I got error, when using 3D U-Net, please clone this repo to check: https://github.com/wolny/pytorch-3dunet I use pytorch 1.9.0 Look at this repo. First change the file_paths item in ./resources/train_config_dice.yaml, with...
So, how to calculate mAP on COCO with this repo ?
@JisuiWang remain OutOfRangeError
@yangxue0827 Hi, if I want to train on Pascal VOC, what should I do to fix this error..?
@yangxue0827 @JisuiWang Solved!That is because some of my xmls contain no object.
I solved it. What I said maybe amazing but it really works to me. (1) Install VCForPython27.msi (2) Add `VS90COMNTOOLS` env var, and assign it `D:\vs2015\Common7\Tools\` (maybe other version VS...
So.. I haven't known what should do when successfully run commond `python setup.py install` So, the next problem is how to complie fast rcnn on Windows, isn't it?
@vabrishami Could you kindly post your method on how to compile fast rcnn on Windows?
Thank you !