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Button recognition for autonomous elevator operation

A Novel OCR-RCNN for Elevator Button Recognition

by Delong Zhu at Robotics, Perception, and AI Laboratory, CUHK

A more efficient and accurate model, Cascaded OCR-RCNN, as well as the BUTTON DATASET, is available now, A dataset_statistics.py in the utils folder is also provided for dataset manipulation.


OCR-RCNN is designed for elevator button recognition task based on Faster RCNN, which includes a Region Proposal Network (RPN), an Object Detection Network and a Character Recognition Network. This framework aims to help solve inter-floor navigation problem of service robots.

In this package, a button recognition service is implemented based on a trained OCR-RCNN model. The service takes a raw image as input and returns the detection, localization and character recognition results. Besides, a Multi-Tracker is also implemented, which utilizes the outputs of recognition service to initialize the tracking process, yielding an on-line detection performance.

If you find it helpful to your project, please consider cite our paper:

  title={A Novel OCR-RCNN for Elevator Button Recognition},
  author={Zhu, Delong and Li, Tingguang and Ho, Danny and Zhou, Tong and Meng, Max QH},
  booktitle={2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)},
  author={D. {Zhu} and Y. {Fang} and Z. {Min} and D. {Ho} and M. Q. . -H. {Meng}},
  journal={IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics}, 
  title={OCR-RCNN: An Accurate and Efficient Framework for Elevator Button Recognition}, 


  1. Requirements
  2. Preparation
  3. Demonstration


  1. Ubuntu 14.04
  2. ROS indigo
  3. TensorFlow 1.4.1
  4. OpenCV 3.4.1
  5. GPU: GTX Titan X
    • with a total memory of 12288MB


  1. Download the OCR-RCNN model and put it in the folder elevator_button_recognition/src/button_recognition/ocr_rcnn_model/
  2. Run cd elevator_button_recognition and run catkin_init_workspace
  3. Run catkin_make -j[thread_number]
  4. Run source elevator_button_recognition/devel/setup.bash or add the command to '~/.bashrc'
  5. (Optional) add the path of ocr-rcnn mode to launch file at elevator_button_recognition/src/button_recognition/launch
  6. (Optional) add the path of test samples to launch file at elevator_button_recognition/src/button_tracker/launch
  • If image_only == true, three panel images in src/button_tracker/test_samples will be tested.
  • If image_only == false, a video in src/button_tracker/test_samples will be tested.


  1. Run roslaunch button_recognition button_recognition.launch to launch the recognition service, which recieves a sensor_msgs/CompressedImage as input and return a recog_result (self-defined) type of response.
  2. Run roslaunch button_tracker button_tracker.launch to launch the tracking node, where the recognition service is called to initialize a 'Multi-Tracker`.
  • The simplest KCF tracker is used in this implementation.
  • Change the multi-tracker to single-tracker will further increase the processing speed.
  1. Two demo-images are listed as follows. They are screenshots from two Youtube videos. Recognition results are visualized at the center of each bounding box.

Image Source: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQpEYpg1kLg&t=8s]

Image Source: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1bTibYQjTo&t=9s]

  1. Two demo-videos are also provided. The first one is a composition video, where each frame is processed off-line, then composed to a complete video. This video shows us the recognition performance of OCR-RCNN in an untrained elevator. The second one is a real-time video, where the OCR-RCNN and a Multi-Tracker is utilized to carry out on-line recognition task. As we can see, although the tracker can help increase the recognition speed, its accuracy and robustness are worse than the off-line version. So, it is crucial to further improve the OCR-RCNN's time efficiency in the next stage!

Processed by OCR-RCNN off-line Processed by OCR-RCNN off-line

Processed by OCR-RCNN and KCF tracker on-line Processed by OCR-RCNN and KCF tracker on-line.