
Results 65 comments of 吊不可言

> > 打开蓝牙高速模式 > > 这个指的是硬件打开高速模式吗?还是说App可以打开蓝牙设备的高速模式啊? > > 还想问一下,我和硬件沟通过了,他修改了硬件,现在可以成功修改mtu了。我把mtu设置为247,splitWriteNum设置为244,这样的话传输速率大概在13kb/s,请问这样的速率是正常的吗? 正常的,低功耗蓝牙透传速度差不多

Hello, I also encountered a similar problem. Import cannot be used in Es5, and the exception similar to that reported by you cannot be used with require

那个库的模板也挺好的 考虑搬过来

> 该项目不能直接使用 android NDK 构建。如果你真的想要,注释掉一些 android 特定的 ifdef 块应该相当简单(它们包含仅在 android 平台代码库中构建的代码,而不是 NDK)。 2.0.1 fail

> I have debugged the Java library you mentioned, and its mirroring function is ok. I have already implemented the screen mirroring function of the Android server (like appleTV is...

[i fork and update java-airplay lib ](https://github.com/zhubinsheng/AirplayAndroidReceiver),can recieve video and audio, and decode aac i use [this](https://github.com/zhubinsheng/ffmpeg_fdk_aac) , Not merged yet

hellow ,qaqhow to fix

use ijkplayer play rtsp, if seek will logcat "RTP: dropping old packet received too late\n"

need add this ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/44765143/169691516-e07b5503-187d-4e3c-a67e-01349a773f0e.png)

anybody fix this?