I configure activeDeadlineSeconds:1800 in cnb image. when it tigger a build, there is a mount issue happen so the build pod is stay in `Pending`. I wish the build can...
the cnb image spec like ``` spec: source: blob: url: https://879e7b27b2fb43bc9e5d4eab.blob.core.windows.net/c14d5d844ac74c7aa65823e197533444/2024042303-c53e86a6-925b-4d2f-a303-f035c45e530e ```
We need to pass some enviroment into build pod initcontainer For example, it will [VerifyWriteAccess](https://github.com/buildpacks-community/kpack/blob/main/cmd/build-init/main.go#L133C20-L133C37) in build-init initcontainer or validating registry read access in analyzer initcontainer, similar validate operations exist...