Zhenhua Wang

Results 56 comments of Zhenhua Wang

@crazySyaoran Glad to hear that you resolved this issue! I was assuming the two inputs of PReLU have the same rank, but they should be broadcastable. I think we can...

@thiagocrepaldi Thank you for reminding me. Unfortunately, I am not familiar with GridSample. Could check if the author of the GridSample spec to help to address this issue?

Hi guys, this seems to be broken. Need to setup `enabled: false` now. I can workaround it but it would be great to fix it. And, thanks for the awesome...

@erfaneshrati @rocco-haro @wuyunnben Thank you for your patient. The release will happen in one month.

Guys, thank you for your patient! Please check the latest TensorRT 8.5.1 release. You can find the header description here: https://github.com/NVIDIA/TensorRT/blob/main/include/NvInfer.h#L1442

Closing this issue since this feature has been released. Feel free to reopen if any further questions. Thanks!

Hi @PhaniShekhar Could you please help to share the link to the ONNX model?

@isaacraf95 @bmfire1 @PhaniShekhar Could you please share your ONNX model? You may narrow down to a minimal reproducible model if you want. Thanks!

@isaacraf95 It seems your model violates the constraint of TensorRT. Are you seeing erros like this? ``` [03/14/2023-06:34:47] [E] [TRT] ModelImporter.cpp:776: ERROR: ModelImporter.cpp:195 In function parseGraph: [6] Invalid Node -...