf link:
- Abstract Mapping behavioral actions to neural activity is a fundamental goal of neuroscience. As our ability to record large neural and behavioral data increases, there is growing interest in modeling neural dynamics during adaptive behaviors to probe neural representations. In particular, neural latent embeddings can reveal underlying correlates of behavior, yet, we lack non-linear techniques that can explicitly and flexibly leverage joint behavior and neural data. Here, we fill this gap with a novel method, CEBRA, that jointly uses behavioral and neural data in a hypothesis- or discovery-driven manner to produce consistent, high-performance latent spaces. We validate its accuracy and demonstrate our tool's utility for both calcium and electrophysiology datasets, across sensory and motor tasks, and in simple or complex behaviors across species. It allows for single and multi-session datasets to be leveraged for hypothesis testing or can be used label-free. Lastly, we show that CEBRA can be used for the mapping of space, uncovering complex kinematic features, and rapid, high-accuracy decoding of natural movies from visual cortex.
Inverse is Better! Fast and Accurate Prompt for Few-shot Slot Tagging
- Authors: Yutai Hou, Cheng Chen, Xianzhen Luo, Bohan Li, Wanxiang Che
- Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI)
- Arxiv link:
- Pdf link:
- Abstract Prompting methods recently achieve impressive success in few-shot learning. These methods modify input samples with prompt sentence pieces, and decode label tokens to map samples to corresponding labels. However, such a paradigm is very inefficient for the task of slot tagging. Since slot tagging samples are multiple consecutive words in a sentence, the prompting methods have to enumerate all n-grams token spans to find all the possible slots, which greatly slows down the prediction. To tackle this, we introduce an inverse paradigm for prompting. Different from the classic prompts mapping tokens to labels, we reversely predict slot values given slot types. Such inverse prompting only requires a one-turn prediction for each slot type and greatly speeds up the prediction. Besides, we propose a novel Iterative Prediction Strategy, from which the model learns to refine predictions by considering the relations between different slot types. We find, somewhat surprisingly, the proposed method not only predicts faster but also significantly improves the effect (improve over 6.1 F1-scores on 10-shot setting) and achieves new state-of-the-art performance.
Long-tailed Extreme Multi-label Text Classification with Generated Pseudo Label Descriptions
- Authors: Ruohong Zhang, Yau-Shian Wang, Yiming Yang, Donghan Yu, Tom Vu, Likun Lei
- Subjects: Machine Learning (cs.LG)
- Arxiv link:
- Pdf link:
- Abstract Extreme Multi-label Text Classification (XMTC) has been a tough challenge in machine learning research and applications due to the sheer sizes of the label spaces and the severe data scarce problem associated with the long tail of rare labels in highly skewed distributions. This paper addresses the challenge of tail label prediction by proposing a novel approach, which combines the effectiveness of a trained bag-of-words (BoW) classifier in generating informative label descriptions under severe data scarce conditions, and the power of neural embedding based retrieval models in mapping input documents (as queries) to relevant label descriptions. The proposed approach achieves state-of-the-art performance on XMTC benchmark datasets and significantly outperforms the best methods so far in the tail label prediction. We also provide a theoretical analysis for relating the BoW and neural models w.r.t. performance lower bound.
A Study of Single Statement Bugs Involving Dynamic Language Features
- Authors: Li Sui, Shawn Rasheed, Amjed Tahir, Jens Dietrich
- Subjects: Software Engineering (cs.SE)
- Arxiv link:
- Pdf link:
- Abstract Dynamic language features are widely available in programming languages to implement functionality that can adapt to multiple usage contexts, enabling reuse. Functionality such as data binding , object-relational mapping and user interface builders can be heavily dependent on these features. However, their use has risks and downsides as they affect the soundness of static analyses and techniques that rely on such analyses (such as bug detection and automated program repair). They can also make software more error-prone due to potential difficulties in understanding reflective code, loss of compile-time safety and incorrect API usage. In this paper, we set out to quantify some of the effects of using dynamic language features in Java programs-that is, the error-proneness of using those features with respect to a particular type of bug known as single statement bugs. By mining 2,024 GitHub projects, we found 139 single statement bug instances (falling under 10 different bug patterns), with the highest number of bugs belonging to three specific patterns: Wrong Function Name, Same Function More Args and Change Identifier Used. These results can help practitioners to quantify the risk of using dynamic techniques over alternatives (such as code generation). We hope this classification raises attention on choosing dynamic APIs that are likely to be error-prone, and provides developers a better understanding when designing bug detection tools for such feature.
Forward and backward mapping of image to 2D vector field using fiber bundle color space
- Authors: A.A. Snarskii, I.V. Bezsudnov
- Subjects: Graphics (cs.GR)
- Arxiv link:
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- Abstract We introduce the concept of a fiber bundle color space, which acts according to the psychophysiological rules of trichromacy perception of colors by a human. The image resides in the fiber bundle base space and the fiber color space contains color vectors. Further we propose the decomposition of color vectors into spectral and achromatic parts. A homomorphism of a color image and constructed two-dimensional vector field is demonstrated that allows us to apply well-known advanced methods of vector analysis to a color image, i.e. ultimately give new numerical characteristics of the image. Appropriate image to vector field forward mapping is constructed. The proposed backward mapping algorithm converts a two-dimensional vector field to color image. The type of image filter is described using sequential forward and backward mapping algorithms. An example of the color image formation on the base of two-dimensional magnetic vector field scattered by a typical pipe line defect is given.
Fitting an immersed submanifold to data via Sussmann's orbit theorem
- Authors: Joshua Hanson, Maxim Raginsky
- Subjects: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Systems and Control (eess.SY); Optimization and Control (math.OC); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
- Arxiv link:
- Pdf link:
- Abstract This paper describes an approach for fitting an immersed submanifold of a finite-dimensional Euclidean space to random samples. The reconstruction mapping from the ambient space to the desired submanifold is implemented as a composition of an encoder that maps each point to a tuple of (positive or negative) times and a decoder given by a composition of flows along finitely many vector fields starting from a fixed initial point. The encoder supplies the times for the flows. The encoder-decoder map is obtained by empirical risk minimization, and a high-probability bound is given on the excess risk relative to the minimum expected reconstruction error over a given class of encoder-decoder maps. The proposed approach makes fundamental use of Sussmann's orbit theorem, which guarantees that the image of the reconstruction map is indeed contained in an immersed submanifold.
Indoor Navigation Assistance for Visually Impaired People via Dynamic SLAM and Panoptic Segmentation with an RGB-D Sensor
- Authors: Wenyan Ou, Jiaming Zhang, Kunyu Peng, Kailun Yang, Gerhard Jaworek, Karin Müller, Rainer Stiefelhagen
- Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC); Robotics (cs.RO); Image and Video Processing (eess.IV)
- Arxiv link:
- Pdf link:
- Abstract Exploring an unfamiliar indoor environment and avoiding obstacles is challenging for visually impaired people. Currently, several approaches achieve the avoidance of static obstacles based on the mapping of indoor scenes. To solve the issue of distinguishing dynamic obstacles, we propose an assistive system with an RGB-D sensor to detect dynamic information of a scene. Once the system captures an image, panoptic segmentation is performed to obtain the prior dynamic object information. With sparse feature points extracted from images and the depth information, poses of the user can be estimated. After the ego-motion estimation, the dynamic object can be identified and tracked. Then, poses and speed of tracked dynamic objects can be estimated, which are passed to the users through acoustic feedback.
Homomorphisms of (n,m)-graphs with respect to generalised switch
- Authors: Sagnik Sen, Éric Sopena, S Taruni
- Subjects: Discrete Mathematics (cs.DM); Combinatorics (math.CO)
- Arxiv link:
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- Abstract An $(n,m)$-graph has $n$ different types of arcs and $m$ different types of edges. A homomorphism of an $(n,m)$-graph $G$ to an $(n,m)$-graph $H$ is a vertex mapping that preserves adjacency type and directions. Notice that, in an $(n,m)$-graph a vertex can possibly have $(2n+m)$ different types of neighbors. In this article, we study homomorphisms of $(n,m)$-graphs while an Abelian group acts on the set of different types of neighbors of a vertex.
Improving Monocular Visual Odometry Using Learned Depth
- Authors: Libo Sun, Wei Yin, Enze Xie, Zhengrong Li, Changming Sun, Chunhua Shen
- Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
- Arxiv link:
- Pdf link:
- Abstract Monocular visual odometry (VO) is an important task in robotics and computer vision. Thus far, how to build accurate and robust monocular VO systems that can work well in diverse scenarios remains largely unsolved. In this paper, we propose a framework to exploit monocular depth estimation for improving VO. The core of our framework is a monocular depth estimation module with a strong generalization capability for diverse scenes. It consists of two separate working modes to assist the localization and mapping. With a single monocular image input, the depth estimation module predicts a relative depth to help the localization module on improving the accuracy. With a sparse depth map and an RGB image input, the depth estimation module can generate accurate scale-consistent depth for dense mapping. Compared with current learning-based VO methods, our method demonstrates a stronger generalization ability to diverse scenes. More significantly, our framework is able to boost the performances of existing geometry-based VO methods by a large margin.
Aligning Silhouette Topology for Self-Adaptive 3D Human Pose Recovery
- Authors: Mugalodi Rakesh, Jogendra Nath Kundu, Varun Jampani, R. Venkatesh Babu
- Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI)
- Arxiv link:
- Pdf link:
- Abstract Articulation-centric 2D/3D pose supervision forms the core training objective in most existing 3D human pose estimation techniques. Except for synthetic source environments, acquiring such rich supervision for each real target domain at deployment is highly inconvenient. However, we realize that standard foreground silhouette estimation techniques (on static camera feeds) remain unaffected by domain-shifts. Motivated by this, we propose a novel target adaptation framework that relies only on silhouette supervision to adapt a source-trained model-based regressor. However, in the absence of any auxiliary cue (multi-view, depth, or 2D pose), an isolated silhouette loss fails to provide a reliable pose-specific gradient and requires to be employed in tandem with a topology-centric loss. To this end, we develop a series of convolution-friendly spatial transformations in order to disentangle a topological-skeleton representation from the raw silhouette. Such a design paves the way to devise a Chamfer-inspired spatial topological-alignment loss via distance field computation, while effectively avoiding any gradient hindering spatial-to-pointset mapping. Experimental results demonstrate our superiority against prior-arts in self-adapting a source trained model to diverse unlabeled target domains, such as a) in-the-wild datasets, b) low-resolution image domains, and c) adversarially perturbed image domains (via UAP).
Polynomial mapped bases: theory and applications
- Authors: Stefano De Marchi, Giacomo Elefante, Elisa Francomano, Francesco Marchetti
- Subjects: Numerical Analysis (math.NA)
- Arxiv link:
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- Abstract In this paper, we collect the basic theory and the most important applications of a novel technique that has shown to be suitable for scattered data interpolation, quadrature, bio-imaging reconstruction. The method relies on polynomial mapped bases allowing, for instance, to incorporate data or function discontinuities in a suitable mapping function. The new technique substantially mitigates the Runge's and Gibbs effects.
Keyword: localization
Attribute Prototype Network for Any-Shot Learning
- Authors: Wenjia Xu, Yongqin Xian, Jiuniu Wang, Bernt Schiele, Zeynep Akata
- Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
- Arxiv link:
- Pdf link:
- Abstract Any-shot image classification allows to recognize novel classes with only a few or even zero samples. For the task of zero-shot learning, visual attributes have been shown to play an important role, while in the few-shot regime, the effect of attributes is under-explored. To better transfer attribute-based knowledge from seen to unseen classes, we argue that an image representation with integrated attribute localization ability would be beneficial for any-shot, i.e. zero-shot and few-shot, image classification tasks. To this end, we propose a novel representation learning framework that jointly learns discriminative global and local features using only class-level attributes. While a visual-semantic embedding layer learns global features, local features are learned through an attribute prototype network that simultaneously regresses and decorrelates attributes from intermediate features. Furthermore, we introduce a zoom-in module that localizes and crops the informative regions to encourage the network to learn informative features explicitly. We show that our locality augmented image representations achieve a new state-of-the-art on challenging benchmarks, i.e. CUB, AWA2, and SUN. As an additional benefit, our model points to the visual evidence of the attributes in an image, confirming the improved attribute localization ability of our image representation. The attribute localization is evaluated quantitatively with ground truth part annotations, qualitatively with visualizations, and through well-designed user studies.
Dynamic Focus-aware Positional Queries for Semantic Segmentation
- Authors: Haoyu He, Jianfei Cai, Zizheng Pan, Jing Liu, Jing Zhang, Dacheng Tao, Bohan Zhuang
- Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
- Arxiv link:
- Pdf link:
- Abstract Most of the latest top semantic segmentation approaches are based on vision Transformers, particularly DETR-like frameworks, which employ a set of queries in the Transformer decoder. Each query is composed of a content query that preserves semantic information and a positional query that provides positional guidance for aggregating the query-specific context. However, the positional queries in the Transformer decoder layers are typically represented as fixed learnable weights, which often encode dataset statistics for segments and can be inaccurate for individual samples. Therefore, in this paper, we propose to generate positional queries dynamically conditioned on the cross-attention scores and the localization information of the preceding layer. By doing so, each query is aware of its previous focus, thus providing more accurate positional guidance and encouraging the cross-attention consistency across the decoder layers. In addition, we also propose an efficient way to deal with high-resolution cross-attention by dynamically determining the contextual tokens based on the low-resolution cross-attention maps to perform local relation aggregation. Our overall framework termed FASeg (Focus-Aware semantic Segmentation) provides a simple yet effective solution for semantic segmentation. Extensive experiments on ADE20K and Cityscapes show that our FASeg achieves state-of-the-art performance, e.g., obtaining 48.3% and 49.6% mIoU respectively for single-scale inference on ADE20K validation set with ResNet-50 and Swin-T backbones, and barely increases the computation consumption from Mask2former. Source code will be made publicly available at
Improving Monocular Visual Odometry Using Learned Depth
- Authors: Libo Sun, Wei Yin, Enze Xie, Zhengrong Li, Changming Sun, Chunhua Shen
- Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
- Arxiv link:
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- Abstract Monocular visual odometry (VO) is an important task in robotics and computer vision. Thus far, how to build accurate and robust monocular VO systems that can work well in diverse scenarios remains largely unsolved. In this paper, we propose a framework to exploit monocular depth estimation for improving VO. The core of our framework is a monocular depth estimation module with a strong generalization capability for diverse scenes. It consists of two separate working modes to assist the localization and mapping. With a single monocular image input, the depth estimation module predicts a relative depth to help the localization module on improving the accuracy. With a sparse depth map and an RGB image input, the depth estimation module can generate accurate scale-consistent depth for dense mapping. Compared with current learning-based VO methods, our method demonstrates a stronger generalization ability to diverse scenes. More significantly, our framework is able to boost the performances of existing geometry-based VO methods by a large margin.
SPFNet:Subspace Pyramid Fusion Network for Semantic Segmentation
- Authors: Mohammed A. M. Elhassan, Chenhui Yang, Chenxi Huang, Tewodros Legesse Munea
- Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI)
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- Abstract The encoder-decoder structure has significantly improved performance in many vision tasks by fusing low-level and high-level feature maps. However, this approach can hardly extract sufficient context information for pixel-wise segmentation. In addition, extracting similar low-level features at multiple scales could lead to redundant information. To tackle these issues, we propose Subspace Pyramid Fusion Network (SPFNet). Specifically, we combine pyramidal module and context aggregation module to exploit the impact of multi-scale/global context information. At first, we construct a Subspace Pyramid Fusion Module (SPFM) based on Reduced Pyramid Pooling (RPP). Then, we propose the Efficient Global Context Aggregation (EGCA) module to capture discriminative features by fusing multi-level global context features. Finally, we add decoder-based subpixel convolution to retrieve the high-resolution feature maps, which can help select category localization details. SPFM learns separate RPP for each feature subspace to capture multi-scale feature representations, which is more useful for semantic segmentation. EGCA adopts shuffle attention mechanism to enhance communication across different sub-features. Experimental results on two well-known semantic segmentation datasets, including Camvid and Cityscapes, show that our proposed method is competitive with other state-of-the-art methods.
Context-aware Visual Tracking with Joint Meta-updating
- Authors: Qiuhong Shen, Xin Li, Fanyang Meng, Yongsheng Liang
- Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI)
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- Abstract Visual object tracking acts as a pivotal component in various emerging video applications. Despite the numerous developments in visual tracking, existing deep trackers are still likely to fail when tracking against objects with dramatic variation. These deep trackers usually do not perform online update or update single sub-branch of the tracking model, for which they cannot adapt to the appearance variation of objects. Efficient updating methods are therefore crucial for tracking while previous meta-updater optimizes trackers directly over parameter space, which is prone to over-fit even collapse on longer sequences. To address these issues, we propose a context-aware tracking model to optimize the tracker over the representation space, which jointly meta-update both branches by exploiting information along the whole sequence, such that it can avoid the over-fitting problem. First, we note that the embedded features of the localization branch and the box-estimation branch, focusing on the local and global information of the target, are effective complements to each other. Based on this insight, we devise a context-aggregation module to fuse information in historical frames, followed by a context-aware module to learn affinity vectors for both branches of the tracker. Besides, we develop a dedicated meta-learning scheme, on account of fast and stable updating with limited training samples. The proposed tracking method achieves an EAO score of 0.514 on VOT2018 with the speed of 40FPS, demonstrating its capability of improving the accuracy and robustness of the underlying tracker with little speed drop.
TALLFormer: Temporal Action Localization with Long-memory Transformer
- Authors: Feng Cheng, Gedas Bertasius
- Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
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- Abstract Most modern approaches in temporal action localization divide this problem into two parts: (i) short-term feature extraction and (ii) long-range temporal boundary localization. Due to the high GPU memory cost caused by processing long untrimmed videos, many methods sacrifice the representational power of the short-term feature extractor by either freezing the backbone or using a very small spatial video resolution. This issue becomes even worse with the recent video transformer models, many of which have quadratic memory complexity. To address these issues, we propose TALLFormer, a memory-efficient and end-to-end trainable Temporal Action Localization transformer with Long-term memory. Our long-term memory mechanism eliminates the need for processing hundreds of redundant video frames during each training iteration, thus, significantly reducing the GPU memory consumption and training time. These efficiency savings allow us (i) to use a powerful video transformer-based feature extractor without freezing the backbone or reducing the spatial video resolution, while (ii) also maintaining long-range temporal boundary localization capability. With only RGB frames as input and no external action recognition classifier, TALLFormer outperforms previous state-of-the-art methods by a large margin, achieving an average mAP of 59.1% on THUMOS14 and 35.6% on ActivityNet-1.3. The code will be available in
Monitoring social distancing with single image depth estimation
- Authors: Alessio Mingozzi, Andrea Conti, Filippo Aleotti, Matteo Poggi, Stefano Mattoccia
- Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
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- Abstract The recent pandemic emergency raised many challenges regarding the countermeasures aimed at containing the virus spread, and constraining the minimum distance between people resulted in one of the most effective strategies. Thus, the implementation of autonomous systems capable of monitoring the so-called social distance gained much interest. In this paper, we aim to address this task leveraging a single RGB frame without additional depth sensors. In contrast to existing single-image alternatives failing when ground localization is not available, we rely on single image depth estimation to perceive the 3D structure of the observed scene and estimate the distance between people. During the setup phase, a straightforward calibration procedure, leveraging a scale-aware SLAM algorithm available even on consumer smartphones, allows us to address the scale ambiguity affecting single image depth estimation. We validate our approach through indoor and outdoor images employing a calibrated LiDAR + RGB camera asset. Experimental results highlight that our proposal enables sufficiently reliable estimation of the inter-personal distance to monitor social distancing effectively. This fact confirms that despite its intrinsic ambiguity, if appropriately driven single image depth estimation can be a viable alternative to other depth perception techniques, more expensive and not always feasible in practical applications. Our evaluation also highlights that our framework can run reasonably fast and comparably to competitors, even on pure CPU systems. Moreover, its practical deployment on low-power systems is around the corner.