that sounds good. BTW, if you are located at United States, I could send one board to you to test. But looks you are not.
Quick update, just tried to program the TE0711(same SOM) with TE0703 carrier board https://wiki.trenz-electronic.de/display/PD/TE0703+TRM , instead of utilizing Digilent's programer, I could successfully program the Flash without any issue. Our...
After a long day try, I think I found the reason why system persist me flash the QSPI flash. Last night try was success because I used a new FPGA...
Glad could contribute little bit. It is very interesting to know how Xilinx JTAG could flash QSPI event if it pin maintains the configuration logic access `BITSTREAM.CONFIG. PERSIST YES`. Last...
Just an idea about how could bypass it. Is the STARTUPE3 primitive could help to prevent those i/o been persisted? https://www.xilinx.com/support/documentation/user_guides/ug570-ultrascale-configuration.pdf page 115 is showing the STARTUPE3 is have `DI/DO/DTS`...
谢谢回复,有没有具体的文档或者设置方法?> 开启长回复就行。前端有个配置,监测到长度限制就会continue
我是用synology的docker直接部署从docker hub上下载的image, 从这个[说明里最后一行](https://github.com/Chanzhaoyu/chatgpt-web/blob/639152f9872f92b71e13ebdaa6fe03eceddc2e11/README.md#%E5%89%8D%E7%AB%AF%E7%BD%91%E9%A1%B5): 说:接口每次返回的内容是有长度限制的,可以修改根目录下.env文件中的VITE_GLOB_OPEN_LONG_REPLY字段,将其设置为true,重新编译前端即可开启长回复功能,即可返回全部的内容。需要注意的是,使用此功能可能带来较多的API使用费用。 我是不是简单的添加环境变量还不行,他让我重新编译前端,有没有可能是由于我需要重新生成一个image?