Excuse me, have anyone tested the data sets in euroc? I used to work in vins_ Mobile, but The average error of V1_01_easy running vins_mobile reached 0.305954m, and then in...
Hello, have you encountered this problem? How to solve this I am ios13 version, tested on iPhone6s Message from debugger: Terminated due to memory issue CGImageCreate: invalid image alphaInfo: KCGImageAlphaNone....
Hello, I ran this project and encountered that the pangolin only visualized the current keyframe, but the points, keyframe trajectories and line landmarks were not visualized? Any answers are greatly...
您好,想向您请教一下 detect_3d_cuboid模块计算物体的位姿过程中,transToWolrd 我用作者硬编码的数据 能算出来kitti05 kitti07 第一帧物体的位姿,并能投影到图片上,只不过偏差大一点。 但是transToWolrd
Hello, the Rot in detect_cuboid.m is to transform the point of the camera coordinates to the point of the world coordinates. What should it be for kitti data? I use...
Hello, I encountered the following error when compiling on macos big sur. /Users/opt/anaconda3/envs/ROS/include/eigen3/Eigen/src/Core/arch/Default/BFloat16.h:478:11: error: reference to unresolved using declaration return (isinf)(float(a)); ^ /Users/opt/anaconda3/envs/ROS/bin/../include/c++/v1/cmath:324:1: note: using declaration annotated with 'using_if_exists' here...
I am running on a docker image, using ORBSLAM3 ROS Front-End and COVINS Server Back-End (not COVINS-G). The computer is MSI GP68HX, i9-13950HX rtx4060 16G. I found that on MH_01...