Zhitao Li

Results 46 comments of Zhitao Li

You may need see src/CONTRIBUTING_HOWTO.txt to submit a patch.

Thanks for you reply. The [patch](https://gerrithub.io/c/ffilz/nfs-ganesha/+/1172192) has been submitted via gerrithub.

Hi @ffilz , thanks for you review at [patch](https://gerrithub.io/c/ffilz/nfs-ganesha/+/1172192). The patch has been waiting for the vote from Gluster Community Jenkins for many days. What can I do to move...

The bug is fixed by the [commit](https://github.com/nfs-ganesha/nfs-ganesha/commit/9b353349fb08da49ab646fbaaff027d788175727)

What is the meaning of "while running cthon in loop"?

Yeah, we do use async read/write in the FSAL of our developing distributed file system. ``` void (*write2)(struct fsal_obj_handle *obj_hdl, bool bypass, fsal_async_cb done_cb, struct fsal_io_arg *write_arg, void *caller_arg); void...

Can we add a simple throttling algorithm by set a limit on the total number of inflight requests? If it exceeds threshold, the thread blocks there. The algorithm is effective...

Is there any plan to add throttling mechanism into nfs-ganesha?

> Can we add a simple throttling algorithm by set a limit on the total number of inflight requests? If it exceeds threshold, the thread blocks there. The algorithm is...

I agree with you about that it is better to add throttling mechanism into FSAL layer than global scope. Our goal is to avoid the case where nfs-ganesha takes up...